People In General

A recent nomination made mention of the fact that most sane people simply want to live in peace and harmony and enjoy the one life they’ve got. I think that’s true. I also think there’s an unspoken assumption that people in general are basically good and well intentioned. I think that’s false. Based upon my own personal observations, I believe the vast majority of people are absolute bastards, who are utterly self-obsessed, selfish, irresponsible, inconsiderate and would do you down in a heartbeat if it benefitted them in some way.

There are degrees of bastardness of course, but it doesn’t change the fact that people are just bastards. I’m not talking about major stuff like mass shootings, rioting, looting, etc. Just everyday things that make you say, “You fucking bastard”. To start the ball rolling, I’ll provide a few examples then let you all take it from there.

You’re driving in the outside lane, all eyes and ears and making good progress. Then some cunt on your inside wants to overtake the vehicle in front of it and pulls out into your lane forcing you to brake to avoid a collision. Instinctively you check your rear view mirror and there’s absolutely nothing behind you. They couldn’t wait 5 seconds for you to go past could they? Bastard!

You’ve popped into a supermarket for a couple of items. The place is busy with several checkout lines forming. No matter thinks you as you mosey over to the express 10 items or less checkout. Only to discover some cunt is unloading a mountainous trolley of groceries onto the conveyor belt. Does the 12 year old at the till tell them to do one? Hell no. Two bastards!

A company you do business with has fucked up forcing you to call their customer services. You enter your account number using your ‘phone so now they have two pieces of identifying information. When someone eventually comes on the line, what happens? Yep, they ask you for your account number! They then waste even more of your time trying to undo what their incompetent employer has done, safe in the knowledge they’re getting paid either way. While you have to deal with someone else’s fuck up in your own time and for free. Bastards!

You’ve booked a table at a super nice restaurant for a special occasion and have been looking forward to the night out for a while. You get seated and are perusing the wine list when the family from hell show up complete with infant/kid who’d be much happier at McDonald’s. Does the maître d’ direct said filth to a far corner where their noise and insufferable obnoxiousness can be limited. Nope. They’re seated next to you. Bastard! The infant/kid then wreaks havoc thus destroying the ambience and any tiny morsel of enjoyment you might have otherwise gained from the evening. Bastards!

Are any of these examples a once-in-a-blue-moon event? Or do they happen on a grand scale, every single day of the week?

Nominated by : Imitation Yank

79 thoughts on “People In General

      • Good call Mis – who can forget sharks.

        I tell you what makes me laugh and probably ties in quite well with the nomination – when a shark kills some human who happened to be swimming or surfing in the sea where sharks live.

        What do they do?
        Do they advise stupid human cunts to avoid shark infested waters?
        No, they send out hunting parties to kill the shark or as many sharks as possible, so it doesn’t happen again.

        Humans are not only cunts but they are entitled, selfish, ignorant, hard of thinking cunts as well.

        I took the side of Jaws in the films. Couldn’t understand the fuss.

      • I like sharks too Herman.
        They’re the binmen of the oceans.

        Anyone who says different is clearly not on board with the green credentials of the Shark.

        My favourite is the Great White
        The big racist.

      • Roughly 10 people on average per annum are killed by sharks.

        Individual years have varied from 4 to 16.

        On the flipside of that? 80,000,000 a conservative estimate, seeing as I read 100,000,000 on the same topic ten years ago.

        We’ll round the no’s. for convenience for the summation.

        From Jan 1st thru Dec 31st, a single human(out of 8 billion or 8,200 000,000) will be killed somewhere globally per month by a shark.

        3 sharks will be killed per second, every second of every minute of every hour every day etc. in the same timescale for the entire 12 months. Then starts over immediately again.

        By 4 seconds past midnight January 1st, the books would be balanced, eye for an eye, like.

        That’s why I initially planned to refrain from this nom… ; too frivolous on the bad deeds front when it comes to this (somewhat bastardy, indeed), species of ours. There’s a whole lot of hypocritical cuntiness going on in the background all the while some stupid examples are constantly inconveniencing almost any simple everyday thing you attempt to do in public.

        p.s. 10 humans per annum? .. statistically that’s only a solitary single NON cunt that goes that way, adjusted for global cuntitude.

  1. I think you’re right IY.
    Add to the list :
    Starting up power tools at 7.30 am on a Sunday.
    Emptying what sounds like a large Wetherspoons entire bottle collection into the recycling bin at 7 am.

    And that’s just this weekend
    around these parts.

    • People who play music at ear shattering volumes on warm days, because the sound magically stops at the fence line, and everyone loves that curious mix of bahgra/drill anyway, innit?

      People who conduct loud mobile phone conversations, on speaker, at 2:30am outside your house ( or at anytime, anywhere, really)

    • Two great points here, So Long and Jeezum.

      Neighbour to our right is retired. In the good weather months, he’s in the habit of firing up his loud as fuck ride on zero turn mower at 7 to 7:30PM on a Friday evening. When the wife and I have completed our working week and want/need some quiet downtime, that bastard decides to cause that uproar. He’s had all fucking day, but waits until the evening when people are trying to relax. This has happened on multiple occasions, so it’s obviously something he just does because he can or more likely, it just bored. Bastard!

      We live about half a mile or so from a road intersection controlled by traffic lights. It’s semi-rural and not super busy – or so we thought. The number of cunts who stop at the lights driving sub-woofers on wheels is fucking insane. That bloody bass noise really travels and just rips through our home. If it’s that loud in our home, how fucking loud is it in their vehicle? Bastards!

  2. Mrs and kids went to Australia last month flew with Qatar Airways..

    Guess who got the Somalis with a screaming baby sat right behind them?

    As eldest said to the Mrs..”Good job Dad’s not here the plane would get diverted”..

    People are indeed Cunts..but there is nothing wors than the Africunt.


    • The wife and I, went to Canada last month. The plane was full of fucking Gupta’s, rude stinking and it made it a horrendous experience. One we landed, every place we visited was full of the rude cunts. Oven!

      • once* bloody phone. it was June as well. I can’t believe it’s bloody august! What’s happened to this year.

    • Afternoon, UT,

      You well?

      The missus and I were in NYC in January. Fucking cracking city. On the way back we had a proper Robertsons sat behind us. Fruit on its head, the lot.

      The fucking negresse behind us was using her phone while the plane was taxiing. Jibberjabbering in Africunt. She got told to turn her phone off by the stewardesse. She still didn’t.

      Me turning around saying “switch it off, have you never been on a plane before, you stupid black cunt?!” worked.

      Never have I been so proud of my parents’ East End racist heritage.

  3. Hell is other people.

    Not sure who said that.
    Probably me?
    But it’s true.

    I’m happiest in the company of a dog in winter in the Peak District.
    Nobody around.

    People get on my tits.

    Morning! Nice day!
    Fuck off.

  4. People are bastards, it’s all a question of degree and some are bastards without realising it, it’s a bit like unconscious bias 😉

    • I suspect it’s a simple fact of squeezing circa 70 million cunts onto an island ideal for perhaps around half of that and crammed in way too tight like a foie-gras goose liver.? No real quality of life at those levels of population.

      • I think that does have something to do with it, Ptarmigan.

        America has lost a lot of what I liked about it 20 years ago when I moved here, but it’s still a huge country. You can find pockets of relative calm and isolation. The further away I live from other humans, the better my quality of life.

        The UK is over populated. It just is.

      • Fucking right the uk is overpopulated yet they still let more in!
        Of course the cunts who make the rules don’t live in crammed to bursting point cities.
        Heaven forbid they should be able to see another building from any aspect of THEIR country pile.

  5. Kids expressing their selves are more than bastards.
    They are fucking cunts, both they and their selfish bastard parents need exterminating.
    Good morning.

    • Quite so, Harry.

      I don’t remember this, but my mum told me when I was really small out and about with her running errands and such, if I acted up I used to get a whack on the legs and told to behave. Apparently after some snivelling and pouting, I did. It seemed to work. Maybe that’s part of the reason I have zero tolerance for other people’s feral offspring.

      It’s rare to see a well behaved, quiet child in public these days. Just the other day the wife and I were in the supermarket. Some effnic couple had 3 brats in tow. Why? Just why? If the parents are still together – well done. But one of you stay at fucking home while the other does the grocery run. It’s not difficult! But no. So we had the youngest in one of those stupid trolleys made to look like a car. FFS. That squawked from time to time. Then the other two just ran around shrieking, touching everything with their germ infested mitts. And the scum parents did nothing about it. Bastards!

      • I know how you feel, the family across the road are fucking feral cunts. I say family, a middle aged woman with 5 kids, no dad to be seen. I lived on a nice quiet road till they turned up. Worst part they are not even ethnic (thank god). Just feral chav cunts. They can’t talk at normal volumes, oh no they shout everything. This now seems to be the norm and socially acceptable. I hear peoples telephone calls, or just general conversation. When did this become accepted!?

  6. Fortunately I don’t fly or drive. That’s a good deal of the cunts out of the way for a start. Living near the sea in a town without entertainment, means only one thing, its full of old people like myself. With it being quiet, I take the half empty bus occasionally and that means no cunts on mobile phones. The couple of Super Markets don’t have limited item tills and that’s another argument I don’t have. I’ll cycle for exercise mainly in the summer months and that’s just about it.

  7. 4 nominations in one there, all valid.

    I hate loads of people, probably most people in fact.
    But I don’t hate everyone. I’m a selective misanthropist.

    Kryten is top of my Hate List at present.

  8. Good nom, Well observed.

    The high street this morning was full of cunts. Cunts filling their faces with pasties and extra long sausage rolls. Their kids running riot, unchecked by parental guidance.

    I must have been one of about five per-cent of people not wearing fucking trainers. Most cunts were wearing shorts or tracksuit bottoms. The worst cunts were wearing hoodies – who the fuck wears a hoodie in the summer other than druggies and other scouser/sweaty criminal types.

    Vapists were blowing their raspberry bubblegum flavoured shit all over the place outside Costa. Most were beardies, including the women. Their conversation is just a series of retarded inanities. In olden times coffee shops were hotbeds of new business ideas. Nowadays they attract bloated, bennies fiddling riff-raff. The only reason these cunts know it is fucking Sunday is because Tesco doesn’t open until eleven so they have to go without crisps for an hour or two.

    Other people are the major cause of mental health problems in this country. Luckily, I am immune to their shit and just laugh at them. Chins up, cunters!

    • Yep.
      Hard to imagine any other animal on the planet that is even a minuscule cause of mental health problems in this country, let alone a major one.

  9. As far as I’m concerned new people I meet I assume are automatically cunts until they prove otherwise. Never used to be the case, but after more years than I care to remember being ‘had over’ I now treat everyone with suspicion in the first instance.

      • That goes for me too.
        I used to have the opinion when I was a lad that if I didn’t get on with someone it was their fault.
        Now it’s everyone is a cunt until they prove otherwise.

  10. This is a great nom.
    This is also the basic difference between liberalism and conservatism. Liberalism believes human beings are inherently good.Conservatives understand that they need checks and balances on human nature which is basically NO good.
    We are all cunts expressing a very thin veneer of civility as long as we are getting most of what we want.
    As Western culture continues to decline, we see selfishness become more apparent.
    The daily reminders of the fact that people are cunts abound.
    As a believer in God, a life after this one, blah, blah, I also believe that God will settle all accounts one day. This helps me resist the temptation to be a cunt in kind.
    Afternoon all.

    • Which version of God though? Don’t get me wrong because I don’t believe I can state God doesn’t exist with any certainty or that he does.

      The God of the bible can seem like a narcissist megalomaniac and not a loving father don’t you think.

      There are multiple passages in the bible that state your deeds have nothing to do with whether you enter heaven or not. Very complicated indeed.

      Not being a cunt is in general a good thing but understanding we can all be cunts at times is important.

      We will all find out one way or another someday.

    • Good post, meat.

      I’m not a believer myself, but I used to be attached to someone who was. Consequently I came into contact with other religious types. You’d think that God fearing Christians would be fundamentally good people so you wouldn’t need to worry about their views, motives or motivations. I found the exact opposite. The majority of these people whose backgrounds and lives I learned something about revealed a lack of ethics, questionable morals, deceit, subterfuge, under-handedness, blatant dishonesty. The list goes on. One slag who was a friend of my other half used to boast about having an affair with a very wealthy married man and she herself was also married. Lovely.

      It was a jolt to the system I can tell you. Good Christian folks – the upholders of virtue and higher purpose? Nope.

  11. You ain’t wrong IY. People in general think the world revolve’s around them. We are all to believe that we are our own deities, everyone else is an NPC in our own personal GTA V game of life.

    Driving is a combative pastime now, but then there’s very few police around to catch the worst offenders. No money in that is there?

    Go in a shop and you’re sure to find a group of people who’d rather block an aisle whilst they have a chat than go to the cafe next door.

    Society has gone to shit, for many people social media takes precedence over reality.

    Personally I’d be happy if I could get further away from people.

    • I think that’s part of it, 6DV. People have become very self centered. To the point where it’s all about them. That might work on a small scale, but these days we see that attitude prevail at the expense of others. That’s not right because it damages society as a whole. So it becomes self perpetuating.

      Notice how mobile ‘phones went from being a nice and mostly discreet convenience to now where everywhere is everyone’s personal phone box – without the box. How many times have you been in conversation with someone and they get a call on their mobile…..and they answer it!!!! Right in front of you!!!!

      The driving thing too. Wow! I swear to god the driving in and around Dallas would look no different in the actual object of the exercise were to terrorize and run off the road all the other road users. It is fast, aggressive and fucking insane. Dangerous doesn’t come close to describing it. It just looks like other people’s vehicles and their lives simply don’t matter. It is a massive relief when you get to your destination unscathed. No, I’m not exaggerating. Glad we moved.

  12. Yeah, I like this nom. I’m currently the subject of some very, very unpleasant village gossip. Borderline slander from a woman I once considered a close friend. To say I am feeling white hot rage is an understatement.

    People are cunts. Trust nobody. Keep yourself to yourself. Take care of yourself and your own. Fucking off to Finland with the wife and living in a cabin away from the world sounds well tempting at the moment.

    • Until the Russians invade, Cuntis.

      Sorry you’re dealing with that crap at the mo. I feel for ya.

      People in general are so awful these days that’s it’s perfectly natural to want to withdraw from mainstream society. That’s what the wife and I have done. Yes, it’s isolating and yes our social outlets are pretty limited. But we have each other and we’re happy keeping the world at arm’s length as much as we can. I encourage others to do the same.

  13. Afternoon cuntis, sorry to hear this mate – people who live their lives telling lies about other people generally get found out in the end. You gotta ask yourself why anyone would do such a thing, and the answer ain’t because they’re happy with their lives.

    Nonetheless I feel your rage; but it will pass. I’ve put up with similar bullshit in the past and the scum that do this have always wound up the losers.

    • Hiya, BD. Thanks for your kind words. Yeah, the person has also spread rumours about another chap we know. Apparently he’s a wife beater. The golden rule here is don’t be a gobshite, especially when you’re a landlady of a boozer.

      How did you cope with having your good name dragged through the mud? I generally try to be stoic about things and not air my dirty laundry in public. This has been an absolute red line for me, though. Especially as it’s cost me two very dear friends, too.

      • I had to walk away from it whilst explaining to those who were being told the lies that they can believe what they want, but it is all bullshit and more fool them if they allow themselves to be manipulated by some shit stirring cunt like that. In the end, took some time, but the piece of shit in question was found out for being the lying cunt that they are and a lot of people have quietly re-formed relationships with me and with due contrition.

        So my advice would be that really – make it clear to those being told this crap that they’re being lied to by someone who clearly has a serious personality problem, and then separate yourself from all of them and focus on your other priorities in life such as your family, your health, your work. Leave those vile toxic filth to it – they’ll fuck themselves in the end.

    • Thank you, pal. That’s exactly what I’m doing at the moment. Spending tonnes of time at home, not really showing my face in town, and being a good husband, a good dad, cutting down on the boozing, and trying to be an all-round better person than I was when I was part of that ‘set’.

      I’m taking a very philosophical approach to all of this. Yeah, I’m hurting inside and I’m livid, but the universe will work its magic in some way, and she’ll get her come uppance. It might not be tomorrow, it might not even be next year. But it’ll happen.

      Was it a woman who spread evil about you? They’re worse than blokes. In my 30 something years, I’ve never been on the end of anything like this. At least with a fellow chap, you can settle this with an afternoon in the pub, a bit of swearing, and that’s it. Split arses are pure poison in this respect.

      • Yes it was a woman mate – her family were taken in by her wicked lies, and everyone around her. Took a few years but they all realised what an absolutely mental poisonous cunt she was, as the shit she projected on to me continued to stick to her long after I was gone, and they realised the lies she was telling about me were actually describing herself; just had to step back and let her reveal herself for what she is.

        The other thing I did was go on to pursue new relationships with new people, who had never been privy to all of that, and I chose my new friends and acquaintances with a much greater degree of caution.

        In the end I’ve got an eclectic set of friendships now, based on much more discriminating criteria and also bearing in mind that very few people are trustworthy so I don’t give away too much about myself to anyone. Now got a much quieter life with a lot more control over my situation; while she is still in a state of absolute turmoil and will always be one seriously unhappy fucked up mess.

      • Cheers, BD. You’re a good egg. That’s exactly the same attitude that’s being adopted here. It’ll all fall apart for her. As for ‘friends’, they’re transient. The proper friends we have, long-termers, are the ones to treasure. My other half has been a fucking star amidst this, and has even been far more reactive than I have.

        Quality not quantity, right?

      • You got it mate – end of the day you really don’t need more than a handful of people in your life to rely on for support and company. This nom says it all – people are cunts, limit how many you have to put up with!

        All the best, I know you’re a stand-up geezer, anyone who wants to believe otherwise ain’t no mate of yours.

    • I hear you, iv been there with my ex. she told people for years that I was beating her, abusing her and god knows what else. Obviously not true, though sometimes I wish I had, especially at the end! She nearly ruined my life, by getting me arrested. Get this I called the old bill because of her. Couldn’t make it up. She then stalked me,; fortunately I extricated my self in proper one day moonlight flit style.. So in keeping with people being cunts, I definitely feel your pain!

      • Hearing your story makes me shudder. That script gets played out an awful lot – that and the weaponising of children against their dads. Anyway, probably fertile territory for a nom of its own, but we’re all of us it seems survivors of the enchanting wiles of the fairer sex!

    • I’ll add pickup trucks that that list.

      I honestly believe there’s a special office at pickup truck dealerships where the new owners get a frontal lobotomy. It’s like none of the driving regulations apply to these cunts.

      Whenever I see a pickup broken down on the side of the road, I get a warm smug feeling inside and hope the cunt driver will be out there hours. Bastards!

  14. At one time, when Roy Plomley was in charge of Desert Island Discs, he always used to ask the castaway what they would be most glad to get away from. Noise was the usual answer, and when I think about my neighbour, a brassy looking tart, and her pampered young daughter shouting and screaming at each other all day, playing their fucking rap records at full blast IN THE GARDEN, and the trollop noisily saying goodbye to her latest boyfriend at one in the morning, then I think I would give the same answer.

    I’d also be glad to be away from closet Commie Starmer and his shit eating grin

  15. Great nom.

    The Human race is reaching the end of the road. And I can’t say that I’m either bothered or surprised. We despoil, murder, pollute and ruthlessly exploit the world we share with other species. We have the distinction of being the most destructive animal ever to walk the face of the Earth.

    Life on this planet started about 3.8 billion years ago. Homo Sapiens, aka “Cunts”, only appeared on the scene about 200,000 years ago (a police box is thought to have been involved).

    I’m confident that if a nuclear war doesn’t finish us off, some other man-made disaster will. Good. We’ll be no fucking loss, and maybe the planet can then slowly start to recover with us parasites gone.

    As a species, we’ve been around for less than 0.005% of the Earth’s 4.5 billion year history. Would our passing be mourned? Like fuck it would!

    PS: I am not Cliff Clavin, so don’t even think about trying to claim your £5.

    (Nor am I Chris Packham or David Attenbore, they can go fuck themselves)

  16. Agreed. Motion carried. I always park at the remotest moss covered space in any car park, and sure enough some cunt is always next to me even though there are plenty of spaces available, so my ratty but solid x trail diesel smoker leaves a lovely blue paint scrape on the opposing vehicle. The beauty of plastic front wings.

  17. Thanks for all those who chipped in with stories about their own experiences.

    One thing I forgot to mention in my nom is that I don’t think life/society used to be this way a few decades ago. As a young adult (mid 80s), I don’t recall absolutely believing everyone was a bastard cunt until proven otherwise. Perhaps some folks older than me could comment on what things were like in the 70s or even 60s. Not as a child growing up, but as an adult so you were aware of how things were.

    These days, if someone does something nice, kind or considerate completely unprompted just because, it stands out a country mile and I find myself almost bemused. I do honestly think people in general were just nicer to each other when I first started to notice such things. These days, they’re not. It’s sad.

  18. Our street used to be fairly quiet. 20 years on ago I could wake up to silence apart from the birds singing and think ,”this must be how it was 200 years ago” I’m currently sitting outside and I can hear a massive volume of traffic, some cunt somewhere starting up a chainsaw, kids squealing constantly a lad outside my house talking very loudly to someone ( he always does, whether early morning or late night when I’m trying to kip but TBF he does have “issues” . Just wish he’d have them further down the road) a motorbike down the road having it’s bollocks revved off, a taxi driver honking his horn cos he can’t be arsed to get out of his car and someone inflating their car tyres with an electric pump!! Oh and here comes the ice cream man with his bells a jingling!!! Do you think they have to pay royalties the the BBC for using the Match Of The Day theme??

  19. I deal with 12.000 people a day in my job.
    Most are great but a few are total Cunts of the highest order.
    When I’m not at work or dealing with the wife or Four year old monster. I head out into open fields and go metal detecting with not another human within miles of me. Beer, smokes and my own thoughts.
    Living my dream. Yes I go metal detecting and that might possibly make me a cunt.

    • Not at all, Ober.

      Tell me, what did you think of the Detectorists TV show? We absolutely loved it. Must have watched it a dozen or more times on DVD. Seems like a pretty decent hobby as it goes.

      • The programme was to close to the truth.
        Especially when the main character was broke and bought beer with dirty coins he found that day metal detecting.
        Great hobby…..

      • 1220Xd for me old fashioned but it works well. Shame some landowners can be a cunt when asking for permission.
        Nighthawks are the biggest cunts in the hobby. Except for those who go out on their first time ever dectecting and find a hoard. MEGACUNTS. Enjoy harvest time.

  20. My problem is I’m incredibly charismatic and look friendly.

    I’m not.

    I’m a miserable bastard who doesn’t want to listen to their boring fuckin stories about holidays, their kids, their football team, whatever…

    I just want them to fuck off and leave me in peace.

    I know it’s meant to be nice to be nice,
    But I don’t wanna be nice

    • Right there with you, Mis.

      If I had the money, I’d be tempted to spend some wonga on a top psychologist who could perhaps tell me why I really, really don’t like people. I don’t know why I turned out this way. Dropped on my head at an early age perhaps.

      For example, many folks are able to take small talk in their stride. Me, I hate it. I’m actually offended by it and consider it akin to a cross examination in a High Court. I find it intrusive, nosey, blatant prying and absolutely objectionable. It’s also pointless. What does it matter to the other people where I was born, where I live, what car I drive, what I do for a living? It’s just a pointless exchange of personal information with the sole intention of what exactly? Making a new friend? Not likely. The more someone knows about you, the more it can be used against you in various nefarious ways. I’m equally completely uninterested in other people’s banal factoids. I just don’t care.

      Again, if I had the money I’d buy my own private island. Bliss.

  21. Having paid in since I left school, you would think I could – and should – get dialysis treatment in peace and quiet, right?


    For a start, there is a member of staff. Not an actual nurse, but a support worker and she is unbelievably loud. Always talks/shouts at a very high volume. 7am and want a bit of a kip on the morning slot while you’re on the machine? Forget it. Seriously. way too loud for a hospital environment and where there are sick and old peiople. Other staff members seem intimdated or see her as a ‘character’. Not really hard to get one with, but so painfully loud all the time. You don’t have to see her to know she’s there. And it really shouldn’t be allowed where people are having treatment. It’s a hospital ward,, not the fucking London Palladium.

    And I won’t start about the loud and ignornant Pakis, because I’ve said enough about those cunts already.

  22. Most people are cunts these days. My neighbour opposite is a complete bellend.

    Cunt was building his own camper van llast year, and he ended up blowing it up.
    The stuoid fuck did some welding above the engine. Only thing is, he is neither a welder or a mechanic. Seriously, it went up like a bomb. and it would have killed anyone who was alking past it at the time. It was like something from the Professiionals.

    Thankfully nobody was hurt. But no thanks to his stupidity. And there was no form of apology to us neighbours. Not even to old lady next door, who has lived here for 40 years. The stupid Irish twat has now got another camper van to work on, and he has filled the street with dread.

    Another thing I hate about him is he is never in when parcels for him turn up. And neighbours (including my Mrs) have taken them for him in the past, way too many times I might add. But when this fucker is asked to something for a neighbour, like move his car or take a parcel for them, and it’s whine whine fucking whine. A complete and utter prick.

    • This cunt is also the classic modern parent knob.
      Posts pictures of his infant kids all over social media,so every weirdo in the world can see them. He also has one of those WG Grace/Dubliners type beards, even though he is a young bloke. A total knobhead.

  23. Almost all our laws are to stop or punish people when they do bad things, where are the laws to stop us doing excessive good? We are by nature Bastards. Look at children at Kindy, what little pricks they are to each other and have to be taught to be thoughtful and compassionate but not all get that teaching and turn into a A Hole we see today, in other words the mental capacity of a pre-school child.
    These A Holes seem to be strategically placed so I bump into them several times a day. Yep, I agree, we are a murderous race and need to be kept in check.

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