The Internet of the 2020s

It’s fucking broken, isn’t it?

Amazon – full of Chinese tat

Google – prioritising fucking Reddit threads as sources of information

Facebook – overrun with AI images of mutants and bots in the comments, people’s feeds no longer relevant to them, just what Faecesbook thinks you’ll like, and is now the social network for grannies and aunties.

Twitter and its hordes of bots, vast numbers of blowhards trading snark and little else, celebrities with millions of fake followers bought and paid for.

Independent News Link

Then there’s YouTube, drenched in advertising, even if the creators try to opt out, evr more censorious on controversial topics. Content farming, encroachment of corporate channels over unique characters, and the biggest channels are simply bland lowest common denominator shit. Thumbnails that all look he same, usually some beard 20/30-something cunt with his eyes popping and jaw slack

There’s your local news site, usually owned by Reach, named CunthamptonLive or similar, almost unnavigable due to the pop ups and chum boxes.
‘Are you aged/born between and have a mortgage?… You’ll never guess what Dave Benson Phillips looks like now!

Then there are the click hole sites owned by publishing companies and faceless media conglomerates, all giving the same opinion to get their parent company ESG investment, staffed by thick SJW types shilling for whatever passes as entertainment at the moment, championing the bravery of the ‘content’ for promoting the views of the establishment and gaslighting audiences, lazily describing critics as ‘far-right’, ‘trolls’, bigots’ etc., and blaming the audience when the propaganda is watched by nobody, even themselves.

When i first had regular access to the internet in the early noughties, you could look up anything and say anything and talk to anybody about almost anything. YouTube came along and was bursting with eccentrics. Now it’s lost a lot of the ‘You’ and become ‘Us’.

Google, Amazon and Facebook have helped sanitise it and with AI, killing any human creativity still left.

This is now the only site I really use with any regularity. Twitter is a bore fest and entirely childish, with it’s clamour for clout and followers.

As or the modern trend of Influencers, What do they even influence? Their thralls and simps into buying nonsense. They’re shills.

I wouldn’t mind returning the internet to the days of Internet forums and Chocolate Rain.

This 2020 version is fucking boring.

Nominated by: Cuntamus Prime

57 thoughts on “The Internet of the 2020s

      • Years ago when the internet was still fairly new and we were thinking about getting on it for the office I called into an afternoon radio show and asked what percentage of the World Wide Web was used for looking up porn. The answer was they didn’t know but estimated at 85%. It was the BBC after all that I had called so I guess they were talking from experience!

      • I can’t remember now probably no one especially well known. About hall a dozen of us were having a conversation and had a guess about the percentage of porn people were watching. My question set the people in the studio off on the same conversation. I think their guess was about as accurate as ours. I am pretty sure in the early days of the internet it was a high percentage and passport was the driving force behind technical advancement.

  1. Never used Facetwat or Twitter, just assumed they have always been full of cunts.

    As long as IsAC still runs although with Starmers desperate Muslim arse kissing yesterday and crackdown on the ‘far-right’ it may be the internet equivalent of that Nip soldier fighting on in the Philippines thirty years after World War Two had ended.

    • LL,

      Very wise. I don’t have any of that shit, mostly because I’m not interested what random strangers had for dinner, also that I would get banned/arrested for my far right, extremist views, which used to be known as ‘normal’.

      Y’know, stuff like gays are repulsive, if you’ve got a cock you’re not a woman, sooty people bring zero benefit to England and my constant, heart-burning desire to assassinate Tony Blair.

      Like I said, normal.

      • I’d like to see Angela Rayner fall of the the back of that potato lorry – stark bollock naked strangled with a tie. She is even worse than Blair and that is saying something

    • Change the DNS of the device you are using to adguard’s DNS . I use it on my LG oled tv and no more annoying shitverts on youtube.

  2. I use utube for nostalgic purposes only. Once you ask for certain things, that’s all you’re kindly delivered. Even the adds ignore the likes of me because of its lack of popularity. If on the odd occasion they decide to come out of the woodwork, they are fuck off by me once I get a subliminal view and stop bothering me for long periods. I can watch classic films and listen classical music without any interruption.

  3. 99% pointless

    I saw this the other day on cuntbook ‘I will have my phone off for the next four days so don’t jump to conclusions if I don’t answer’

    Self important cunt!

    PS – I only have cuntbook for the local community forum.

      • It was a she, no idea why her phone would be off but wouldn’t make any difference to me anyway 😂

    • @sick…I use fuckbook for a local olden days forum to wistfully look at how England used to be 😩….everything else is pap and go fund me idiots ….t’internet I use for holiday bookings,sport and very little else, except for Isac the shining beacon in a world of dross and cack ✌️mind you with robo starmer baring his fangs we’d better watch out for the labour politzei looking for more ‘troublemakers’ to silence 🤐

      • I am expecting the ‘brave’ Huw Edwards to have his ‘mental health issues’ to be all over the MSM very soon. The liberal scum will still be making apologies and excuses for him. Just like they did for Schofield.

        ‘But… But… Huw hasn’t actually molested anyone…’

        So, making sexually depraved images of children is perfectly acceptable then.’

        What bends my head is that a lot of the Edwards apologists will have kids themselves. Astonishing.

    • Oh aye, Arch.
      ‘The organisation skills of the far right’.

      Yet, there are still no arrests at the Didsbury mosque, where the Manchester Arena murderer crawled out of..

      And has Lineker offered any sympathies or apologies to the families of those three dead little Southport girls? Course he hasn’t. They were white and English. Besides, one of his ‘friends’ with ‘no voice’ did it. Like everyone else at the ‘Beeb’, Lineker is a collaborator, and he should be classed as such.

  4. Prove you are not a robot.
    Verify that you are human.
    Click on all the fire hydrant pictures.

    And even thpugh we’ve got your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and password. prove that it’s you….

    What a load of unbelievable bollocks.

    And all the ‘free’ shit they throw at you… McAfee, Kano, Opera, Microsoft Edge and so on… It just clogs up tht system, slows things down and is never used.

  5. just got into a huge row with a woman on Facebook about immigrant terrorist attacks, she said there are no immigrant terrorist attacks, sent her links from lots of internet sites, the stupid cow still said that she can’t see any, have the lefty’s got a different internet?

  6. You’re right about most of it. Twitter is ok if you follow the right people.
    The local rags on Reach are appalling, you are right. “Everyone is just finding out…” etc and a pile of pop ups

  7. Fuck the social tedia and all its works, no hopers hoping to be noticed fucking idiots living in a virtual world when the real one is so much better.

    • Sir Kweer is doing his best to change our little part of it. It’s already a 3rd world shit hole but he’s confident he can make it much, much worse.

  8. It’s a shame what the web has become. I remember when I first got connected to the web at home sometime in the mid-nineties. One of the first things I looked at was a NASA stream of pictures from one of it’s probes on Mars. I must say I was massively impressed to sit there at home looking at detailed pictures from the surface of another planet. Still, I suppose there is good stuff on there, you just have to dig it out.

    • Interesting development I’ve notice recently on that front:

      Some news websites now don’t have a reject cookies option. It’s reject and pay.
      I believe the correct terminology is ‘dark patterns’. Amazon and Google are masters of ‘dark patterns’.

      Err no. I’ll visit another site.

  9. Ah, ..the wonderful internet. Could have been great. Game changer, a potential paradigm shift for humanity’s ‘better’. Kinda *was* a bit, even, for a while.

    Just one problem.

    People. The vast majority whom are cunts to one degree or another. In their billions and blinded by a pathetic neediness(social meeja) and shameless selfish greed (e.g. support my patreon or ”buy me a coffee” ; both simply meaning “monetarily pay me for my hobby I mean ‘JOB’ of course [of speedrunning videogames f.f.s.] etc), .. all largely fuelled by low browedness & ‘I want’ jealousies plenty of which originate from endless humblebraggers material online showboating…

    And that was just the idiots. The cutthroat bad actors weren’t far behind, as ever.. Gullibility-exploiting conmen, confidence tricksters, fraudsters, thieves, groomers, bullies, and (predatory) arseholes in general .. all took to the medium like ducks to water, of course..

    What started out as a wee escape from the everyday world and its annoying tribulations for a while, in the evenings(!)… has ended up a gigantic melting pot of (often inaccurate) pointless, untrustworthy shit. With neverending fucking ads. (A cunts category all of it’s own).

    A macrocosm of real life in itself, really, with the same ultimate problem when you participate in either ….

    You, quite simply, find yourself severely outnumbered by cunts.

    • p.s. buy your OWN fucking coffee, online-begging fucking cunts. As bad, if not worse than, any dirty fucker on a street corner with the hand out, but – [by doing it through a several-hundred-pounds-costing device whilst on an extended connectivity contract for same], – probably imagine themselves ‘above’ such base behaviour… no, they just deserve a little reward for the kind act of telling the world whether or not they liked a TV show they watched recently.

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