Nicole Kidman

Oscar winner Kidman has got a new flick out. It’s called ‘Babygirl’. We know this because the meeja’s full of it after its premiere at the Venice Film Festival. Nicole plays a woman who has an affair with a much younger man, and apparently it’s all a bit steamy, featuring nudity, masturbation and s and m.

Now Kidman might be 57 but she’s still fit. If she wants to get her kit off and flash her fanny in return for a (no doubt) very handsome pay cheque, I won’t complain; in fact, I’ll happily look at it all day. Unfortunately, that’s not all there is to it. No, in addition Kidman has to go into full on ‘I suffer and bare my soul for my art’ luvvy bollocks mode when being interviewed about her performance.

She just couldn’t wait to tell us how the film has left her feeling ‘exposed’. ‘The film definitely leaves me vulnerable and frightened and all of these things when it’s given to the world, but making it with these people was delicate and intimate’, she trills coyly. I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely feeling her emotional pain.

She did feel protected during filming though, because it was written and directed by Halina Reijn. ‘That’s what made it so unique, because suddenly I was going to be in the hands of a woman. It was dear to our shared instincts and very freeing. I knew that Halina wouldn’t exploit me’ etc and so forth blah de blah.

Now look love; you’ve made a soft porn erotic thriller in the ‘Basic Instinct’ mode, and no doubt the p.r. for it will play on its sensationalistic aspects. But it’s hardly likely to prove to be a sensual art house classic like ‘Realm of the Senses’. ‘The sacredness of the set’ my arse. Talk about being up yourself. Do us all a favour. Just cut the pretentious arty-farty bullshit, take your money, and go away. Enough already.

Screen Daily.

Nominated by : Ron Knee

41 thoughts on “Nicole Kidman

  1. All sounds a bit tame to be honest.

    If she was to make a film with no actual story line, which features a red hot lesbo scene with say, Christina Hendricks, a marrow, an industrial size tub of Swarfega and a small Welsh Corgi named ‘Roy’, then I’m in.

  2. I feel this production could have been exponentially improved if it were shot by W. C. Boggs Productions Ltd. on location at my new and improved love dungeon.
    Nicole would truly have earned her money.
    Although she’d probably have difficulty riding a pushbike for several weeks after the filming wrapped 🖕🤟✊️🤲💪

  3. I think she’s past her sell-by date, Ron, but then she never really aroused my animal instincts.

    Also, the film sounds a bit tame for modern times, I mean really, no Ellie Simmons look alike?

    • I’ve always thought there was a touch of the Barbie about her to look at, but I still would.

      But then, as my pal Big Al put it recently, ‘Ron, you’d shag a barber’s floor if it had hair on it’.

      Afternoon all.

  4. In particular I really loved the bit about the film ‘being given to the world’, as though it was a cure for cancer or something.

    If there’s one thing that Hollywood can match itself for when it comes to wokeness, it’s pretentiousness.

  5. Hi Ron,
    I Don’t think the yanks would have the foggiest idea on how to make anything like the classic “Realms of the Senses”.

    • It’s funny how times change Sammy.

      I remember the absolute sensation when it became available over here. Couldn’t get a BBFC certificate as it was deemed so shocking (the ending…ouch!!).

      I saw it at a private club showing with my friend Elaine, must have been some time early 80s. To say that it got us both going would be something of an understatement.

      Nowadays it would be considered tame by many, but it still maintains an incredible air of erotic sensuality for me. It’s a piece of cinema, not a skin flick.

  6. If she look a bit more haggard and cheap she could play Angela Rayner in the upcoming biopic- I was the council estate bike Norman Tebbit rode to work on.

  7. “The sacredness of the set and or the actors space and it never being violated” eh Nicole?

    What a load of pretentious luvvie bullshit. You must have lit a dodgy stick of incense or never heard of Kevin Spacy.

    I watched The Norseman last week and Nicole Kidman was in it, she was awful but so was everyone else.

  8. Lammy at the conference of cunts.

    “In my first four months”, Lammy continues, “I visited 10 countries, engaged over 20 world leaders and 40 foreign ministers. And what did I tell them?”
    Yes, you guessed it… “Britain is back.”

    Diane Abbott must have done the math.

  9. She makes it sound as if she’s never got her tits and flange out in a film before.

    She’s done it before in a whole host of films going back to about 1991 and never felt the need to pontificate about it. So why now?

    These Hollywood A-listers do talk a load of old caca.

    • Imagine the sort of depraved things she’s witnessed and took part in because of her ex-husband and his Hollywood connections.
      (cough – allegedly of course)

      It probably makes all that Dubai port-a-potty stuff look tame by comparison.

  10. She can stick her didgeridoo up her khaki starfish, the kangaroo bothering airhead. I wouldn’t knob her with Tom ‘thumb’ Cruises acorn fridge raider. Anchovy gene all over that ginga.

  11. I’d imagine the footage from her casting couch session is very sexy indeed.
    Imagine, however, the casting couch footage for Kathy Bates, Melissa McCarthy and Rosie O’Donnell!
    Incidentally, I have a pic that Steven Spielberg emailed me.
    It’s of Whoopi Goldberg during her audition for ‘The Color Purple’:

  12. If Dianne Abbott took her clothes off (God, fucking, forbid) I imagine she would look like the putrid contents of an industrial bin liner.

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