“Alex Williams” (Huw Edwards’ Supplier)

Here is a piece of blue ribbon hypocrisy that makes Starmer look like a saint. The 21 year old supplier of filth to the disgraced newsreader, identified only as “Williams” is outraged about the lenient sentence and hwo he feels “sick” and all the faux sympathy for the victims, in a typical low rent Daily Mirror interview, his little face turned away from the camera – as well it might be.

It is really similar to the debate about prostitution, some would say the girls shouldn’t do it, others say that if there were not dirty old men ready to buy the working girls services, the service wouldn’t exist.

Is Williams quite the paragon he makes out?. He claims he met Edwardes (his mum had prevented an earlier meeting) and that he agrees while she was right, he is estranged from her, and might go and live abroad (fuck off now, you little schmuk).

Let’s be clear about this: when he was providing this “service” in his late teens he knew the difference between right and wrong. It wasn’t a one off, it appears to have been an arrangement in perpetuity and until found out and exposed. For this “homeless” lad to pretend victimhood is pure sophistry. He provided a very dubious service which he knew was illegal. In my view he is equally as guilty, and – far from wishing Edwardes was in prison, I feel he deserves the same fate. He was a willing accomplice. He is just a self-pitying little gold-digger,nothing more, nothing less:


Nominated by W C Boggs.

19 thoughts on ““Alex Williams” (Huw Edwards’ Supplier)

  1. I fully agree. Furthermore, he wants a fucking good punching for looking a bit like that other twattable cunt Alan Carr. I bet he speaks with the same sort of grating and artificially camp voice. Definition of indecision: which one would I punch first.

    • Just pictures, my arse.
      I bet that’s what Alex said to Huw. Hehe.

      Alex looks like Kim Jong Un cosplaying as KD Lang.
      Or is it KD Lang cosplaying as Kim Jong Un 🤔

    • Good on Ron, are there different ovens for different sins now? Like Dante’s version of hell? Or do miscreants of the rainbow oven get their own special oven now?

      Obviously once they have their own special oven they’ll then demand access to everyone else’s the cunts.

  2. A week is a long time in politics, and since I wrote that opening line, we know that great latdarsed cunt Kweer has bummed (pardon the pun) even more money off old poofter Alli.

    That said this little poofette pretending he was led by Edwards should in my view have been prosecuted as well, not treated as some sort of victim. He doesn’t think Edwards was treated “harshly” enough. He ought to be grateful he wasn’t in the dock as well – and with me on the bench – the New Hanging Judge. As Philip Larkin once wrote : Prison for strikers, bring back the cat, kick out the n*****rs how about that?, trade with the Empire ….. I wont go on because he wanted to ban the obscene and that is impossible. Nor advisable.

  3. I often wondered why the Welshman had that painful expression on his face, now we know. Bang the pair of cunts in a cell together and have them constantly watched. If they get up to any no good, hose them down. That should frustrate them all the more. Good.

  4. Regular member of public? Write a hurty word on social media that upsets a (certain) twat – Prison.
    Celebrity pedo? – No problem.

  5. The little spunk bubble sausage should have been locked away in a prison where the male prisoners are big and blek and like giving little men new bumholes in the shower.

  6. Two poofs Armand and Julian were at the funfair.

    Armand said with excitement, “oooh Julian take me on the Big Dipper!”

    “Fuck that,” said Julian, “it’s far too fucking dangerous I’ll watch you on it.”

    Armand got on the ride and off he went, flying around at breakneck speed, doing loop the loops.

    Suddenly the carriage he was in became decoupled from the tracks and he went flying through the air into a field.

    Julian ran over to discover Armand in a pool of blood, leg hanging off, flaps of skin hanging off his face.

    “Armand!” he cried. “Are you hurt?”

    “Am I hurt?” Armand replied angrily. “I should say I’m fucking hurt. Five times I went round and you didn’t fucking wave at me once!”

      • Pepper?

        There is already talk of coffee shortages and price increases.

        If so there will be violence

        Off topic: I usually don’t post from my phone . But I have been lately and I have to say Auto Correct deserves a counting of its own.

      • Off topic again:

        Hey 6dV,

        The Longshoreman’s union has “agreed” to suspend the strike until after Jan. 15, 2025.

        The Presidential inauguration is Jan. 20.

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