National minimum wage for under 21s

is a cunt.

Currently £11.44 for 21 and over but £6.40 for 16 and 17 year olds, £8.60 for 18 to 20.

Given than minimum wage applies to almost all unskilled jobs and many more, why should a 16 year old with some gumption to get out and work stacking shelves in a supermarket or heaving wheelbarrows around on a building site with their shiny new cscs card amd hi vis get paid virtually half the amount of someone a bit older doing exactly the same job?

All this does is hold people back, stops them affording their own rent so can’t afford to move out the family home and really start their struggle of existing properly.

Yes it may be designed to encourage people towards further education but not everyone wants to waste a few years of their life studying liberal arts or wokery other courses aimed at their intelligence level, what they need to be doing is working, earning, saving, being able to afford bad choices and overindulging, all important life lessons learned around that tender young age.

If they can’t afford to get into the just scraping by market then what hope do they have of getting onto the path of saving for a mortgage deposit?

Seems like a low paid punishment for the dying breed of youth who just want to work for an honest living to me.

Cunt of Peeblesshire.

47 thoughts on “National minimum wage for under 21s

  1. The national minimum wage should be absolutely fuck all.

    Pay people for what they do or what they produce.
    Don’t pay some cunt just for turning up and spending as much time as possible on FuckBook or Twatter.

    Make everyone self employed.

    • Not every worker is like that though. I had some really good apprentices, willing to work and learn. They are also less likely to take time off with bad backs or because their wife is on their blob, or taking paternity leave.

  2. And another thing…….

    If the minimum wage for a 16 year old is £6.40 an hour.

    An example…..
    A hairdressers wants to take on an apprentice who as well as being taught how to cut hair has to do the coffee making and sweeping up.

    At the minimum wage for 8 hour days they would earn over £50 a day.

    They are simply not worth it.

    Besides that, if the employer has to pay the sweeper up £50 a day.
    How much would they have to pay a skilled stylist?

    Why should the fucking useless government whose ministers couldn’t run a business if they tried be able to dictate wages, and therefore prices to company owners?

  3. 40 years ago there was the ‘Youth Oppotunites Programme.” 30 quid a week to do the same in a factory as the person right next to you that was getting paid a lot more, for doing the same thing. Still that was better money than ‘Bob a Job Week! Anyone give that one a go? I know for a kid, some of the work asked of them could be quite lethal.

      • Yeah me too, it was run by cunts for cunts. We had a good laugh though.

        YTS and YOP’s.

        On one site the old cunt in charge was a real tyrant. We built him a throne in the work shed and decorated it with eagles and swastikas, all painted in shit brown primer.

        He was so unamused.

      • Useful skills though Six.
        Mixing concrete and mortar, pointing, laying brick.

        Saved me a few quid as a home owner.

        But yeah, for council estate tearaways wasn’t it?😆

      • @MNC

        There were 3 million unemployed but they forced the kids to toil away at all the shit jobs no one else would do.

        We were on a break one day and some old ladies walking past abused us for being ‘criminals’ daft old cunts didn’t realise we were being given an opportunity to try working for next to nothing.

        These days we’d be at uni learning about gay history and event management.

      • Remember once Six,
        Sat in a building used by bowlers to get changed reading a paper eating my dinner from the chippy,

        Some old bag came in and turned the light off leaving me in the dark.

        I turned it back on .

        She went mental!

        ” Who turned that light on?!!

        Me. I’m trying to eat my dinner.

        “How dare you! We have to pay for the electricity here!”

        You want me to eat in the dark?
        Fuck off.

        She reported me for swearing at her, expecting me to be worried about losing my regular income of £28per week.

        The bloke in charge sick of her whining also told her to fuck off.😂

  4. Eldest grafts on 8 pounds an hour and works hard in between going to uni.

    I fully agree with the cunting,if you work hard you should be taught from a young age that graft pays..

    otherwise claiming the dole seems like a good choice at 17.

    anyway fuck politicians and their shitty rules.

  5. The best that you can hope for if you are taking on a 21 year old is that they have some sort of higher education certificate that relates to what your company does.

    But that certificate would be for the theory of the work only.

    More often than not they will have some half arsed degree from a shit hole university that has fuck all to do with the work they will be expected to do.

    And by law the employer has to pay the cunt over £100 a day!

  6. Minimum wage isn’t an issue, it’s fucking benefits.

    Numbers thrown out like 9 million economically inactive, millions on the new bad back con called mental health.
    It’s out of control, to make work pay cut benefits and use the money to increase the tax threshold- make work pay.

    The bullshit over food banks, the numbers of food banks are increasing because if people can get stuff for free they will.

    Child poverty increasing, but based on what.

    Ok 16 to 20 may be getting a short stray but at least they will be employable and may be getting training not sitting on their collective arses.

  7. Its what the lazy good for nothing piccaninny footballers get paid that annoys me. They should be paying for the privilege of being here in the first place. The cheeky cunts.

    • The part that annoys me Sammy is the way that sport in general gets grants and subsidies from the government. As a member of the majority of taxpayers who have no interest in sport then I don’t see why I should pay for such just as I don’t see why I should pay for the BBC if I don’t watch their programmes. As regards football I find it intolerable that I am taxed to subsidise people who are of no benefit to society and are already being paid eye watering sums for producing nothing.

  8. Start of my apprenticeship,

    15p / HR…!

    Pint if bitter, 11p

    So young un’s today are better of than I was..!

    A pint is not £6.40 ..YET..!

  9. I once applied for a job in a gnome factory but was refused as they would only employ dwärfs due to `diversity`. They were continually short-staffed.

  10. After forking out half a crown to travel to Old Trafford and get into the ground and buy a programme to watch the Busby Babes, I still had change from the 2/6d for a bag of chips. All that from my massive wage packet of a £5 per. week.

  11. The minimum wage was always going to prove a method of employers cheating the system, or simply not being able to afford to take young people onto their books. Socialist bollocks in action. As other cunters rightly say, people should be paid the going rate for the job, whatever that job may be and whatever age they are. Trying to accommodate muddled socialist theory with capitalism was always going to end in disaster. The Third Way? Pure Blairist snake oil. Cunt.

  12. Have you seen the amount of footballs being wastefully kicked about this afternoon by the women, not a single bit of none paid housework is going to get done.

  13. Wish I’d done a apprenticeship when I was a youth.

    Learnt a decent trade .

    Some trades take years to master.
    And there’s still people take pride in the work and products they do.

    Don’t remember it ever coming up when I was younger,
    But if a youth now I’d bite their fuckin hand off for the opportunity.

    • Same here, fuck Gen Z and Millennials though, they’re worthless, entitled wastes of space. I despise those useless weaklings. Physical and mental weaklings.

      There’s still plenty of opportunity’s to learn as an “older person” though.
      Take a handyman course, there’s no shortage of recipients if you get your name about, folks are just too useless and dependent to DIY themselves.
      Bollocks, I’ve hit the bottle, happy Sundays folks, all is good in Poots’ World.
      Not that it matters in the Cunty Cunty scheme of things.
      Aaaah, peace.

      • “there’s no shortage of recipients if you get your name about”

        I can vouch for the truth of that statement Poot. In this road I’m the mister fixit. Any of the neighbours have anything stop working, from their biro stopped writing to the roof blown off, their first action is to ring my door bell. Most of their problems I fix, saving them time and money and those I can’t I tell them the cheapest most efficient way to get it fixed and avoid being scammed. Trouble is they don’t expect to pay me. I’m regularly given bottles of wine or ale which I suppose saves me a few pennies.

      • I wish I’d become a drystone Waller after leaving school.

        There’s skill involved in it, it’s not just stacking stones.

        Your out all day in the open air.
        Your materials are dropped at the site for you.

        Your working in farmland and national trust land.

        Just need a small van , few tools, your set.

        Would of suited me perfectly.

        By now I’d be a fuckin master at it and my name well known.
        What a silly little cunt is was ☹️

    • I didnt use the fucking useless “career’s” officer at school who tried to get us all in the mill.

      I phoned up a local contractor who was working down my street and asked are you taking on apprentices.?

      The following Monday morning I was chopping out walls to fit wiring and sockets..

      I retired as an electrical engineer in the aerospace industry…

      • In the late ’60s at my school ZM careers advice was stunningly bad. When our kids were the same age early this century the careers advice was just as bad.

      • Yes, arfur.

        Asda are always looking for staff.

        Ta, Miss. I already have a Saturday job there, and work full shifts in school holidays, but stacking tins of fucking cat and dog food on shelves isn’t my life dream.

        Twat, and a cunt.

  14. And they used to say that ‘crime doesn’t pay.’ Well I have never really been sure about that statement. Sure, the art was not getting caught, like petty crime, when you were at school. But today I guess, crime has certainly moved on.

    • You were raking it in!

      When I was 18, I was on 30d an hour.

      (£5.00 for a 40 hour week)

      Equal to approximately 15p an hour in the new money.

  15. Apparently it’s to do with the fact they don’t pay/pay less tax. But surely it would make sense to just make their pay and tax rate the same as it is for everyone else.

    • You’d think so, AC, wouldn’t you?

      But that requires a degree of common sense, which freebie governments do not seem to possess.

  16. I could really go on at extreme length about this but I can’t be bothered.

    Suffice it to say if this government keeps jacking up minimum wage and employee rights they will fuck small businesses, as the end customer is only prepared to have so much of the burden passed in their direction, and businesses can only put up with so much of idle shirkers making the day to day functioning of the business a fucking nightmare.

    I don’t think workers need any more fucking help (I speak from bitter experience of employing those who “know their rights”). If they want to get ahead, time they reacquainted themselves with the lost art of working hard; at the end of the day it doesn’t do them any good to keep expecting the government to “level” the playing field on their behalf as it just encourages an entitled mentality instead of focusing their minds on improving their situation under their own steam.

    If it’s any consolation to the nominator, in our business we do indeed pay the same wage to people whatever their age – so if you’re good enough and making us money as a business but your 17, you still get paid the same as your colleague aged 47. However, it’s very rarely the case. Teenagers and those in their early 20s rarely have the commitments, the experience, or the work ethic, to justify the pay premium; and they are the ones who we routinely sack after a few short weeks because they just don’t stick at it. So there is something to be said for not mandating employers to pay really young employees a wage that the majority of the modern youth crop are no where near deserving of earning.

  17. I left school in the 1980’s and started an apprenticeship in HVAC. For most of the first year, I lived in the print room choking on Ammonia fumes ( where was the Health & Safety then ?)
    I was taken to Building sites containing Asbestos without being told whay Asbestos was, and fell through a plaster ceiling after being sent to crawl through a roof space.
    I started on £23 for a 40 hour week. (and they deducted a portion of my wages each week as I had to pay for my own hard hat and safety boots)
    I paid my Nan £10 a week for room & board.
    Make of that what you will.

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