Bruce Springsteen [4]

Billionaire Bruce.

A working class hero is something to be…
Sang John Lennon from the back seat of his Rolls Royce.

Bruce Springsteen has made a career out of pretending to be a blue collar bloke,
The disingenuous little twat.

Always on to posture on a lefty topic Bruce railed against ‘ the Man ‘ ” the System” the Establishment ‘.

And his gullible fans of his tuneless, saxophone cacophony music believe that tripe.

” Oh he gives a lot to charities…”

Oh he supports the workers…”

He’s a billionaire.

Daily Mail Link

So expect the boring old cunt will donate a large portion of his vast wealth to his beloved charities?
Proving he’s not a champagne socialist?

Yeah right.
He’d kick a tramp to death for 50p
The grabbing old spunker.

Nominated by: Miserable northern cunt

127 thoughts on “Bruce Springsteen [4]

    • I’m showing my age here, but back in the 6.5 Special days, a 14 year old lad called Laurie London wrote a song, sitting on the lavatory – one of those pseudo religious songs called He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands. Don’t believe me?. Seeing is believing.

      There you are – something deeply unpleasant to start the day with – on a par with a close up photo of AnalEase’s knickers when she’s only been wearing them for a month.

  1. If you wanna be a budding Bruce Springsteen then you have to learn to be a poseur like him.

    Roll a packet of fags into the sleeve of your t-shirt.

    Learn to do tricks with a Zippo® lighter.

    Get a flick comb.

    Wear sunglasses indoors.

    Have a toothpick hanging out of your mouth when talking.

    Get a very expensive motorbike that you’re scared of.

    Open beer bottles with your teeth
    * Careful!! You damage those white veneers your orthodontist will be furious!

    Be seen with fellow fakes and poseurs
    Johnny Depp
    Billy idol
    Kat Von D

    Twats like that.

  2. Down to the river
    Thats when I first heard of him, summertime as a 16 year old along with the other 16 and 17 year olds waiting for the results of exams from finally leaving school.
    A tape recorder with batteries in a field and half a joint passed around. (i got none of it)
    Tweed jackets with leather patched elbows were some of em and a couple sporting PLO scarfs.
    Right boring bunch of workers party commies, waxing lyrical about this fake.
    If I was going to listen to this much longer then I would have fkd myself in the river, so I fkd off instead.
    I did like Harvest by Neil Young as it never sounded fake but then

    Im a rocker
    Im a roller too, honey
    Im a Rocker.

      • Thin Lizzy!

        Someone do a link. I’m too pissed.

        On kosher wine, never been near a pig or a goat.

      • Horslips ScB, they wouldn’t let me into the Carlton to see em in my home town,
        Bootboys dancing with everyone and sundry including the tartan pop bay city roller types of the time, hah ha he he he.
        I was outside till the end, along with all my 13 year old teenagers that weren’t allowed in. Happy days.

      • I always was of the opinion mark Bolan was a bit shite.

        The that YouTube clip was ok.

        Every day is a school day..!

      • Kerbdog, and Wilt for me on the Irish band front. Neither made it big, but that does not mean they weren’t a better band or (crucially) better people that were IN a band than the likes of mega wealthy pontificating prick, one-time ‘woman of the year’ (so mega wealthy pontificating cunt, then) bonehead bono, for example.

        Wilt was 2/3 of Kerbdog, anyhow… and they covered ‘Mansion on the Hill’, which brings me back full circle to the nominated, to whom I have never voluntarily listened in my entire life.

        He *did*(BS(!))cameo as himself in the final season of Curb Your Enthusiasm, but came off as a bit of a cunt in that, as well.

    • Phil was well liked and well thought of by many people. Especially here in Manchester, where his mum lived for many years.

      Gary Moore, however, I’ve been told by a good few people, was supposed to be a total cunt.

  3. Some people don’t have to try.
    They just…ARE.

    Its not contrived.
    They aren’t showponies.

    They’re Original.
    The mould that others copy and imitate.

    Elvis Presley.
    Keith Moon
    Janis Joplin

    Doubt anyone would bother trying to emulate Bruce?

    • I reckon Bono was/is trying to emulate Bruce by being insufferable bellend.

      Another great musician to add to your list:
      Chris Martin off Coldplay 🙄

      • Bono was trying to emulate Jim Morrison TTCE, he failed, mind you I still like the Boy Album for the buzz it had at the time.

      • Fair enough, Mecuntry.
        Whilst I’m being shit to U2:
        “The Edge” is a bit of a cunt as well.
        Lauded as one of the best guitarists ever for playing simplistic rock, yet there are hundreds of unsung metal guitarists around the world who are far more proficient.

      • You’re right Edge was a chancer that happened to get away with it, especially in America.
        Wouldn’t be able or couldn’t lace Rory Gallagher boots even if he lived for another 200 years more with AI implants.
        The greats are great for a reason.

      • Ian Curtis.

        On a good night, he was like a force of nature. Unstoppable and a magnificent stage presence.

        Unfortunatrly, epilepsy, depression due to medication and a bad marriage took their toll, and he couldn’t take any more.
        Definitley the most charismatic and powerful performer I evr saw in person. Bruce and Bonio can but dream.

    • Scott Walker.

      Reclusive and enigmatic bloke. But a true artist and a superb singer. His first four solo albums (1966-1969) are still a run that haven’t been surpassed by any solo artist. Always true to his art and his vision. Refused to compromise or sell out.

      This, from his masterpiece fourth album…

      • Boy was a plucky nd decent debut, MeCuntry.

        An Cat Dubh/Into The Heart still stands out as a fine piece of work.

        Rattle and Hum, however, was gruesome and ridiculously pompous.

  4. Jello Biafra, hell of a frontman. Dead Kennedys era specifically.

    Saw a great clip of him once stage diving (cabled mic in hand)during a solo .. crowd parted under him & he disappears into(under!)the throng. Solo’s coming to it’s end & I reckoned ‘he’s going to miss his vocal line’ .. but nope! Out through the speakers comes the verse .. from a man being half trampled on the floor by a bunch of mostly oblivious, probably high as kites, bouncing punks.

    Way to commit! ….

  5. Speaking of rallying against the Man, the System and the Establishment, .. Rage Against The Machine covered a Brucie track, ‘The Ghost of Tom Joad’. Made a good ratm-ified version, too.

    They started out as early 20’s probably not too well-off idealists. Made it B-I-G. Worth the entrance fee in the first 8 years, I saw ’em in 93, 97, 00, 10. By the 2010’s(and for another decade afterwards, on and off) it was running on nostalgia, .. touring on zero new music in 13 to 23 years.

    Anyways. Went for a ‘why not?’ to the later gig. Half way through the frontman starts with the spiel.. on the evils of big industry, the government, the rich. Effing and blinding the rich he was … and my mate who went to that gig with me elbows me in the ribs and asked me .. ‘who do think the richest four fuckers in this room (of 8,000) are?

    Forbes just gossiped me their ftontman has at least $25 million under the mattress. Fair dues, in one way, . but shit or get off the pot on the ‘us vs. them’ crap. Give it all away to the poor folk that you champion on behalf of, or shut the fuck up & play an extra song with those 5 mins.

    ‘The Ghost of Tom Joad,’ perhaps.. 😀

    • Thing is, if someone like Springsteen does The Ghost of Tom Joad, then it’s lauded and seen as ‘True Americana’ and ‘ a tribute to lost golden era’.

      However, if someone like Ray Davies or Morrissey does something about England, how things used to be and what’s been lost, they are seen as ‘bigots’ and ‘Little Englanders’.

  6. Never took to Springsteen or his music.

    Never seemed authentic, false fucker.

    He’s not the only one, but there are those that make good records.

    Rory Gallagher was everything that Bruce Springsteen has aspired to be….and failed.

    Much like Lennon.

    Good morning 🌄👍

  7. Never liked this cunt in the 70’s. Born in the USA gives me a psychotic episode.
    He even gave money to the striking miners.
    Yet another multi millionaire socialist.
    Fuck off Bruce.

  8. Rod Stewart in the first half of the 70s.
    Fronted a superb band (Faces), Also did a great solo album (Every Picture Tells A Story). Brilliant No,1 single (Maggie May). Shagged the cream of 70s crumpet (Britt Ekland, Dee Harrington etc).

    Went downhill by the late 70s. And his 80s stuff was arse.

    Faces in their prime,

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