We all know that political hangers-on who lick the arses of their heros and bankroll them are dubious cunts on the make, and those who accept such largesse are greedy Joe Ronces (I hope you dig rhyming slang?), so we will overlook Skanky Angie’s luxury freebies, just as we will overlook the 61 year old bespectacled cunt mincing to a Taylor Swift concert (didn’t the toolmaker allow his son to go to pop concerts when he was a boy?), but Lord Alli “Labour Peer” (which always seems an oxymoron in the party of the worker) goes above and beyond. In addition to providing free accommodation, post election win for Kweer, en familie, and over £16,000 for “work clothing” (did that include stockings, suspenders and corsets?), he gave him £2485 for several pairs of glasses, all of which, I suspect had plain plastic lenses. Kweer never needed glasses at all before he showed signs of becoming next PM. I always thought Rodders said he would never use private medicine or allow his loved ones so to do?. Why not then just get an NHS HC1 form and go down to Specsavers. In the event I remember seeing him wearing at least four different styles since he settled on those big oversized black ones, which he now wears constantly. I suppose he got that idea from Mandy (“oooh you look absolutely lovely in those, duckie”).

If Alli has so much money to burn, why not give it to a worthwhile charity, Cancer Research, British Heart Foundation, The Dogs Trust, Cat Protection or the RSPCA. Why give it to a multi-millionaire lawyer from leafy Surrey? What is Alli really after?. It reminds me of when Anthony Blair used to take free holidays from the Peter Pansy of pop, Cliff Richard, in Bermuda with hot and cold running “houseboys” A lovely gesture (though I bet there were fights every morning as to who got to the make-up mirror and Oil of Olay first). Not long after these free holidays started, Blair was instrumental in getting the Copyright Protection Act altered by the EU, extended from 50 years to 90. It just so happened at the time Harry Webb’s (Richard) first 78s were coming up to the 50 year mark.

Politicians generous “friends” stink worse than a prop-forwards jockstrap (and Alli’s probably stinks of curry and piss as well):


Nominated by W. C. Boggs.

28 thoughts on “LORD ALLI

    • 16 grand for work clothes!

      I tried that the grey men at HMRC would have me interrogated.

      To be fair that’s a lot of army shorts an Motorhead ♠️ t-shirts.


    • Meanwhile back in the real fucking world – ‘Starmer promised me he would protect pensioners – his winter fuel raid let me down’
      He will go to your funeral in his new suit, the cunt.

    • Don’t know the cunt and unable to find out anything due to other twats unabling me to. Then I’ll just say fuck off if you have been chosen on here.

      • He is a homosexual, involved in the media – TV mostly, headof several independent production companies . Perhaps he wants Rodders to lower the age of consent or something.

      • Thanks W. C. For filling me in on the up hill gardener. The cheeky cunt should be satisfied he’s safely out of his own country for being an iron. Now Alli, I want you to fuck off and stop mithering me. You fucking twat.

      • These must have some fucking guts to go round the stinking toilet area of a shit stained blokes arse, the filthy bastard.

      • Firstly, when I was young, I thought men went with other men because women wouldn’t entertain them, then realised the filthy bastards preferred it ! The dirty cunts !

      • I don’t know, Sammy. If Kweer has had a sniff of AnalEase Dodd’s piss stained knickers I doubt he noticed – and he always seems to have a cold in his nose.

  1. ‘We are going to do politics differently’ as long as it doesn’t interfere with the gravy train.

    Angie in a flat in New York for new year, I wonder how much she earned as a ‘high class’ call girl (high class was a joke, just in case anyone thinks I have lost my marbles)

    One thing for sure these cunts are hard faced fuckers regardless of the colour of the rosette.

    Not sure Alli is a cunt, it’s the piss taking cunts like Angie and Rodney thinking it’s fine to get all the free stuff while telling the plebs that they are going to suffer under Labour, the Change they promised seems to be Snake Oil.

  2. I hope ali baba will sump up for a nasel draining operation for Rodney and Rachel. Plus a new haircut for lord percy reeves.

    All two-tiered keir really needs is a lump hammer through his teeth.
    I’ll do that gratis.

  3. Lord Pally might well have bunged Liebour half a million, but at least it’s good to see he had to shell out more before being given his security pass to No10. He’s no cheap tart, is our PM (that statement may have to be reconsidered should his deputy ever succeed him).

    Sadly despite spending £20k of Lord Pally’s money on new suits and specs, the Dear Leader still looks like he was dressed by Oxfam.

    Btw, why isn’t the BBC delving into the Suitgate story?

  4. A greasy fat cunt bribes another greasy fat cunt.

    This time with extra ghee.

    It’s not for us to mither about,it’s The Gravy Train and definitely not for the likes of us.

    Oven the squirming vermin.

  5. Foul as the misdeeds of the bastard Blair were, and continue to be, the extension of copyright can’t be laid at his stinking feet. That was the cunt Cameron.


    “The recording industry lobbied heavily for the new copyright directive, which had been blocked in the past by a coalition of smaller European countries that see the extension as harmful to innovation. Under Prime Minister Tony Blair, the British government commissioned a study that also recommended against the extension, but Prime Minister David Cameron came out in favor of the measure, one of whose chief beneficiaries will be the beleaguered British label EMI, whose assets include records by the Beatles and Pink Floyd.”

    However, it was Blair who ennobled Waheed Alli.

  6. Anyone named Lord Alli should be deported promptly.

    The cunt couldn’t even be arsed to Anglicise his name.

    So much for integration.

    And bringing our once envied institutions of government into yet further disrepute is the final straw.

    Ennobled by Sir Anthony B. Liar.

    Nuff fucking said.

  7. In the immortal words of John Carpenter.
    ‘They Live we sleep’
    Time for the country to use the Army and over throw the Cunts in charge.
    Timmy Mallet and the actors from grange hill could do a better Job at being prime minister and the cabinet.
    See you all in six months after doing bird for my treasonous talk.

  8. Isn’t he in prison for child-fïddling?

    Oh, silly me. That’s Lord Ahmed.
    These turds all look the same to me.

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