Doug Emhoff

is a cunt.

Before I detail dirty Dougie’s cuntishness let me remind the IsaC Faithful of some of Donald Trump’s “criminal” and unpardonable sins.

He said in front of a witness…”Grap them by the pussy.”

He allegedly had out of wed lock sex with a pornstar (who denied it).

He paid that porn star hush money to keep it quiet.

Let me introduce you Kamala’s Harris’ husband Doug Emhoff. A paragon of Virtue he was recently interviewed by MSNBC’s Jen “Circle Back” Psaki who gushed over him for redefining masculinity. Doughie, because of his unwavering support for his spouse is, as “Circle Back” called him a “Wife Guy.”

But the truth is and what she didn’t tell you…and she knew it at the time…is that Dirty Dougie is a philandering (allegedly) abusive toxic cunt.

Breaking just before that interview was a story in the Daily Mail that Dirty Dougie slapped or punched a former girlfriend in front of witnesses.

Here’s Megyn Kelly with a detailed story:

*insert link 1 here*

In public? With witnesses? Where’s the outrage?

Surely if grabbing a woman by the pussy is reprehensible then hitting a woman must be beyond that and truly unforgivable.

Nope. It’s fine. Most of the MSM isn’t even covering it.

That shouldn’t be a surprise. They didn’t cover Dirty Dougie’s tryst with the nanny he and his first wife hired either. Or that fact that in his own words and without further explanation he said he “caused her to have a miscarriage.”

Of course Donald Trump’s great crime was paying Stormy “hush money” to cover it up. But Dear Darling Dougie did the same thing…to the tune of 80 Grand!

I wonder why Jen Psaki didn’t mention either of these when she interviewed the potential “First Gentleman.” The easy answer is because Jen Psaki Psucks.

But what about the rest of the MSM.

Violence against women. Sex out of wedlock. Hush money.

Fucking moral reprobate. He should not be allowed to be “First Gentleman.”

I wonder…can a woman Impeach her husband?


Nominated by General Cuntster.

General my friend I am not your skivvy take time to insert you own links cheers C.A.

56 thoughts on “Doug Emhoff

  1. So this is Dougie!

    Looks a cheerful type of bloke.

    He hits women?
    Hope he kicks fuck out of that pisspot he’s married.
    I’d totally understand dude.

    I can see him and Donald being friends.
    Share a porn star or something.

  2. Does he rent that forehead out for advertising.. is he the father of that geordie midget ant?

    Cut him some slack, if I had kamala cackling in my earhole day in day out, I would be punching people out, starting with her.

  3. Your a cheeky cunt General,
    Asking admin to do your links?!

    Don’t come that Mariah Carey bullshit on here.

    Some people…

  4. If she wins he will be promoted to ‘first gentleman’, oh what a fucking title to carry around in your man bag 😂

    I prefer Mr Flatback, has more of a ring to it 👍

    PS, I am watching The Diplomat on Netflix at the moment, it’s a bit OTT but Keri Russell has a fantastic tight little ass… it’s a 10 from me 💪

  5. OK, Dougie’s undoubtedly a cunt, an all that.
    But nowhere has he been quoted as saying he “caused her to have a miscarriage.”
    At least to the best of my knowledge.
    Maybe the OP can provide a respectable link to that effect?

      • @GC

        OP = Original Poster, i.e. the nominator
        Thanks for the link, but at no point in that article does he say he “caused her to have a miscarriage”
        The best I can glean from it is a denial of responsibility.
        “Emhoff told Jane that the nanny accused him of causing her to have a miscarriage, the friends claimed. According to the friends, Emhoff did not say how he was allegedly responsible for the miscarriage, and he told Jane that the nanny’s claims were false.”
        Btw, that nanny’s a right fucking munter, ain’t she?
        Hard to imagine anyone willingly wanting to fuck that.

      • Doug Emhoff allegedly had a conversation with friends where he (allegedly) said he caused the miscarriage.

        The story in the Mail references that conversation:

        “According to friends,Emhoff did not say how he was allegedly responsible for the miscarriage, and he told Jane that the nanny’s claims were false.”

      • There’s a big difference between that and your claim:
        ‘… in his own words and without further explanation he said he “caused her to have a miscarriage.”’
        Nowhere did he say he “caused her to have a miscarriage.”

      • MJB,

        I posted this nomination 3 or 4 weeks ago. As I said, Admin chose not to post the original and it probably disappeared.

        Alas, I didn’t save it. I posted the Mail link this morning in its place.

        I put those Doug Emhoff remarks in quotes because I read them. And the Mail story referenced the same conversation I did.

        Obviously, his friends would not have to elaborate or explain if he hadn’t said those remarks.

        But, I cannot find that link now so if you want to claim victory fine. Go ahead. I stand by what I posted.

  6. Kier Starmer probably had his vest and undercrackers paid for by Dougie,
    Couple of tickets to Monster truck.
    Or WWF wrestling.

    Hope this ‘ foreign interference ‘ legal complaint by Donald against Labour sending it’s people doorknocking for kameltoe explodes!!

  7. All this will be just metaphorical chip wrappings in two weeks. The Donald is on the final stretch in his home run to the Presidency. In a year from now, no one will even remember who Harris was. Fuck off.

    • Hey 20,

      I think you are correct. Underneath the veneer of MSM propaganda there is a growing consensus that Trump is moving ahead.

      We’re still a couple of weeks away and anything can happen but such divers pundits and pollsters as Mark Halprin (Newsmax) and Nate Silver (formerly of Five Thirty Eight) are saying Trump is in the Lead.

  8. My Dearest Pal Admin,

    It seems I can’t win for losing.

    When I wrote my MSM nomination I included 2 links and the nomination went into either Spam or moderation. (I can’t remember which.)

    I tried to correct and include the missing nom in a second post but but it also disappeared. When the nomination was published the second link was missing and I was chastised for not editing.

    In order to avoid this nomination going into Spam or moderation I made additional posts requesting…in what I thought was a respectful manner…to include both links and specifying where each link was to go.

    My intention was to support the nomination with complete information and inform the IsaC Faithful who could choose to either read or watch or both depending on their preference.

    I apologize for any additional work my nominations may have caused but be assured that was not my intention.

  9. Doug the thug reminds me of someone,
    But can’t remember who?

    He wasn’t the captain in Police Academy was he?

  10. Dougie “what shall have for dinner luv?”

    Kamala “let me be clear! at no time did I ever state I’d become involved in one, to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present, and to be able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past but the future”

    Dougie “oh for fucks sakes I’m off to McDonald’s “….

    and so on for the past ten fucking years.

      • Only if you wanted to get in her knickers.

        Otherwise, you would just tell her she is clearly mental, grab your coat and leave.

  11. Those Democrats have a great tradition of shagging all and sundry such as JFK who fucked a few a day, Bill Clinton who spunked on an inturn aftera bj ( i did not have sexual relations with that woman Miss Lewinski)😂 and Obama who married a bloke and presumedly fucked him every night so credit where it’s due.

    • A shame Uncle Joe is too old and doddery to join the Demos Hall of Shagging. He has to make do with sniffing girl’s hair.

      I dare say Kamala Knickerless will be going at in the Oval Office soon enough.

    • Hey Norman,

      I’m not so sure.

      The insiders in American politics are reporting that everything is trending Trump’s way right now and stories are leaking out of the Demonrats that they are worried.

      Even some of the thought to be safe for Demonrat Senate races are now within the margin of error.

      Early vote totals are said to favor Republicans with more registered Republican voters casting ballots.

      I am cautiously optimistic.

      Trump / Vance
      Stop the Steal

  12. Ol ” get em off” Hemoff,

    Give him this, that shirts spotless!

    Doubt his missus laundered it?
    Shed of been bladdered.
    Puked on it
    Then burnt it with the iron.

    Must have a housekeeper or maid?

    Bet he shags her.

  13. Hopefully Kamala is keeping old octopus hand Dougie away from these Labour officials that have gone over to campaign for the Democrats. Send them Owen Jones or Doreen Lawrence, that’ll chill his spuds.

    • Why the fuck would anyone want to be advised on how to win an election by Labour shit bags?

      ‘Erm, well, erm yah. it’s like lies, deceit, more lies and then totally shaft the people who voted for you. Purely on the back of not being the Republicans’.

  14. Cardboard cutout of some pas nasa astronaut, that everyones forgotten about the day he landed
    He returned to earth only to marry a pisshead.
    Dougie I know you not off until after the election but is she blek or Native american indian or just a mixed up nutter.

  15. And the message is – don’t worry about anything Donald Trump has done, there’s always someone who’s done something worse and is related to a Democrat. This fella allegedly punched someone. Alright then, allegedly slapped someone. And he’s married to Kamala Harris. That’ll do.
    There you go, proof that everything said about Trump isn’t true and he should be allowed to lie his way back into the White House.
    This Emhoff bloke, how many times has he been bankrupt, how many times has he been impeached, how many secret documents has he stolen, how many riots has he caused where people actually died, how many felonies has he been found guilty of in a court of law?

      • i tend to agree, they won’t allow trump to become President.
        Even if it means risking revolution and widespread chaos across America states.
        America is lost, the messianic mess made by the Neo cons both Dems and Republicans.
        880 billion dollars interest rate, just to service the debt of 38 Trillion.
        A shower of fkn rich apes in power.

      • You have a valid point Mecunty.

        There is already talk from sources such as Mark Halprin of Newsmax and others that if the election is close and Trump wins the Demonrats will foment violent unrest in an out attempt to stop him from taking office.

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