Wikipedia [3]

Let’s have a Dr. Joseph Goebbels Cunting for the left wing propaganda outlet known as Wikipedia.

Promoted as an unbiased internet repository of objective information collected by a variety of contributors, many of us have known for years that Wiki-fucking-pedia is anything but unbiased.

Well now the world knows it:


It seems that if you don’t tow the Left’s accepted viewpoint your information is banned, and you are blacklisted and unable to contribute to Wiki-fucking-pedia. This ensures that only the “correct” version of things will be allowed.

So in effect, the millions of Lemmings worldwide who go there are fed a Leftist Party Line of bullshit that would make Dr. Goebbels proud.

Well now it’s out in the open and it will be interesting to see what the enemies of truth have to say about this revelation.

No doubt it will be spun as a right wing assault on the truth, promoted by racists, white supremacists and of course Trump and QAnon conspiracists.

But to the point…more and more if we want to know the truth we must avoid the Establishment / Institutional Informational complex (including he MSM) and look to alternative media sources.

The sooner we do the quicker we’ll be able to banish the Neo-Marxist Brave New One Green World Caliphaters to the outhouse of history.

By the way…how many of you find the term blacklisted to be racist? Shouldn’t blacklisted mean preferential inclusion regardless of factual accuracy? Any opinion contrary to the Left’s orthodox dogma should be whitelisted regardless of its validity and therefore, excluded.

Nominated by : General Cuntster

59 thoughts on “Wikipedia [3]

  1. Good cunting Herr General. I did have occasion to visit it recently as I was looking for information on the zany but deceased comedian Billy Dainty. Fuck knows why. Anyway, it provided some bumf, but I don’t know if any of it was true or not as I couldn’t be arsed to cross-check it with another source. This is what the bastards at Wikipedia rely on – lazy cunts like me taking their shit as gospel. I never knew Billy Dainty was a black transgender hero of the former USSR. You are never too old to learn!

    Good afternoon, everyone.

  2. Good cunting indeed!

    On the subject of The Donald, an I the only one out there throughly enjoying the fact he’s outed Zelensky for the duplicitous cunt that he is?

    • WTF …
      It’s long been touted that Donald is only in it for himself, but he could take lessons from Zelenskyy!!
      Maybe, when Zelenskyy has resigned and fucked off (which surely he will), some truths will emerge.

      • Over the weekend, pundits on (conservative) American TV claimed Volo’s personal wealth is in excess of $1 BILLION!

        To be sure Left Wing organizations have rushed to “fact check” those claims and “debunk” them as right wing propaganda.

        Current estimates are that the US has sent over $350 billion to Ukraine…most of which is unaccounted for.

        Volo himself said he only knows of $100 billion so obviously there is something amiss.

        While I have no way of knowing, my guess is that Volo has siphoned off some seriously major buckage and squirrelled it away in some off shore accounts.

        I’m guessing he has pallets of greenbacks too.

      • Well, I’m enjoying it for a start.

        Big Don isn’t perfect. But how that cunt Zelensky is seen as some sort of saint is head bending.

        And, that ‘scruffy’ appearance doesn’t fool me. The cunt lives like a fucking emperor and in absolute luxury. And his Mrs makes Imelda Mrcos look like Hilda Ogden.

    • Nope!

      I absolutely love that Trump has called this con man out.

      Beyond calling him out, there are reports in the American press that after the big televised dust up, Volo and his gang wanted to continue but Trump sent Rubio to tell him to leave NOW.

      The reports are that Volo and his gang were shocked.

      Some MSN outlets are reporting that Volo met with a “bipartisan” group of Senators for over an hour before he met with Trump. Reports are vague and vary on who attended and what was said:

      For the record, of the 3 Senators listed, Klobuchar and Coons are highly partisan Leftists Democrats and Lindsey Graham is the quintessential RINO / Establishment / Uni-party Hack

      • Lindsay Graham; …so deep in the closet he’s left Narnia in the rear view (ooh … err) mirror.

    • No you’re not.

      Zelensky carries on as if all the other nations should just keep putting their hands in their pockets to keep funding a war Ukraine can’t win. The longer the war goes on, the more people die and the more Ukrainian infrastructure is laid waste. Knowing you can’t win but carrying on anyway is a tad irresponsible. Negotiation is the only way this war will end and after 3 years no one is trying to broker that apart from Trump. But of course, he’s the bad guy. Yawn.

      I’m quite sure the man who literally wrote the art of the deal knows what he’s doing. Remember early on when Zelensky was effectively in hiding to avoid being assassinated by Russian spooks? He’d show up every now and then in full combat gear, do a quick photo op, then disappear again. Remember? Find it odd that he’s now so brazen to effectively do world tours talking up funding his stupid fucking war? How times have changed.

      The war is a money laundering scheme which the protagonists don’t want to end. The fact Trump did what he did and then 2TK turned around and did the exact opposite says much about the diplomatic ties between the UK and US. 2TK has no mandate to give away UK taxpayers’ money to fund foreign wars. It’s despicable.

      • Hey IY,

        I’m always a fan of your posts, but I gotta say…that’s one of your best ever.

      • Nail on the head, IY:

        “2TK has no mandate to give away UK taxpayers’ money to fund foreign wars. It’s despicable.”

        Especially when the UK is now on the bones of its arse after last October’s £40Bn squeeze and Rachel from complaints will be looking to ratchet taxes up even more come the Spring Statement. 2TK will be giving it away to Zelensky faster than Rachel can squeeze it out of us.

      • Good point Sir, the British government paid back the majority of money owing for lend lease, I think the last payment was made in 2006? Zelenskyy has trousered over 130 billion dollars from the USA and is probably the reason why our cuntish government is culling pensioners. Now big Donald has told Europe to fuck off and fight your own battles to the great appreciation of Putin. Suddenly everyone’s running round in be shitted underpants wondering if they dare take a little bit of dosh from the woke and lgbfdserw funding to buy a few rifles and boots. Getting really exciting

      • It’s so boring hearing the usual ‘Trump is always right’ bull from people desperate to find any kind of excuse for him. This is the man – I hesitate to use that word – who said that Zelenskyy was a dictator and that Ukraine attacked Russia. Anyone who would even try to pretend that’s true needs psychiatric help. He also accused Zelenskyy of refusing to hold elections when nobody, not even this country, ever did that in wartime, and said that his popularity rating was 4%, when in fact it’s 57%.
        In other words, Donald Trump is a lying shithouse, and that won’t come as a surprise to many. He wants to con Ukraine out of their rare earth minerals by promising aid they’ll never get, which will allow his buddy Putin to tidy up in the east and march on Kiev. Then he will claim he personally brought an end to the war because of his inventiveness and wisdom, when in fact it would be because of his greed and betrayal.
        After the inestimable number of bullets that have been fired over the last three years, it’s a sobering thought that just two more well-placed shots could put an end to all the problems occurring at either end of Europe.

      • Technically speaking Z is a dictator, in that he’s suspended elections whilst remaining in power, has loaded the courts, is trying to ban the Orthodox Church, has had political opponents assassinated, some on foreign soil, banned certain media companies, newspapers, TV channels etc, needs investigation over missing billions and consistently lies to his people about yet another ‘final push’, see Spring offensive.

        He’s not a politician. He’s not a military man. Yet he’s larping at both. He’s a second rate comedian that thinks wearing women’s clothes and playing the piano with his dick is entertaining.

        He’s done. All he can do now is sign the peace deal and piss off with everybody else’s money to live in exile, hoping the russkis forget about him. They won’t.

        He should have known, regardless of whatever bullshit the fat spastic Boris said to him, that to engage balls deep in a war with a superpower without the direct military intervention of another would lead to devastating defeat and NATO and US were never going to risk WWIII over what is effectively a third world shithole of zero strategic value.

        Trump is a twat btw. An amusing one, but it is astonishing that America ended up with a gameshow host as President. What is even more mindblowing is that he is considerably better than Kamaltoe and infinitely better than the last moron.

  3. I don’t get upset by Wikipedia.
    It left wing bias hardly bothers me at all ,
    Most things have a left wing bias nowadays.

    I put it down to race mixing.

    Try not to get upset by it.
    Dry your eyes,
    Look it up in a book and carry on.

    As you were.

      • One example of Wikpedia’s accuracy…

        The 1985 American TV series The Equalizer, which starred Edward Woodward. True enough.

        But, Wikipedia also said the series also starred Micky Dolenz (of Monkees fame) and Dermot Morgan (Father Ted). Neither of them ever appeared in the series.

      • Norm,

        You should edit the Wiki page yourself and add Shakin’ Stevens, if only to see it for a few seconds before some killjoy takes it down.

  4. Don’t these faux librarian cunts keep getting the begging bowl out,just like those bent cunts at the Guardian?

    Fuck knows but they’ve never stopped me looking at lists of Roman legions or Waffen SS divisions.

    I suppose if I had any regard for modern topics then I’d be quite cross with the sobbing faģgōts.

    Not to worry,Oven.

  5. Leo Kearse pointed out something the other day which I thought was sharp.

    The US aid sent to Ukraine said to be in excess of $300 billion.

    Who says so?

    The US.

    He said ” this is in the USs old ordinance mainly ( like that left for the ragheads in Afghanistan)

    Leo said

    ” I could give you my old Nissan Micra and say it’s worth 300billion
    I didn’t pay that for it though.”

    Rule number 1) Never trust a politician

    • We’ll never find out the true amount sent, let alone the amount siphoned off, but the effect of the assistance is clear: American weapon systems are allowing to greatly reduce the speed of the Russian advance, thus prolonging the unwinnable war.

      Ukraine are not gonna win, never in a million years. They will run out of bullets before Russia runs out peasants.

      More precisely, the Ukraine will, in fact currently is, running out of peasants themselves. At the end of it all, Putin will still be in power, Zelensky won’t. Ukraine will be in possession of not one square yard of Russian soil, Russia will own huge swathes of mineral rich, former Ukrainian land. Furthermore, the utter decimation of the demographic vital to prosperous and stable society in the Ukraine leaves Ukraine a sitting duck for future attacks and a prime candidate for civil collapse and possible bloody revolution.

      Did I mention their infrastructure?

      Zelensky is a moron who has sacrificed his own people and land for his pathetic ego, a disgusting manlet that will be hated and vilified in his own country in the not too distant future.

  6. Oh, everything is racist these days. Everything is about them.

    An Australian bloke named C*on (his real name) made a cheese with the same name. It’s still a very popular brand down under. But, the liberal lefty loons want the name of the cheese changed because it’s ‘racist’.

    And, this is as absolute corker…

    One ‘academic’ cunt said the Star Wars villain Darth Vader was racist.
    Why? Because his armour was black, and because they got a black actor (James Earl Jones) to do the voice. Therefore, a fictional character who is half man and half machine and from another world is a slur on black men.

    As Anthony Newley said, ‘Stop the world, I fucking want to get off.’

  7. US pentagon chief Pete Hegseth has ordered US counterintelligence to stop all focus on Russian cyber attacks.

    Wonder why? 🤔

  8. It’s parking Stanley Christmas.

    Fireworks all over the bloody place.

    Can’t take dog out because he hates them. 🤬

  9. I’m sick to the back teeth watching black cunts in the football, due to the FA Cup being on daily at the moment. Its due to me not used to seeing any of these twats of colour in the small town I live. That’s my rant over.

    • Nottingham Florist are on at the moment. Cloughie would never have put up with the pansy wank on display this evening.

  10. Off topic but not really as it deals with liberal misinformation.

    This is a great breakdown of what actually happened between President Trump, VP Vance and Volo the Grifter. It includes in-depth video, pre-meeting information and the Democrat involvement I alluded to earlier.

    At 20 minutes it’s a bit long but worthwhile to anyone interested in what actually happened as well as the usual clueless few.

    Trump / Vance
    America First
    Immediate Ceasefire

  11. 5% of the worlds critical raw minerals are in Ukraine.

    Roughly under the boots of the North Korean troops in the land taken.

    19m tonnes of graphite ( used in electric vehicles) proven by geological survey

    7% of Europes supply of titanium ( used in aerocraft manufacturing and
    Power stations.
    Also a third of all lithium used to make batteries.

    And surprisingly uranium and beryllium used in nuclear warheads.

    Deposits of copper, lead, zinc, silver, nickel, cobalt and manganese are also there.

    Icing on the cake!!!

    Bet that’s a right prize?
    Worth fighting for……

      • Talking of valuable minerals, did you ever go gold panning in Scotland or wherever it was you were talking about Mis?

      • Not yet LL, meant to be going this summer.

        Got a gold pan, and a sieve, and gold fever.

        Know I’m not going to start another Klondike gold rush,
        But it’s more about the act than the finding gold.

        The royals have gold jewellery made from Welsh gold.
        No shit.
        You can pan for gold in Wales.
        Pan for gold pretty much anywhere there’s hills and streams.

        I want to be the most famous gold prospector in the Peak District.

        And a statue made of me.😁

      • Alright Thomas?👍

        Id like something a bit more ‘action’ and dynamic.

        Even seen the Angel of the North?

        Brilliant ❤️

        Something a bit like that,
        But I’m throwing open my raincoat and showing my semi hard winky?
        On top of a hill and when the wind picks up it acts like a wind chime?

        Maybe some small strategic holes along the length of my dong so it acts as a flute?

        And every times there’s a gale blowing and a lonely hiker is walking the moorland a beautiful flute solo plays on the wind and lures them in lay offerings of Kendal Mint cake at the feet of my terrible idol

    • ffs, just makes you want to puke.

      Has he forgot what they did to the Shah of Iran? What their ex-monarchy looks like now?

      Fucking idiot

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