Rhys Herbert

Rhys Herbert AKA Digga D isa cunt along with his well paid lawyer.

Mr Herbert makes the sort of “music” that makes one get violent purely by the sound of it. And makes his musical rivals get violent because of the choice words used.

As for his stage name I can only assume it is a play on the good old term spade as he certainly has not done any manual digging.

Young Mr Herbert got a fairly light sentence for massive amounts of what was probably “stardawg” lesser quality herbs given his previous but still, his lawyer is spouting prison is harming his musical career.

Absolute pisstake of the entire system, I would have sentenced him to removal of voicebox followed by some real digging.

ARY News. (Link provided by Cuntemall)

Nominated by : Cunt of the Isles

72 thoughts on “Rhys Herbert

  1. Here’s an idea for his next “album”..

    Carefully wrap the cunt and his lawyer in barbed wire then put them inside tractor tyres and roll them down a very large,steep hill..

    All the while recording the “soundtrack”..

    When gravity has done its work fling both the cunts into the Oven.

    Pick of the Pops.

    Fuck Off.

  2. Prison will harm his music career ….

    🎶 you’re having a laugh, you’re having a laugh🎶

    There is a pattern, all these Blicks who get caught by plod or get stabbed by another blick are all aspiring rap musicians.

  3. Is this shite still being forced upon us. It should’ve sailed out with the Ark. If you’re forcing your opinions on others in an angry way, it means you are talking bollocks.

    By the way. This cunt was done for importing drugs, not the annoying way the hamshanks explained it.

  4. The way that his brief pointed out in mitigation(?) that it was his first drugs offence. It really is in their genes. I posted before that I was in the large grassed area in one of his majesty’s guest houses one sunny summer’s afternoon when all the inmates were out of their cells standing around chatting in groups. Counting the two screws who were accompanying me there were three white men in the compound.

      • He’s a lengthy rap sheet I’m afraid, JP.
        Loitering with intent to use a pedestrian crossing, coughing without due care and attention, walking on the cracks in pavements, wearing a loud shirt in a built up area during the hours of darkness, smelling of foreign food and walking around with an offensive wife.
        The mans a menace to society, a real one man crime wave.

      • Yes, indeed Wanksock.

        I am personally devastated at the news that there may be no Digga D music for at least a year.

        I was hoping for all eternity!

  5. send the jigaboom to the American deep south, the klans would love to discuss his music and lifestyle over a jug of moon shine, they will even keep him warm with some burning wood in the shape of a cross, now trump is back I’m sure he will be welcomed with some good old boy southern hospitality, yeehaw Cletus, fire up the general lee..

  6. Three fucking wrist watches , check. A dozen large rings check. S 6 large chains that weigh a ton check. A hooded track suit check. As load of half naked tarts with enormous arses gyrating. And a load of noise peppered with ref to hoes , niggers and bitches what the fuck has happened to music

  7. OT. Another piece of ‘asylum seeker’ filth on the rampage in Germany again.
    But I bet the German media tell the people that ‘diversity is strength’.

    Just like they do to us here.

  8. OT Mk, II.

    What’s all this stuff about Fat Reg ‘not having long left’?
    Knowing what a melodramatic mincing cunt he is, he could be scenery chewing and playing the blubbering tantruming diva. As is his wont.

    Then again, could the Grim Reaper and the Big A have finally caught up with Reginald?

      • Well, Reg openly admitted that he still can’t fathom how he didn’t get AIDS alongside Freddie. Just a bloody lucky old poof, I suppose.

        Still probably nothing wrong with the blubbering fairy
        Just his usual over the top Viz Spoilt Bastard antics.

      • Apparently, he got an eye infection that has left him with blurry vision, so he “doesn’t know how much time he has left” before he can no longer see, and therefore no longer perform.

        First, he should know all the words by heart, as he’s been singing the same old shit for years.

        Second, who cares, you fat has been.

        Third, Stevie Wonder managed, you self pitying twat.

    • Indeed Mr. Cunt Engine.

      Crap autoflower weed, force grown, quick dried, never properly flushed through and never seen a curing jar.
      Always hybrids cross bred for the highest THC content.

      I’ll put money on that Digger D couldn’t tell you the difference between an indica, a sativa or a ruderalis.

      Mind you, he looks like he also couldn’t tell you the time on any of those three watches either.

      The thick twat.

  9. What happened to the concept of hard labour? They should have turds like this collecting all the rubbish on the side of our roads or picking turnips out of a field in the middle of winter. Teach them a bit of work ethic whilst contributing to society, something he has previously failed to do.

  10. I could have sworn I put a link on this but am less sure of where it came from, could have been another paywalled Telegraph one maybe.

    • You did. It was a ‘sign up or sign in’ effort, though, .. and the one above is ‘just’ a cookie’s yes/no but had the same story re: this cunt near word for word…

  11. Anything that halts the careers of these unwashed bastard is to be welcomed. I often wish the entire bloody pop world could be sent to penal servitude for a few years – a couple of years smashing rocks in the quarry on the moors. I don’t know how Cliff Richard and Paul McCartney will cope,

  12. Is Digga a midget?

    On the link he looks suspiciously like he’s got more than a hint of midgetism?

    I remember when negroids were musical.

    Sam Cooke he had a nice voice.
    Marvin Gaye could sing too.

    They’d wear the same outfits and a big pearly smile,
    And all dance in sequence.

    None of that now ☹️

    Just a crips and Bloods cacophony!
    Gangster stuff,

    I miss those smiling fuzzy haired, happy negroids.

    Like sly stone.
    An those Jackson five kids,
    They were great!
    They turned out normal.

    • I’ve often wondered Mis, who gets the most money in these groups of monkeys. Is it obviously the lead singer or is it shared out amongst them ?

  13. Quick pointless question; Did all the QCs automatically become KC’s upon Charles’ coronation or was there some process the had to go through?

    The reason I ask is because this would have never happened if Liz was still alive. My sources tell me she was quite the Stoner.

    Insiders say that after Phil died the supply dried up. The situation inside the Palace was made worse because Lizzie was quite the Bogart. Many retainers complained they were reduced to a cheap contact high.

    Chucky’s a different matter all together. All that the Palace crowd ever gets now is cheap soap bar hash that makes you cough and gives you a headache.

    They didn’t want this Groid to go to jail at all. They wanted Charles to Knight him and give him the Order of the Tampon.

    It is said that Wee Willie is a tight prick with his stash but you can’t really blame him as he saves most of it for Kate’s who suffers from after effects of her cancer treatment.

    Good late morning from the States.

    • They all changed from QC to KC on the assumption of the Crown by Charles, General. The Queen died on September 8th 2022 and Charles was “officially” declared King on September 10th, so I suppose everything was in limbo on the 9th – as it was a Friday I don’t suppose much work is done in court that day (normally it is a day of rest for public service workers and civil servants).

      That said, I still think Starmer and Blair would be Queens all the time.

      • Thanks Boggs. I actually did wonder if there was some sort of process they had to go through.

  14. Off topic.
    That dreadful business in Germany!

    Someone in a mini cooper ploughed into a trade union march!!!

    My first thought was it was Marc Bolan back from the grave but turns out it’s some Afghan immigrant.

    Apparently a shop steward threw open the minis driver door and in a loud voice demanded

    ” Everybody out”

  15. The head of the union there a herr Frederic Kite said

    We do not and cannot accept the principle that incompetence justifies dismissal.

  16. I note he was arrested in Lincolnshire. We are are all tech savvy up here, that fancy brick phone would have been swiped after he was nicked and shown off down the pub by some lucky fucker.

  17. https://x.com/Mark1957/status/1886721240460636613
    OT but this is the doctor whom a tribunal judge has decided can get changed in female changing rooms and can flash his hideous ginger-garlanded penis in front of nurses’ faces.
    How can this be?
    The hospital is some shithole in Fife, Scotland, the home of tranny appeasement, and a sympathetic judge who happens to turn up to work wearing long flowing robes and a silly wig.

    • Holy fuck I wouldn’t want to be in a changing room with that cunt even if it was having a no dress day. Reckon those nurses will end up with ptsd and with a bit of luck and an enlightened solicitor sue the arsehole off the hospital. Fucker should be changing in a shed in a field.

    • OK, so now we can recognise him and know where he works. If one of my nearest and dearest was in that hospital I would write to whoever was in charge there stating that on no account was my relative to be treated by doctor Theodore Upton or doctor Beth Upton under any circumstances. I would copy the letter to the head of the NHS up there, my MP and the press, not that I would expect any support but to prevent any of them denying receiving the letter. Obviously the patient is in a vulnerable position being ill enough to be in hospital in the first place.

      My wife’s first pregnancy ended in miscarriage, a very common occurence. She was admitted to the local hospital and the offhand, unfeeling not to say callous way she was treated was appalling. When she next was pregnant we told the GP that she would not be going to that hospital to give birth. He seemed happy to go along with this but then over the following weeks we were given various excuses why she couldn’t attend various other hospitals we requested. Finally we lost patience and I wrote to the varous people I listed above telling them our child would be born at home, they didn’t have powers of arrest and they had a legal duty to provide cover. They caved in immediately. The GP sent us a letter saying my wife would probably die in childbirth. We binned it. Both our kids were over nine pounds and healthy and we were allocated the same two experienced midwives for both deliveries.

  18. This ‘music’ should only be sold on the legally binding basis that anyone purchasing it has to first be sterilised.

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