The BBC (132)

is a cunt again.

More woke insanity from ‘Auntie’….

They want us to know about ‘inspiring’ African (and black, naturally) queens.
And, when I say queens, I mean royalty. Not the Ncunti Gayblack variety. (and we see far too much of that cunt anyway).

According to the ‘Corporation’, this really matters and is is important for some strange reason. As far as the Savile/Edwards shelterers are concerned, it’s essential that we proles know this stuff.

This snippet from the Beeb tells us all we need to know.

‘How many celebrated royal leaders can you name from history?
And how many of those are men – and how many have diverse heritages?’

As Fergie said at Anfield on Easter Monday 1988, I am choking back the vomit.

The BBC wants to ‘educate’ us riff raff about these ‘magnificent’ rulers.
Well, I will say this on the subject….

African Queens are like where flies go in the Winter.
Nobody knows, and nobody fucking well cares.

Nominated by Norman with yet another reason to dislike the Bbc from Sixdog Vomit below. all links follow at the bottom of both nominations C.A.

I’ve just read an article on the BBC where they tracked down a Finnish Fascist who they say was instrumental in fanning the flames of the recent riots and public disorder.

I’ve no problem with that, this cunt had been posting an arson instruction manual to a group that he helped set up immediately after horrific stabbings in Southport.

Buried in the article is one of the BBC’s sources who are an anonymous group of fascist hunters who work closely with the media.

Now if you care to peruse their website ls about section you’ll uncover this little gem.

‘Do you work with the police or the security services?

No. We are generally critical of the police, as well as how the state responds to the threat posed by the far right. In Britain and elsewhere, the police have a history of institutional racism and sexism, and are involved in the repression of movements for liberation and social change.

Many police officers hold racist views and belong to or support far-right groups. The British state enacts racist policies and its security services have cooperated with and lent support to far-right groups. The UK’s counter-terrorism strategy is ineffective and counterproductive, and UK counter-terrorism laws are some of the most expansive and draconian in the world.’

So this is who the BBC is in bed with? This paragraph sounds like extremism to me. Right wing or left wing extremism is the same fucking thing surely.

Do the BBC know all about this anonymous group or what other activism or activities they are involved in?

This seems like a relationship that is very questionable and should be investigated, maybe the security services need to look into the people holding these views, I’m certain the BBC won’t have.


bbcnews 2


95 thoughts on “The BBC (132)

  1. In honour of black history month I stole the housekeeping.

    And the kids piggy banks.

    That’s how I roll, cuz.😎

    • Did you rob a grocery store, give the Missus a slap to remind her of her place, impregnate at least two young girls, become a baby daddy?


      You’re deffo not blik.

  2. I wonder why it’s only the blacks and the gays that get a history month.

    Is it because they are sad needy narcissists..

    When is it pàķi history month, a 30 day celebration of inbreeding, beards and smelling like a week old dog turd.

    I’m sure we could fill every month celebrating non achievements of every race and religion, except white and Christian.

      • Sorry mis, I’m sure your beard has the right ratio of pork scratching crumbs and gravy in it..

        Bloody slow on here tonight.
        It’s like a black man heading to the job centre.

      • I’ve always thought Mis could live for a week on the pie crumbs, BZ.

        I hear he has a robin nesting in his beard. TRUE!

        The man in the pub told me, come to think of it, I’m sure he was called Thomas.

    • The BB fucking C panders to Christians 365 days a year.

      Sunday worship on Radio4, The Daily Service on Radio4 extra, Songs of Praise on BBC1.

      Name another major national broadcaster who does all that crap.

      Bible thumping bastards.

  3. i don’t doubt the veracity of this nom but I can’t summon the will to read the links. Kudos to those willing to wade through BBC content and critique it.

    I can only imagine the thousands of university brainwashed Tarquins, Phoebes and Hermiones on their payroll along with untold number of yet unexposed Garys and Daves sheltering under their vast organisation.

    They stink of bias and heinous scandal, I wonder why anyone still pays for a TV licence to fund it.

    I chose to stop watching it and don’t pay fior it. Please stop funding it!

  4. Well, OT, but on Gogglebox just now is a bloke who not only feeds his dog raw, but eats it himself.

    Now, I’m that person who, when it comes to steak, says “knock the horns off, wipe its arse and show it to the frying pan”

    But raw chicken? Oh no, guy! Really, no!

  5. I watched Morgan Freeman answering a dummy’s question about Black History Month the other day; the clip doesn’t look recent though. Freeman was not impressed and said he didn’t want a Black History Month. The interviewer was all stumped and asked ‘well if you don’t have it how d’you stop racism?’

    Morgan said ‘You stop talking about it.’ Then he went onto explain that it is as simple as seeing people, not colour. I couldn’t agree more. Thank you Morgan Freeman.

    • Besides “Music While You Work” there was “Workers Play Time” which came from a chosen factory and performed by professional acts of entertainment, which was also broadcast at lunch times.

      • Yes and I recall Hylda Baker on it several times. They had quite a few famous people, like Alma Cogan, considering it went out at 12.30 on weekdays. I often wondered if it was recorded or really went out live. There was Housewives Choice, too, which would probably not go down well with today’s wimminz. It would probably be renamed Househusbands Choice now

      • Wimminz Hour is very right on these days – like Jess Phillips holding a seminar at Camden Council. Po-faced old bags present it as well. If I were producing that show there would be more tits and bums and a monthly wet tee shirt competition.

  6. Latest: Tuchel about to be named England’s new manager. A true German would do me a favour and throw a hand grenade into the dressing room.

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