Natalie Cuomo

Funny female comedian is one of those misnomers like honest politician or working royal and US comedian Natalie Cuomo didn’t do the sisterhood any favours when a rant at a gig in Washington D.C. went viral earlier this month.

Now, I don’t know anything about her material which I’m assuming is about as funny as a ballbag in a zipper, but this was about her response to a heckler in the audience. She suggested a man and his friend sat in the audience were a gay couple, he objected and she called him ‘afraid’ of being called gay he then said it wasn’t his fault she didn’t have better material.

Cue full on girl boss mental feminazi rant, screaming inches from his face, “There’s so many people coming together to be supportive. No, look me in the eyes! You’re putting fucking negative energy out there! This is the last show of my fucking weekend, look me in the fucking eyes! Its a sold-out show and you want to say mean shit to me? Don’t fucking do that!”. Ok, someone needs a chamomile tea in the greenroom.

YouTube 1.

Being heckled is part of the deal, a comedians quick wits and ability to think on their feet and make hecklers look a fool in front of the rest of the audience shows their skills as a comic. This was neither funny or clever, just a brattish tantrum over some fairly tame criticism. “When they put teeth in your mouth they spoiled a perfectly good bum” – Billy Connolly. Now that’s a riposte Natalie.

Needless to say if this had been a man screaming in a woman’s face it would have been a hate crime and he would have never darkened a stage again.

A bonus link of an actual funny and rather attractive woman.

They do exist!

YouTube 2.

Nominated by : Liberal Liquidator

78 thoughts on “Natalie Cuomo

  1. We let them have the vote, we let them have the driving license, … and look where that’s gotten society (i.e. this nommed cunt) ; they’re even allowed fly aeroplanes these days for fucks sake! C’mon Donald, get the marker out, man…put an end to this insanity …


    Some cucks in the tiny audience found he tantrum worthy of whoops and clapping, by the way…

    • “They’re even allowed fly aeroplanes these days for fuck’s sake!”

      I’ve known a number of highly competent (white) female commercial pilots Cuntemall. Tell you what, I’d sooner be a passenger with one of them in the left-hand seat than any male from Bongo-bongo land.

    • White knighting for them doesn’t mean they’ll let you fuck them Arfur.

      Women should be kept in cages and only let out for, ahem, exercise.

  2. I used to go quite regularly to a small comedy club and the acts on the whole were quite good and even had some fairly well know names, one week they had Hattie Hayridge (Holly from Red Dwarf) on the bill.

    She was fucking terrible, material and delivery, the audience were very patient and tried to pretend she was funny given her cult status but it was 30 minutes of having your teeth pulled without anaesthetic.

    This Cuomo woman seems to be on the edge of insanity, I think the guy in the audience would have been entitled to call her a psycho bitch 😂

    • My Younger went to see her too.
      She said it was painful to watch, she left at the interval.

      Where’s the big hook when you need it?

      I find most female comics shrill and trying too hard.

  3. Another angle on the “don’t you know who I am?” tantrum of minor soap stars and Mike Amesbury’s of this world. I daresay the daft cow was on the blob.

  4. Can’t stand the yankie twang, shouting without subtlety. The audience make it even worse by laughing at fuck all with monkey sounds for good measure. I did have a favourite from over there. Bill Hicks, who stood out to be their best and still is in my opinion.

  5. Here is a tip for miss comb-over, tattoo or magic marker some jokes on the inside of your arms, for when you run out of material.

    Trust me it can’t look any worse than the nursery school doodles you already have..
    I’m sure one of them is the count from sesame Street..
    One, one comedian with a yeast infection.

    • A Mystery to me my woman litter themselves in tattoos. I watch a lot of porn and always turned off by the ones covered in ink. Can’t see the point. Arms full of it as though they’ve been on the farm turning a cows calf. Their shapely legs completely ruined. They will look a right mess in old age, especially if needing some sort of aid to get around.

      • My ? Why.
        Wouldn’t it be amusing if spunk was the antidote for the removal of tattoos and even funnier if only taken orally.

  6. I’ve noticed that shit shows like the self-congratulatory House of Games nearly always include a female comedian (or more accurately a comedienne) in their contestants.
    I can’t recognise any of them!

    Correction: Rosie Jones was on it a while ago.Her delivery always has me in stitches .

  7. So that’s what passes for ‘comedy’ these days, is it?

    What is funny is that in 30 years time she’ll look like she’s covered in bruises and varicose veins, the stupid bitch.

  8. A hundred million sperm, and you were the quickest…. There’s no justice.

    A riposte to a heckler from Dave Spikey.

    This little bitch is like all her kind. Can’t get her way? Have a tantrum. Any sort of criticism? Throw an eppy. Anyone disagrees with her? They are Hitler.

    This slag is not even remotely funny. Not naturally funny, and not even funny with writers behind her. There have been some fine American comics over the years. Bill Hicks, Dennis Leary, Richard Pryor, Don Rickles, Frank Gorshin, George Carlin, Doug Stanhope. But ones like this daft tart are about as funny as Gonorrhoea.

  9. People say Victoria Wood ‘funny’. I found her about as funny as toothache.
    Dawn French in Dibley raised the odd chuckle i suppose.

    • Strange you mention Victoria Wood. I found the late, pudding-bowl hairstyled Ms Wood about as funny as jock itch. She was popular, I give her that, but funny? She didn’t make me laugh once.

      • Friend of mine who was born and raised in Lancashire said he was baffled by the adulation afforded to her. He said she was just like thousands of women of her generation he had known.

    • I watched the clip and she managed to shut the fucker up. Yes it would have been better if she’d kept her cool and made him look a right twat. Is she funny? I wouldn’t know. The last comedienne who made me laugh was…………..I can’t remember one.

      • I would have been filled in by the bouncers before being slung out if the silly bitch had kicked off at me like that.

      • I’d of kept heckling her.😁

        ” You’ll have to hurry up luv,
        They’ve got a comedian coming on in a bit”

        “Hey luv ,luv! Tell us a joke!”

        See how far I could push her

  10. Never heard of her, The last funny comedienne imo was Una Stubbs. I also liked Elaine Stritch and Carol Channing. Prunella Scales and Julie Walters used to be funny. None of them had tattoos as far as I recall. Must be a coincidence.

    Good afternoon, everyone.

  11. Mario, Andrew, Chris…in America, if your name is Cuomo you’re a cunt. Despite the shared name, she claims not to be related to any of them.

    “I’m not related to Andrew Cuomo! My uncle did sexually harass someone but he’s not the governor.”

  12. Some women are funny.

    But I’ve never seen a funny female comedienne.

    Not one.

    French & Saunders? Absolutely shite.

    But the worst was that pudding bowl headed cunt Victoria wood.👎

    Now it does me no favours as a human being and I’m ashamed of myself but when she died I felt overwhelming relief.

    My only regret?
    That I wasn’t there to watch and scrawl CUNT on her rapidly cooling forehead.

    Get fucked 🖕

    • My former partners sisters flat overlooked Victoria Woods garden in Highgate, you could have easily thrown shit at her from the fire escape 😂

    • Victoria Wood was indeed shite.
      Stupid songs about dieting and other daft wimmins crap.

      French and Saunders were diabolically painful shit
      When they did that series with Rubt Wax and Tracy Ullman,it was like a turd from the depths of Hell.

      Jo Brand being the worst ever though. Cakes, men. Men, cakes amd err cakes and ummm men. A fucking sinkhole of a cunt.

      Joan Rivers could be a funny vindicitve old bitch at times though.

  13. Off topic but ze Germans have elected a right fanny into power.
    Merz is against the AfD and a green power advocate.

    He’s basically Angela Merkels henpecked husband.

    Come on you fuckin sausage sucking goosesteppers!
    Get some bollocks!

    • I thought there might have been a military coup in the Fatherland, when that bitch Merkel was destroying the place.

      And, this new one will probably fill an already overrun German with sandfilth and spear rattlers. None of the German froends that have voted for this cunt.

      • And, this new one will probably fill an already overrun Germany with sandfilth and spear rattlers. None of the German friends that I have voted for this cunt.

  14. OT. But I am sick of putting on every news channel and seeing that cunt Zelensky.

    He’s a head of state, yet he never wears a suit or tie
    I know these Eastern European types are known for their slovenly ways and bad taste. But he’d have met our late Queen, and the cunt would still be in T-Shirt and combat keks. The fucking classless cunt.

      • Because he is…according to the delusional…a modern day Washington like Father of his Country and the living incarnation of the Churchillian Statesman.

        In reality he’s a pissant wannabe dictator and a shameless grifter.

        Fuck him and his Tommy Hilfiger fatigues!

      • At least he’s stopped playing the piano with his cock.

        Little man syndrome, buckets if it. Prick.

      • Playing piano with his cock seems a bit small-time when you consider the other protagonists in the tale consist of a closeted homo with autism and compulsive liar with a fondness for having whores piss on him.

  15. This Cuomo bird would have been quite fuckable had she’d not covered herself in tattoos like some drunken Dutch trawlerman and sought electro-convulsive shock therapy for the batchiness.

    I would then have considered polishing her teeth with my sausage.

    • I’d definitely do her!
      Think she’s horny!

      The tattoos don’t bother me,
      Her yank accent is a turn off though.

      I’d fuck her with her head in a bucket of water

      • You’d have to make it a quickie Mis. If you were still going when the bubbles had stopped coming up you’d get in trouble.

      • Dunno about you pair but when I was young I found it a bit frustrating when penetration was followed immediately by ejaculation. Didn’t happen too often and at least it was a good reason for seconds a few minutes later.

  16. O/T, but all the major bookmakers have opened betting on who will be the next Pope.

    Fuck me, the current one isn’t even dead yet, talk about vultures gathering.

      • Christ almighty Barry, I can’t think of a suitable comment. The man must be thick as pig shit. Our cat knows more.

      • Lammy is the man who says there are no Police on the streets as one is standing in the street behind him. He also thinks that the successor to Henry VIII was Henry VII.

        He is a typical, low IQ DEI hire.

  17. Imagine a modern version of The Comedians?!!!

    Be awful.😥
    Just terrible.

    Bernard Manning, Frank Carson, Colin Crompton, Ken Goodwin,
    Charlie Williams, Duggie Brown etc
    The 70s version was brilliant ❤️

    As was the wheeltapper and shunters club.

    Now it’d be some Oxford student bedwetter, a cripple, and some lezzy going on about Tampax.

    😩 Weary.

    People are too easily offended.
    Crybaby fuckers.
    Thumb suckers.

    As Morrissey said ‘ that joke isn’t funny anymore ‘…

  18. All this heat on poor Victoria Wood?

    Yeah, she was the epitome of middle-england, play-it-safe chortling but for the love of Christ!

    How has nobody mentioned Miranda Hart!?

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