Main Stream Media (10)

Let’s have a Joseph Goebbels Cunting for the Main Stream Media.

Recently I criticized the BBC. (There’s a surprise!) The once venerable British Media giant now known derisively as Auntie Beeb is nothing more than a propaganda outlet for the Wokies of the Far Left.

This is not unique to the Beeb. But one Cunter took exception to what I said and defended them by saying, “They’re the main news organization here…”

With all due respect this is the 21st Century and in an internet connected world, you have choices.

First to the main point. The MSM is corrupt. You cannot believe what they tell you. While this is only one example, take a look at this Megyn Kelly clip where she shows an undercover journalist exposing an MSNBC producer and the propaganda they spew:


To the second point there are now multiple alternative media sources and nobody is forced to listen, read, watch let alone believe anything the Beeb says.

For example…since the 2020 election, Newsmax has been the fastest growing cable news network in the States. While they probably aren’t available in the UK, they have recently signed an agreement with You Tube and will soon (probably) be available to you British Cunters.

The Washington Examiner and the Washington Free Beacon have been available for a while and are recognized as credible sources of print media.

Megyn Kelly and Tucker Carlson have excellent podcasts. Even Joe Rogan and Lex Fridman provide some credible alternative views.

In your own country GB News provides an antidote to the poisonous Beeb. And the Daily Mail has done some excellent reporting on how Ole’ Flatback slept her way into politics and how her husband Dirty Dougie Emhoff knocked up his nanny and (according to him) caused her miscarriage.

Bet you don’t get that from the Beeb.

By the way? How many of you foreign Cunters know that the Fail (as you call it) has reported on credible allegations that Dirty Dougie also slapped his girlfriend around in public?

None of you?

But you all know about QAnon and Jewish Space Lasers and far right MAGA extremists.

I’ve posted 5 different specific examples of voter fraud in the US but do you ever see that in the MSM? It’s all about election deniers.

By the way, how many of you know CBS recently edited a Harris interview to make her look good?

Ignore the Beeb. Ignore the Grauniad or the Gonadian or La Guardia or whatever you want to call it and start searching out other sources of information.

The survival of Western Civilization depends on it.


Nominated by General Cuntster. Who will in future proof read his Noms to save me some fucking time C.A.

98 thoughts on “Main Stream Media (10)

  1. Don’t watch any of the shit.

    BBC all the way to GB News.

    All a bunch of lying and deceiving cunts.

    All I ever wanted from the news was impartial and informative truth to be reported.

    Closest I ever got was Al Jazeera but they can go fuck themselves after their recent terror supporting views.

    Get a proper job or jump of a bridge. Bunch of parasites.

    The only journalist I have time for is Graham Hancock.

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