Being a Teenager in the 2020s

Must be awful. When I was in my teens in the nineties, life was about getting high or getting your dick wet. It was reflected in a lot of the youth culture and music. You could go to a house party and your mum and dad knew you might experiment because that’s what they did in the 70s.

I was never under any sort of pressure to be something i wasn’t as my dad had been a teenage hedonist and did what he liked, and for him to expect me and my brother to be straight-laced squares or swots would’ve been hypocritical.

Strangely enough i didn’t feel the need to act like a rebel or hard cunt and was happy to just be myself. The other factor was that we weren’t instructed on what was the right opinion all the time. political correctness was around but limited in reach, and generally the preserve of neurotic cunts with no friends or overzealous teachers who were generally mocked for being so uptight. They were rightly and presciently, treated like dogmatic religious freaks.

We had no social media either, so if you did have trouble with someone at school, it didn’t continue outside of school. Apart from this site, i no longer use social media or comment very much on the internet. I’ve been watching the curtailing of freedom of expression in our society since the time Blair was in office, wary of how the government was adding legislation under the guise of ‘anti-terrorism’ measures. Thats why i can’t blame social media itself as the censorship was already underway. I could tell the West was growing more suthoritarian and fragmented since the late 90s. A lot of my mates noticed it as well. TV mightve improved but films and pop music had declined in quality, and the youth subcultures of the noughties were quite vanilla; Emo? Muso/scene?

Now that the entertainment industry only cares about shitting out substandard’content’; a world of DEI gayblack dogshit, music is corporate nursey rhymes, teenagers would rather adopt ugly fashions, looking fake, filming and snapping themselves through babyish filters in gyms rather than learning guitars, going out to parties and imbibing chemicals, getting off with each other, learning to drive (legally and otherwise), being exposed to the world of work and learning to rub along with people ten, twenty, thirty years older.
They watch porn, play computer games, and live out boring lives through their phones. Their opinions are vetted and delivered to please some phantom apparatchik who may be listening in.

They no longer have a unifying culture, as they splinter off into a world of radical left or alt right shut-ins. They aren’t just exploring their ‘sexual identity’ of straight or gay, but being brainwashed into getting their bits cut off because they might ‘really’ be a boy instead of a girl or a girl instead of a boy, or some made-up unicorn hermaphrodite inbetween. They’re not encouraged to be either tough or tolerant, but to be a victim, claim you’re oppressing them, indulge in narcissm, navel-gaze and act like obnoxious entitled brats well into their twenties.

The unecessary anguish over identity, the self-mutilation and sham of ‘body positivity’, the arrested development and lack of experience with sex, drugs, jobs, getting from A to B without mummy’s help, their terrible music films and comedy, their lack of subcultures, their weak teachers and politicians, their reliance on technology – it sll paints teenager of the 2020s as the most boring variety society has raised since before ‘teenagers’ were invented. News.

Nominated by : Cuntamus Prime

95 thoughts on “Being a Teenager in the 2020s

  1. Makes no sense. Why not just cunt society? Unless you are a teenager in today’s era, or parent for that matter, what the fuck do you know?
    How do you know they are more stressed out and depressed? Data? Weren’t we all modern teens once? Can’t cunt kids for wanting to be kids.

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