‘We’re so sorry.”


You hear this a lot after a fuckup/scandal. Sunak said it about the infected blood scandal. Satan Vennells said it multiple times during her evidence to the Post Office inquiry. Whenever a child dies in the home and the Waffen SS don’t intervene, we hear it then as well.

It’s as if people and organisations think that saying ‘sorry’ magically makes everything better. But it doesn’t. People still died. That pain and suffering still happened. Peoples’ lives were still ruined. For once, just for once, it would be nice to hear somebody admit all of that when a calamity happens instead of issuing a token fucking apology.


Nominated by Opinionated Cunt.

69 thoughts on “‘We’re so sorry.”

  1. zas for health scandals, we have one currently in the process of being uncovered and denied.
    Out politicians have form.

    The blood scandal took a long time to come to light, but in the space of ten-twelve years, the government denied, covered up then admitted there was a link between earing BSE infected meat and human CJD.

    There are dozens of health fuck ups our government and the wonderful NHS has overseen.

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