British stiff upper lip and decorum

as been replaced by cunt behaviour.

Proof, if proof is needed that the reserved British stiff upper lip and decorum in social interaction has finally been dragged down to the lowest common denominator, here is a story in my local online ‘rag’ that confirms it:

kent online

Just look at the shit queueing up for cheap ‘tats’
Sports Direct account holders…all of them

I am ashamed this is what the level of sophistication the British public have come down to…I blame Blair and his ‘cool Britannia’ ideals.

Nominated by Chuff Chugger.

69 thoughts on “British stiff upper lip and decorum

    • Alternatively with all the greed in modern society you could have your annual salary tattooed on your forehead.
      Tattooing is just one symptom of modern life indicating the country is going down the pan, aided and abetted by our favourite cuntee (is that a word?) the BBC, who never fail to show some twat with tattoos inked all over them. The latest example being on Strictly Come Mincing.
      Another is the road side memorial. We have a particularly dangerous roundabout at the top of our road and we regularly have scrotes remove themselves from the gene pool when they drive into it. The wreaths appear immediately, the last ones have been up for a year. I am off with the secateurs this afternoon, it is just road side litter.
      As Chuff Chugger has said in his nomination I blame Blair.

      • Reminds me when I saw the first indication that the Brits were going soft Wanksock. In the mid-eighties there was a ghastly RTA on the M4 in Berkshire, a road I used regularly at the time. A vehicle managed to jump the central barrier and there resulted a 140+mph head-on. The emergency sevices were collecting bodies from the surrounding fields. A few days later there were bunches of flowers attached to the Armco between the carriageways to the amazement and horror of most people including Thames Valley Police.

        A few years after that we had the embarrassing public weeping and wailing amongst the general public following the death of Diana. It was a tragedy for friends and family but those others doing the sackcloth and ashes routine? For Christ’s sake folks, we’re Anglo-Saxons not fucking Latins!

      • I recall that the police closed bridges over the M1 when Diana’s coffin was being taken back to her ancestral pile for fear that the grief stricken peasants would throw themselves onto the hearse as it went by.

      • Becks is tattooed from the neck down.

        Having met he lad more than once, he was personable enough and a nice bloke. But he was never the brightest.

        The tattoos probably weren’t even his idea. I dare say his ‘mangager’ (Spice Girls Fuhrer Simon Fuller) or his horrendous wife (Skellingon Spice) put him up to it to get more tabloid coverage. Once he got into the clutches of those two cunts. that was that.

        Mnd you, he still has decent qualities. At least he went to Sweden and turned up at Sven’s funeral. How many of the other ‘Golden Generation’ England cunts turned up?

  1. The rot set in when the BBC started pandering to poofery – the RuPaul Drag Race, giving Eddie Izzard house room on Question Time, and the biggest abomination of all Strictly Come Mincing.

    All that, Alan Carr, Julian Clary, Graham Norton and all the bloody rubber dinghy spongers, assisted by the RNLI taxi service has killed off whatever self respect we once had.

    • Slightly off topic, but I was reading an article regarding how much each illegal immigrant costs the economy.

      Germany, Holland, Sweden, Finland among others did a calculation as to what a low or no skilled immigrant costs to keep during their lifetime.

      The figure is £1.1m per illegal immigrant. The same for each family member they being over.

      We have somewhere in the region of 10 million of the cunts here, so that translates as 11 trillion to keep worthless third world filth in free shit, which they will never contribute towards.

      Have a lovely day everyone! 🤬

      • The channel filth/vermin cost an absolute fortune.
        Housing benefits
        All the other benefits
        NHS interpreters
        Police interpreters (when they inevitably get arrested)
        Legal aid with Interpreter thrown in
        Deportation costs which are then overturned by human rights lawyers, all paid by the tax payer.

        Some news today about an Albanian criminal (aren’t they all) deported, came back married a Lithuanian woman, gives her a pup and so the ECHR say he can’t be deported.
        Send them all to Lithuania – sorted, surely the woman is complicit in facilitating the criminal offence of entering the country illegally.

      • It obvious to anyone with a semi functioning brain that the vast majority of migrants are not net contributors.
        It appears that one in fifty Albanians in the UK are in prison at any one time.

    • And it has now reached its ugly and gruesome nadir with Doctor Who.

      A once much loved family show and a 60 year old British institution. Now written and run by depraved poove, Russell .T. Dirty.

      And now starring the ultimate black poof caricature, Ncunti Gayblack. The prancing smug cunt knows why he got the role and he revels in it.

      The series has been destroyed. And it is now about a black bottybasher instead of the iconic Time Lord.

  2. We have become a nation where wet ninnies and mongs are feted. The sob stories of the spineless celebrated in the meeja. Anyone displaying any fortitude is considered an unfeeling bastard. Hurty words attract a prison sentence. Compo culture is the philosophical touchstone. Well, guess what? They can all go fuck themselves. Spazzo cunts.

    Good morning, everyone.

  3. Cool Britannia was the end of the English culture. I consider Blair the biggest cunt in English history bar none and there have been a fair few traitors that have almost been as bad. Remember Blair campaigned to leave the eu in 1983, he claimed to read the bible and the Koran every night, right. We are heading for another dark age in more ways than one

  4. It looks like the queue for the pub coach trip to Blackpool.

    I wonder how they would have gone on fighting the Japs in Burma in 1943 ?

    Not very good is it?

    Panto of Cunts.

    Good morning.

  5. The wife reckons that tattooing is a sexual fetish.

    I reckon it’s like a kitemark for cunts.

    I know I’ve mentioned it before, but the biggest tattooed cunt I’ve ever seen was an old slaphead In Edinburgh. His head and neck were covered (probably the rest of him as well) but in pride of place on his forehead was… a fried egg. Honest. What a fucking twat.

    Morning all.

    • Best one I ever saw was one on Crimewatch. When he got arrested the next day he asked the Copper “How did you catch me so quickly ?” to which the Copper replied “On CCTV, committing the crime with your name tattooed on your neck”.

      • I heard of one many years ago which may well be apochryphal. A guy with a stocking over his head and a sawn off robbed the till in a convenience store. The police went round his house and arrested him within the hour. The robber had lost an eye and he had cut one hole in the stocking.

  6. Weird really when I was just a lad the only people who had tattoos where service men and hells angels and the main ones were regiment or skull and cross bones on the upper arm. Fast forward 50 years and it is women that now have the most.

    Fat birds slim ones pretty ones and ugly ones all of the seem to need to be covered in the bloody things. Some have their kids names tattooed on them.

    Why? in case they fucking forget?

  7. My Mrs had a butterfly tattooed, one each side, on her ‘lower’ cheeks. She stripped off, bent over to show me and all I could say was, ‘Who’s BoB?’

    • I notice in the link Sam, which seems to be a thinly disguised advertisement for a tattoo parlour in London, that they throw in these names of aristos and other famous Brits to try to appear respectable. One person named is Winston Churchill’s mother. I wonder if they know she was American?

  8. Reading between the lines for the line of cunts queueing in the link photo (celebrating themselves)with pointless doodles of someone else’s design(from a limited list of 17 ffs)

    “I have nothing of interest to say or share. I’ve never had an original idea or aspiration in my life. There is literally nothing worth a fuck about my being, my personality or my existence. D’ya like my tattoo?”

  9. Fuck me, those mutants queueing look like they have been dressed from a raid on a “War on Want” clothes bin.

    I’ve never seen such a bunch of scruffy fucking urchins. No pride in their appearances whatsoever.

    Cunts indeed.

  10. I’ve got a stiff upper lip.
    Reason I have to see a speech therapist.

    I’ve also got tattoos.
    Don’t regret any of them,
    I take my shirt off I look like a old school desk.

    Id encourage anyone to get one.
    Don’t overthink it
    Do it on impulse
    And go for the cheapest place.

    The face looks best👍

  11. When I was working I used to do the odd call at Northampton General hospital. One building on the campus was labelled; “Tattoo Removal Clinic”. It really fucking wound me up I can tell you. I could only think of what the NHS costs the taxpayer and the number of people on waiting lists for treatment.

  12. The kids probably had more sense, when they only used the free stamps that came with their comics and could be washed off. The one who invents this easy method for adults will obviously be a millionaire. Wish they’d hurry up with it. I want to smell the odour of smelly bastards

  13. I’ve got a few pieces of ink, including my old motorcycle club patch.

    Times have changed now it’s trendy to be tattooed, teachers, coppers, doctors all want skin art nowadays.


  14. I can’t stand those tattoos that are ‘tributes’ to dead family members.
    Some cunt with ‘Grandma’ on their neck. Absolutlely crass and tasteless.

    One of the biggest examples of tatt cuntery was a bellend who claimed to be a Manchester United fan. One of those classic post-premier league gloryhunting shitheads. You know the type, and the fucker was from Runcorn.

    Anyroad, this bloke – a complete and utter knob as it happens. The identikit know all gobshite and pub bore – got a tattoo of Fergie. But, after Alex retired in 2013, this plank got anther tattoo. This one was of David Moyes, with the words ‘The Chosen One’ in big fuck off letters under Moyes’ ugly mug. I bet the very same cunt now has a Ten Hag tattoo.

    • I think it’s really nice of the people who own this business to offer cut rate tattooing. But they wouldn’t have to do this if the government included this essential service as part of their benefits and financial support package for the less well off.

  15. Sorry, OT but who else noticed this one regarding that bête noir of so many cunters the electric motor car? The head of Uber was on the TV today telling us we should all buy EVs. He claimed he was concerned to save the environment and such an eventuality would actually cost Uber business. This is a bare-faced lie. People who have to make a journey at short notice in an ICE car likely think; “Fuck it, I’m going to be five minutes left, I’ll have to stop off for petrol.” Someone with an EV with a flat battery will likely think; “Fuck it, I can’t move the car for hours. I’ll have to call an Uber.”

  16. It will be interesting to see how many tattooed cunts develop some form of hepatitis in later years. I fear it will be significant.

    If they do, then I suggest a small hospital room that is set aside for a detoxification shower of the lethal kind.

    A single tattoo is possibly excusable, but an ink addict needs to be culled.

    Still when you do away with any hint of personal responsibility and perpetuate the cult of celebrity then this is what happens…

    Scum of the past always found money for fags and booze at the expense of putting food on the table and looking after their spawn whereas now it’s tats, vapes and charlie…

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