Humza Yousaf [8]

Humza Yousaf yet again proves that he is a cunt.

Some of cunters were hoping that we had heard the last of this dreadful man but he remains the ultimate unflushable turd.

In the Daily Express (please help me out with the link) Humza says that the recent ‘far right’ protests may force him and his family to leave the UK. Amazingly , he claims to be 100% Scottish, born there, educated there etc. I would point out that he took the oath of allegiance in Urdu ffs ! Additionally, he made that awful speech complaining that a 96% white country had a majority of white people in positions of power.

All I can say is that I hope that Humza and his extended family do decide to find their place of safety far,far away from this once great nation.

Sly News. (Link provided by Sam Beau)

Nominated by : Guzziguy

64 thoughts on “Humza Yousaf [8]

  1. My former supreme leader.

    This cunt was not elected unlike the real supreme leader Sturgeon who at least had a politital mandate (if you believe in the Scottish parliament) to go full tonto.

    Mr Yousaf allies himself with the sarwars and aamers of glasgow, labour politicunts and lawyers respectively (in name…. Asian gangsters with carte blanche in reality) calling them brothers. But aren’t they all?

    Mr Yousaf if he feels so bad about the lack of minorities in government (in a 93.6 percent white population country) then why does he not fuck off and convince others to join him.

    Why, if you feel so persecuted would you want to stay and even climb the ranks of government? For a bigger platform to spout your illogical persecution?

    Unwanted, unelected openly racist CUNT of the lowest order

    • “Bild website reported that special task force (SEK) officers stormed the refugee centre, arresting a suspect.”

      It said the building was located about 300m (984ft) from Fronhof – Solingen’s central market square where people were stabbed on Friday night.
      A trend is developing. Perhaps the prospect of a long time safely locked away for murder is better than being sent back to your shithole of origin?

      Still it probably enhances Solingen’s reputation for bladed weapon production.

  2. Off topic, but interesting:

    Paywall, but put that into OC’s very welcome suggestion of Paywall Reader dot com, using the “Remove Paywall” option to read that

    “Mike Neville, a retired Scotland Yard detective chief inspector, alleged that officers are hesitant to make arrests for fear of being called racist.

    Branding the carnival “the ultimate in two-tier policing”, Mr Neville said: “If the behaviour of the Notting Hill Carnival was replicated at football matches or any other event it would be banned.”

    He added: “You see people openly smoking drugs, abuse of police officers, dancing with female officers to the point of sexual assault. I challenge anybody to do the same thing on the way to a Millwall football game.””

    So it’s NOT a far right conspiracy theory? Who’d a thunk it?

  3. When this cunt firtst stated his ranting off he should’ve been stopped in his tracks immediately instead of allowing him to rant like he did in the first place.

  4. Why is it only white countries need diversity? Asian or black countries don’t seem need it. In my opinion, it’s because diversity is the name given to acceptable white racism and future genocide through weakening white culture and breeding.

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