Hi, I want to give a massive cunting to just eat, not only do they use ethnics for cooking and delivering food they are using animals to promote the services of just eat, and it’s not real animals either, they are using animatronic gay puppets, can’t we not have a normal person without such bum foolery, it’s bad enough in the real world without advertising animals who bat for the other side , FFS is nothing these bandits can’t corrupt?
Nominated by Sidthesexistsforeskin
Imagine the amount of filthy, unwashed, bum-picking immigrant fingers that have touched every stage of your Just Eat meal from wholesale to delivery…🤮
You know they are gobbing in it, and worse.
Dirty, filthy smelly, greasy shit of the highest order.
And that’s before we even mention their awful food.
Probable means of coke distribution on top.”I’ts the taste”
In what way is this going to sell more of their ‘food’?
I watched more telly than usual over the Christmas period and became unsure if I was watching the advert channel with occasional programmes in-between, so much so that I haven’t watched it for days now and actively avoid buying the shit that was advertised, yes you, Gillette.
Gillette the best a soyboy can get!
Back years ago, before I got rid of broadcast media (Sky et al) altogether … I saved several programmes in December. When I got around to watching the cunts in Feb or March, even, … the Christmas adverts were actually nauseating to see in that context.
Bad enough in Nov, Dec, .. but – literally – sickening afterwards, even on fast-forward…
the shopping channels are now running advert breaks in between advertising products.
I always thought that to be highly ironic
Just eat.. that’s how you get Ron’s lurgy or much worse.
Dirty ethnics cooking it and delivered to your door by a low IQ illegal with no driving licence.
And we wonder why this country is going to the dog’s..
Still at least the cartoon animals are taking jobs from the pavement ape actors.
This country would go to the dogs, but there are not many left after ending up in curry take-aways.
It appeared to me that the beaver had been bummed by the stoat then emptied its bowels onto the plate.
I think that rather eloquently sums up this paķi infested barrel of cunts.
Good morning.
Morning Tez, all.
it’s the constant adverts for this sort of shit that fuck me off. One minute we are being told porridge is bad; the next shove a fucking greasy burger down your gob. Iv seen the state of the cunts, and the bags they use to deliver this shit. I’d rather starve than use any of these companies, Romos, pak1s and porch monkeys. As for adverts they need a full on cuntting.
Well I must confess, I am partial to the umbongo bean salad with a twist of grated endangered species` white rhino horn garnish on the side. Followed by a massive anal burst which can be detected on the Richter scale.
Happy New Year !
Bon appetite, Sam.
It doesn’t matter how unrealistic, how expensive, how futile or how the general public think, Britain always wants to be the best at it.
In this case the acceptance of póóféry.
There must be homosexuality in every fucking advert possible, regardless of what you are trying to sell.
They are the same at pushing the black lives matter agenda at you.
There are adverts that only have black actors.
Most other adverts shoehorn in at least one.
Net carbon zero?
Let’s show the world how to do it, regardless of the futility and cost.
Be the first country to go all electric with cars.
Never mind the impractibility.
Be the country most welcoming to immigrants.
Doesn’t matter what the public want.
Cost doesn’t come into it.
When Britain was in the EU it was the only country which accepted every law and directive shat on it from Brussels.
It was as if some cunt had descended from a mountain with the daft and impractical laws written on stone tablets.
There is a general rule in business which says that if something isn’t working don’t try harder, try different.
Britain is just trying harder all of the time at everything and the result is that they continue to get better at doing things wrong.
@art….bravo 👏……. we’ve become 💩 and we’re even the best at that ! ……🦁led by 🫏 don’t make me laugh we’re now the 🤣 stock of the 🌍 and seemingly no-ones bothered as our 🏴 slips away 😩….as for just eat it sums up the decline in the general population 👍
On word: Heat pumps.
2 words?
Heat pumps as they are currently designed (for countries with significant heat delta) are meaningless in the UK.
They may well work in the more northern areas but for the majority of the UK they are a complete waste of money.
Any soul that has done 1 week of A-level physics knows this.
Mini rant concluded.
I’ve just had a new massive gas boiler and tank installed Lovely and warm and running cheaper than the 28 year old one. Fuck heat pumps.
if you were an alien landed in the UK, watching tv you would be forgiven for thinking everyone is in a mixed race relationship. if you have kids, then either they or their friends must have a disablement, but a different shade or a puff….preferably all three.
blick families don’t eat goat anymore, but settle down like all white families on a Sunday or Xmas day and have a traditional roast with all the trimmings
it’s all bollocks, brain washing and social engineering
Agreed.All went to 🚽🚽🚽
This country is not just broke, it’s broken.
Never mind, 10 million pensioners without WHA, feel proud that you are supporting thousands of people fleeing from war-torn Albania, Turkey, etc. as they made their fraught journey through war-torn Italy, Germany and France.
Why would they want to stay in Italy, Germany or France, Jeezum … the fuckin’ places are full of shithole-dive emigrants …
Oh, wait. So’s Britain. They must just be taking a breather before heading onwards to Greenland…
Never a truer word spoken JP. Refugees my arse, fucking illegals is what they are. The standard of hygiene in the vast majority of kebab, pizza takeaway etc from my own experience is absolutely diabolical. Fucking shiteholes should be burnt to the ground then 5000 litres of Jeyes fluid should be sprayed over the festering ashes. Losing the plot, got a bottle of single estate Rum which appears to have a strange effect on my cognitive ability.
The new Famous five tv adaption,apparently has a harvest in the cast and they were created by Blyton as cousins.
If you’re planning on eating animal flesh, its going to be either male or female that’s ravished the arseholes of each other. What does it matter if it got up to the most shittiest things unimaginable when alive ? Just enjoy. If you are that squeamish, then you will have to eat vegetarian, but vegetables get up to all sorts too.
Its the dirtiest humans who prepare the food, you should worry about. We all take the chance on being poisoned, otherwise you could be dead before you know it.
Being veggie appears to me to be pretty much the same as being dead.
Also, eggs come out of chicken’s cunts. You might as well just eat your own shit.
During the last war, we were glad to eat anything we could get our hands on. We could’ve been eating rats for all we knew. They and rabbits were fucking each other if you didn’t know. There was the talk of horse meat on the menu. We did our best to stay alive you see.
Nothing wrong with horseman, ask Tescos.
Horse meat is delicious, didn’t bother with dog in Korea though.
It’s one thing that many of their delivery riders are breaking the law. There’s no doubt that many are working illegally, riding machines which break numerous regs, have no insurance or insurance without business cover, have no licence and are even in the country illegally. Mix and match any or all of these options. What strikes me though is the ones (and many of them) who are displaying L-plates. I can’t think of any other area of transport where you could legally earn a living without a full licence. Would you get on a bus or train displaying L-plates? Or an aeroplane?!
Much to my amusement, It turns out a provisional and L plates are all a 17 year old new driver needs to drive a car unsupervised on the islands, and insurance of course.
MOT optional, Test not needed. Not even a tax,ahem,CBT needed.
My favourite nosh is going down on a lovely woman. I could be down there pleasuring her for hours. The best slimming food you could eat.
Bravo Sammy, they say a fisherman always spots another from afar.
Vagetarian , Sammy?
Yes it’s surprising how you can get lost down there for hours on the fish supper of things j find.
How many of those moped riding and Toyota Yaris driving young men on ‘student visas’ do you think get a tug from old bill to check their legitimacy?
Here’s my estimate.
Yet if there was a young white male zooming around town every night, who most people knew was unlicensed and uninsured, you can bet your bollocks that the fat, sweaty coppers would be on him like a ton of bricks.
And seeing as said coppers frequent these takeaway establishments on a daily basis, you’d think they might suspect something.
Perish the thought they’ve been ordered to turn a blind eye.
They’d lose their coppers discount for a start.
🥯🥯🥯🥯 the 🐷🐷 love them
🎶 Did somebody say – Fuck Off 🎶
Cost of living crisis my arse.
Interesting how so many lazy cunts can still afford to pay eye watering amounts for unhealthy muck to be delivered to their doorstep.
Foreign owned takeaway joints and Turkish Barbers have never had it so good.
In case cunters didn’t know, every single sootıe Just Eat and Deliveroo moped rider also delivers poor quality cocaine and even poorer quality cannabis that’s grown into Frankenstein’s monster-sized plants that are plumped up with enormous amounts of chemicals by Vietnamese slaves.
It’s not hard to home cook, you just need to make the effort, which is the first and biggest hurdle for the feckless slobs drooling around society today.
Buy a slow cooker, parchment, foil and roasting bags, these turn cheaper cuts of beef into a great meal just by putting it on a low heat and fucking off for 16+ hours. You can batch cook and freeze a weeks worth of suppers that way.
But that’s still too much effort, so why not assist your ethnic replacement by supporting foreign filth and buying over-processed muck that looks like it’s been reformed after already having gone through the digestive process.
Then get your hair cut in a novelty barber who uses giant cotton buds as a theatrical prop and has an excess of pomade and a deficit of cleanliness ?
I slow roasted 2 legs of lamb (1/2 price at Asda) for 16 hours overnight a couple of weeks back. Fucking beautiful. Portioned it up and froze it.
Quite. I’m no cordon bleu chef, but what the fuck is difficult about preparing and cooking your own grub? These thick useless cunts deserve to die of food poisoning delivered by third world scum on non-insured mopeds. Fuck ’em.
You see these pricks sitting like king farouk having elaborate tonsorial adjustments by some oily Turk.It’s just fucking hair ffs,Been doing my own since the scamdemic,with admittedly variable results,but putting off the necessary adjustments from my poor DIY barberings,i ventured reeluctantly into Southampton (mogadishu lately) and took a punt on an older tonsorial technician sadly only open sundays clipper,mild looking older type and having stated i didn’t want scalping…”willing to risk a slightly mulletish look..”.just want hair long at the back to keep breezes off the neck”…the cunt proceeds to full on scalping mode leaving that dreadful preppy look to peruse in the mirror,then asks if he can photograph said barnet ‘for the future’.Twat won’t be seeing me again.Back to DIY.
Can anyone explain to me why people get coffee or tea delivered.
Kettles are pretty inexpensive and even someone as stupid as Rachel from accounts can knock a cuppa up.
Plus why would you pay for a drink that is cold.
You won’t have a microwave to heat it up seeing as you can’t afford a kettle.
That’s an easy one, Barry.
People. Are. Cunts.
Well, the vast majority of them, anyways… I have proof! 😀
‘People are just no damn good.’
– Lex Luthor, 1978 (Superman – The Movie).
Bloody true and all.
That stupid cow would try putting the cup in the coffee.
There are cunts in ‘eateries’ who pay over a fiver – a fucking fiver – for a bowl of cornflakes.
A fucking bluey for a bowl of cornies?! Usually Grauniad reading twats, in London poofholes, run by cunts like Jack/John/Jim Monroe.
Go to Aldis, and get the cornfalkes, the sugar and the millk for under a fiver. Fuck me.
Ah but they’ll be eating them archly and ironically,something these corpsters ™ are keen to exploit.
People are indeed cunts.
That cunt magnet, Waitrose, has pre-boiled and peeled eggs.
If some cunt can’t boil and peel a fucking egg, they should not be on this earth.
They also have pre-peeled oranges, potatoes, onions and apples.
Sometimes, people are there to be loathed. And with good reason.
And pre-separated eggs, yep egg whites in a carton. Though Waitrose aren’t the only ones selling it.
Most of the supermarkets sell grated cheese. I can’t imagine being that fucking lazy that I couldn’t be bothered to grate a bit of cheese. Maybe some of these cunts are afraid of the sharp bits on the grater or think they need to go on a course, or that someone from the Government is going to come round and show them what to do.
Never use these 🤡🤡🤡.Smeg off.Carpet kissers.
Mate of mine got poisioned by this shit.
Turns out an unwashed mayo bottle from a takeaway in Crumpsall nearly killed him and a good few others.
Also, the leaflets for these pizza places are plastered with Italian style names and Italian flags. Yet, they have a Halal logo always carefully hidden.
That’s because all of these takeaway places are run by Dickie Dakis. I once saw one of these delivered pizzas a while ago, And it had a chargrilled fly on it.
The Just Eat website is also shite. I’ve been told it automatically changes your address, so the radioative grub ends up in the wrong place. Mind you, that coud save a few lives and stomachs, I suppose.
Tesco do a lovely prawn pizza i can vouchsafe,at a reasonable price.Throw on some mint mayo and bliss ensues.Seafood pizzas are impossible to find these days outside of Italy and Dominos are to be avoided like the plague,Rob dog corporate bastards.
You can order from any of the coroprate junk food monsters nowadays.
Fat b’stards and britscum don’t have to even leave their grotty armchairs any more, as KFC and ‘Maccies’ are brought to their door.
Keir Starsehole and his batty boy Streeting are bleating about junk food taxes, post watershed adverts and bans. But, as long as McDonald’s keep putting money into the Labour Party (not to mention the Football Association), I reckon it won’t happen on a large scale.
I mean, Keir Starsehole wouldn’t upset all his John John and Daki voters, by taking their beloved KFC off them.
It make me laugh when people refer to McDonald’s as a restaurant.
Fucking rammel.
that’s the fat yanks who call it a restaurant
Just Eat should do one of those McDonald’s style superhero tie-ins….
Spiderman Spiderman.
Eats whatever he fucking can.
Eats a pizza, any size.
Even ones with chargrilled flies.
Look out. Here comes the Spiderman.
Calls Just Eat from his bed.
Pretty soon, he’ll be dead.
Not the most healthy chap.
That’s because he just eats crap.
Hey there, here comes the Spiderman.
Can he fly? Listen, Bud.
He eats radiocative grub.
Is it fresh? Is it fuck.
Still, he’ll scoff any foreign muck.
Hey there.You fat bastard Spiderman.
Peter porker.
I heard old Spidey was now an ‘ethnic’ type, Miserable.
He was a John John in the last Marvel TV version.
He was a Latino.in.one version Norm
Called Miles Moralez..
Spic Spidey.👎
Trumps wall couldn’t stop him sneaking over the border.
Very good Norman!
My Missus thought up this one while she was driving at the height of the chinky ‘flu;
Bully, bully, fine and harry,
Johnson’s new vocabulary.
Rishi’s holding out his hat,
Eat out to help out-but don’t get fat!
Hancock hasn’t got a clue,
Not the faintest what to do.
Test and trace or trace and test,
Can’t decide which is the best.
Keir Starmer runs away,
Hopes to fight another day.
Rest of the government’s not around,
Under the duvet they’ll be found.
Until a vaccine protects the nation,
Best to go into hibernation!
Nice one, Arfur.
Don’t use these ‘services’! It’s directly helping out the boat boys and their ilk.
Just Make Your Own Food – doesn’t sound so catchy but it may contribute to one less person on a rubber boat.
And the classic traditional British cafe is now dead because of these takeaway flyholes and all that shit.
I remember the old days. A lovely big fuck off British breakfast, door stop bacon butties, a huge steaming mug of tea, Club choocy biscuit that was like a brick, read the fooball results and ogle the Page 3 bird. With Ed Stewart or Diddy David on the radio. Been in many wonderful ones during my time following Manchester United up and down the country. Ate like a king and a great friendly atmoshere. A fit Alma Sedgewick type MILF behind the counter or serving was always a bonus too. A nice flirt and a bit of saucy banter with your bacon butty. Lovley stuff.
Now? There are places that sell wine, attract babbling blabbering wimmin, gastro food bollocks, vegan crap, gluten free shite, dogs welcome, fucking push chairs and horrible satanic kids.
Another great English institution bites the dust.
Happier, simpler times Norman. 👍
Mrs Norman is doing the full whack for tea today, Miserable.
Bacon, eggs, sausages, black pudding, mushrooms, tomatoes, fried bread. The perfect andtidote to this freezing weather.
One of the best was in Coventry. A great cafe with wonderful grub. And the best cup of tea for miles.
And, ex-United hero Big Jim Holton owned a pub near there.
He always made us fans welcome and he was a lovely bloke.
Sadly, he died in 1993. RIP
And. Wagon Wheels that really were like wheels.
The nearest one to us now has a ‘vegan’ menu and has a ‘Dogs Welcome’ sign. Needless to say, it’s full of cunts with dogs. With smelly mutts either fighting or sniffing each other’s arses.
Dogs – and kids – should be banned from cafes and pubs.
Kids should be banned full stop.
Once saw Linda Lusardi in a cafe near Tottenham in 1986. She was with her bloke, but she was a great girl. Dead down to earth and she had a chat with us Mancunian lads. That was certainly a morale booster. The actual game ended 0-0.
And, she was as fit as fuck. An arse that would stop traffic. We were full of it when we got back to Manchester. Our mates weren’t having it, But she was there alright.
I worked with some lads at BA Norman who had met Linda. Their description of her was identical to yours.
I’ve had a couple of Joe dakis turn up with the shit claiming I’d ordered. One evening a cunt spent 15mins yabbering in Urdu to its handler after they’d got the address wrong. Fucking thick illiterate dangerous cunts. I told him to get the fuck off my drive and learn English, the greasy cunt.
They spend all day at in un regulated car washes cleaning the cars of thick chavscum British, or stood around in ‘Turkish barbers’ or mobile phone shops doing nowt apart from drugs, prostitution or laundering cash, then in the evenings fuck off on scooters delivering just eat shit to the chavcsum idiots of these blighted lands.
Is it any wonder with the likes is Starmer, Lammy and Ange ‘in charge’..::
Did somebody say just ‘fuck off’
Just eat shite.
There’s a burger/chcken takeaway called Smashie’s near us.
Their delivery driver is like a Dooshka version of Frankenstein’s Monster.
Some surly seven foot Albanian fucker. Last thing you want on your dooestep.
I don’t have a problem with the idea but the commission these cunts charge is off the scale. My local chippy costs me about £16 when we get a meal, every 6 months or so. Getting it delivered from them through Just Eat costs £25. Guess how I go about it.
Catch your own fish, I’d guess moggie, assuming the local Eastern Europeans haven’t cleaned out all the ponds….
Carp and chips?…no thanks.
I will never use Uber, Just Eat, Deliveroo or get a haircut in the ‘Turkish’ barber for the simple reason that I refuse to fund this vermin infesting my land.
Any true blooded nationalist would agree, liberals will clutch their pearls and gasp in shock. Like those cunts in The lords who showed shock and dismay when some cunt or other mentioned the demographic doing these abuses, they didn’t gasp at the details, just when the perpetrators were mentioned.
Fucking state of us.
We need to kick out those old farts.Chop their heads off.
Because they employ shitstains like this: