Sir Beer Korma (23)


the bland and as clear as a turd filled bog leader of the opposition (well for now).

Cue load of cock waffle about not raising tax on working people and waffle about what is a working person. Ffs they are going to be running (into the ground probably) the UK most likely and they can’t decide what a working person is.

That said this non entity had a few issues about defining a woman a while back, well I’ll happy define Sir Beer Korma breaker of lockdown rules and bland nonentity as a cunt.

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Nominated by Paul Goddard link by Barry zuckercunt.

65 thoughts on “Sir Beer Korma (23)

  1. Don’t know why all this vitriol should be aimed at our new prime minister. He hasn’t failed yet. Call him when he does. Don’t worry, it’s inevitable, they all fail, it’s just a matter of time. Whether it’s five years or ten, Labour will be voted out and in will come the useless Tories again and they will fail again, just like they always do.
    The reason they all fail is simply because they’re politicians, they don’t care about you and me, they want the job because they want to make lots of money by flapping their lips. It’s better than working for a living. Musical chairs, that’s all it is.

  2. I’m terrified of a Labour government.

    I’m getting paranoid flash images, terrible they are. One just happened now. In it, taxation is so bad that to survive I had to kill the dogs with a shotgun, sell everything and leave the country.

    I had one the other day on a tube platform in London ‘Look around and see if there are random loons about to stab me or blow up everyone here. Who’s got a back back and a dodgy air about them?’ I wondered, then the madness passed.

    Modern Britain on the verge of a tumultuous 10 years of being worse off.

    I don’t even have a Reform candidate, the idiot got kicked out of the party! May well have to write None on my ballot paper and cross it through.

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