The NHS [30]

Now this really boils my piss. I used to work for the NHS in my youth. Running one of their agency bank staff (basically an internal recruitment agency) for a well known London hospital. The amount of fraud and money being pissed up the wall at this one hospital was obscene. Back room Middle management in cushy £90k a year jobs doing fuck all, whilst the front lines could barely afford staff to man the outpatients department twice a week. Wide screen TV’s, top of the range iPads, computers the whole lot all being charged to expenses and taken for personal use.

I’m now a plumber. One of the contracts my firm has ended up with is in a hospital. 20 years later and it’s even worse. Whole wards throwing away brand new beds, wide screen TV’s, furniture, computers. Just because they know they can. Spending £3k on a tap that’s used in a staff room no one ever goes in.

So when I received a letter recently saying I’d claimed for a free prescription my blood boiled. I pay every three months for a pre payment certificate that covers any prescription for that time. As they no longer send a reminder to say it had expired I missed a week by mistake. I’ve offered to pay whatever I owe but that’s not good enough. The utter cunts are now trying to fine me over £100 for the error. Like the TV licence, I’ve read that no one has ever been brought to court for evading this “fine”. I’ve noticed by pure chance whilst moving homes that the only way they know you’re even eligible to pay is by signing up to this scheme and it’s all based on your home address. So as I’m moving again in a month I won’t be paying fuck all. Just another signifier that this country is more than willing to shaft those who are honest, work and pay their way to sub the shite that doesn’t.


Nominated by Cuntstable Grobbler.

86 thoughts on “The NHS [30]

  1. Get Amazon to run it. Prime if you want the op the same day.

    • it’ll be performed by a Chinaman with plastic hands and feet and everytime he puts an instrument down the lights will turn off to save money.

  2. After falling off my bike a couple of years ago, I had to go to A&E (something I hate doing) and I remember how many Indians and Pakistanis were there with minor ailments most of us would sort out with Lemsip and an early night. The place was packed with them.

    These people rinse the life out of anything they don’t have to pay for.

  3. Are you saying the company you now work for charged 3 grand for a tap fitting ?
    It’s easy pissing others cash up the wall and like all state institutions, they do it so well.
    And like all state institutions, get rid of 50% of middle ‘management’ and you’ll see no difference in performance but a huge drop in costs.
    There’s some useless, greedy cunts masquerading as a workface these days. Led from the top no doubt.

    • Our experience of removing layers of bureaucracy Pooter;

      Back in ’74 a whole new layer of local authority was introduced by Ted Heath one part of which was the West Midlands County Council. We were living in Brum and we asked (and paid for) the kerb to be lowered for our new drive. It was a fucking nightmare. It bounced around between Birmingham city council and WMCC for weeks. On one occasion when I phoned WMCC trying to progress things I was told I was a nuisance in no uncertain terms. When Maggie came to power they knew they were under threat. I used to visit their big modern multi-storey building on Lancaster Circus occasionally to maintain IT kit. I well remember hearing a conversation amongst staff there where they decided they were safe because if Maggie put the bite on their department the rest of the building would strke in their support.To the general delight of the rate payers Maggie shut down the whole building and sent them all home. Not only was everyone’s rates bill reduced but the whole system ran better afterwards.

      Irony was that a little while later I met one of WMCC’s former staff who freely told me that Maggie had done him a favour as he was now in a more fulfilling and better paid job.

      • All councils need replacing with those who wish to work rather than those who wish to shirk, expect others to pay their wages, go on tax payer funded jollys, er sorry, team building weekends pay their index linked pensions etc.
        Still, the bins are supposed to be emptied regularly which is the most common retort I hear when I tell folks there’s no court issued liability order regarding CT in existence since October 1 2003.

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