Glastonbury (7)


again. The gathering of the cunts.

Every year the same. Middle to upper class fuckwits congregate. To watch the usual garbage.

A has been rock relic way past their prime, but paid ridiculous money to creak out their ‘classics’. Macca. Fleetwood Mac, U2, Rolling Stones. That sort of thing.

Some crappy ‘guilty pleasure/novelty’ act. Past glories include Rolf Harris and Gary Glitter. And watching Lionel Richie or Diana Ross melt in 25 degree heat is not a nice thing.

Some overrated up themself current pop cunt. William Eilish or Lana Del Cunt Someone like that. And the snotty little cunt will turn up late. Won’t be able to finish their set, as they’ll break a fungernail or spaz out becuase they have tourettes or some other ‘illness’. Lardarse Capaldi sprimgs to mind.

Some uppity treeswinger cunt who revels in pimping, crime and violence. The crowd, of course, lap this up. And shout the ‘N’ word because it’s the most rebellious thing they will ever do.

The crowd of twats will be socialists for the day, and chant for Starmer, Corbyn and Greta the Mong.

All hosted by that complete cunt, Lauren Laverne.

Link here. Telling us about Glasto’s latest novelty antique riding a horse. Barrel well and truly scraped.


Nominated by Norman. Addendum by Chuff Chugger.

if i may add to this cunting, the hypocritical cunts who are in the audience cheering and clapping people like Greta agreeing with her every word about global warming, recycling, plastic in water ways etc etc, yet leave all their shit behind.

they are all bandwagonners on the latest fad to look somehow cool, but dont actually believe the bollocks they seemingly agree with when in an audience.

bbcnews 2

81 thoughts on “Glastonbury (7)

  1. A couple of dozen HIMARS with cluster warheads over Worthy Farm would sort the cunts.

  2. The cunts who leave the enormous car park stickers in their cars long after the event to show everyone how cool they are.
    Showing how gullible they are more like!

  3. That Dua Lipa would defintely be worth a go.

    As Kenneth Connor would say in Allo Allo,

    ‘Oh, ny dicky ticker.’

    • Harold, I prefer that, too.

      I wasn’t going to comment on the inevitable Glastonbre nom.
      I feel that I peaked after the Axel Rose comment.

      But I’m going to repeat it
      ” We think you’re all a bunch of cunts!”

    • Those guys sure shone bright for a couple or so years.Real hard rock over that Saxon,Maiden,Priest gubbins of that era.

      • Replacing Steven Adler with Matt Sorum changed ‘G ‘N’ R from a rock ‘n’ roll band to a metal band.

  4. Those guys sure shone bright for a couple or so years.Real hard rock over that Saxon,Maiden,Priest gubbins of that era.

    • That other monumental celebrity bellend Simon Pegg also was there to watch Cuntplay.

      Tennant wasn’t there though. Probably not trans enough for him.

  5. Glastonbury is a cunt has been from the turn of the century and Chris Martin with his exciting as cardboard music is an even bigger cunt although I do owe him a degree of thanks for bringing me to isAc.

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