Greta Thunberg [19]

Greta Thunberg, climate activist and total cunt.

She been in court yet again for “protesting”. Against what, you may ask?

BBC News Link.

This time, it was for disobeying police orders. She was fined a derisiory amount. That’ll learn her, it’s not like she’s a millionaire, or owt!
Someone grow a pair and bang the cunt up! Please!

In the meantime, this piece of well thought out commentary, from the article, which I’m going to add below, Dog willing, as my IT skills are on the same level as those I possess as a deep sea fisherman.

Speaking to the BBC shortly after, Ms Thunberg said “Once again, I think it’s painfully clear how absurd it is that it is peaceful climate protestors, like us youth, who are facing repression and are being faced with legal punishments in court for acting against this extremely deadly system, and for trying to change things.”

Nominated by : Jeezum Priest

62 thoughts on “Greta Thunberg [19]

  1. A clear result of fœtal alcohol syndrome and a walking good reason to raise the abortion time limit tob30 years of age.

    • It’s obvious she’s never going to shut the fuck up until she loses her cherry. Would someone please volunteer?

      How about you, TTCE?
      Do it for England.

      • If I’m going to make sweet love to a mọng, it’s going to be Harvey Price.

      • In a 21st century update of ‘King Mong’, Harvey will carry you to the top the Shard and bellow angrily whilst swatting away Tik Tok influencers drones, Cunt Engine.

      • @Thomas

        So the first thing I read today is this nom and somehow you’ve made the quantum leap into Harvey’s arse.

    • @CP

      Don’t be disheartened, I’m sure Thomas will let you have a go……

  2. Hopefully the walking cabbage patch doll, will follow the path of that other mentalist Joan of arc..

    Burnt to death on a pyre made of asbestos board and plastic bags..

  3. Surely this mongy doom goblin has realised that in the years that she has predicted disaster for the world, nothing has changed.

    A young girl shouldn’t be bothered about the climate or anything else that nobody has any control over.

    It’s almost summer.

    She should book herself a holiday to Magaluf.
    She can get herself rat arsed pissed and have the choice of any drugs that she wants.

    Even a girl that looks like a window licker will get herself fucked several times a day.

    That should sort out her nonsense.

  4. I’d suggest breaking this mongs face with a riot baton.
    But I doubt anyone would notice.
    I’d give her mother one though.

  5. Easy way to draw a line with this stupid little bastard is Ban Her from entering the Country
    Political Activist & shit stirrer not welcome in Blighty 👍👍

    • You should realise by now it’s impossible to stop anyone entering the UK.

  6. If the waiter masquerading as prime minister wanted to bolster his standing he should do a General Pinochet and just make the mad little climate cunt disappear permanently.

    Good morning.

  7. Ive always had a soft spot for a girl who can lick her own eyebrows.

    And her family ties to the world of showbiz (she’s the niece of Ernie from sesame Street) are impressive.

    But her constant whining and acting up are tedious.

    She should be out getting fingered on the park.and drinking Bacardi breeders like other girls her age.

    Her problem stem from the roundness of her head.
    It’s like a bowling ball
    No contours.
    Any panel.beater worth his salt could refine it’s over all shape with half a house brick..

  8. Apparently suffers from Asperger’s syndrome.

    Or as we say ooops north.

    Attention seeking little twat….!

    • I think Asperger’s used to be called
      Ifyoudontpackitinyoullgetaslap syndrome Archie?

      The symptoms include limited social skills and limited facial expressions.
      Bit like Nicole Kidman.

    • Asperger’s got replaced by Autism Spectrum Disorder.

      Different to Sinclair Spectrum Disorder.

  9. I wouldn’t mind being given the job of looking after her, but would have to build a cellar first, I mean prepare her own bedroom. Visiting it only to read her bedtime stories. That should keep her out of arms way from disturbing the piece.

  10. The best thing to do with Greta is ignore her. No publicity no point, once she’s irrelevant her sponsors will abandon her.

    She’s not a school kid anymore so her value for publicity is diminishing.

  11. I’m in her good books at the moment.
    I’m on the waiting list for a allotment.

    I’m looking for the Good Life.

    Grow some of my own food,
    Fuck the supermarket
    Shed full of old Readers wives and Razzles for when it’s raining.

    I’ll still burn old tires doused in diesel like.
    But I’ll weep when doing it😁

    • She could be your Felicity Kendall.

      Strangley enough, whenever I hear the name Felicity I always think of felatio.

      Weird, eh?

  12. I reiterate: this breathing clod of sandwich paste get’s no airtime in the great Kingdom of Sweden. It’s almost gotten to the point of, ‘ I wonder what happened to that retarded girl who…..’

    The BBC are a bunch of shit-stirrers. Designed to rile the Common Man.

  13. Another daft spoilt little tart who should have her knickers taken down to have her arse warmed for her. Who would like to act in loco parentis and administer the punishment. Thomas?

  14. God, in his infinite wisdom, often compensates disabled people for the loss of one sense by supercharging one of their other senses – blind people have the nose of a cocker-spaniel, deaf people have the ability, like an owl, to turn their head 360 degrees to see things, etc.

    I expect our Lord and saviour has compensated Greta for her mongoloidism by giving her the ability to talk out of her arse and scream “how dare you!” when you accidentally slip it in the wrong hole.

    That said, I’d give her a go. I find the sight of her puce, outraged, drooling face rather enticing and would be prepared to do my bit to advance acceptance of the #MongsDeserveLovinToo movement by chucking one up her.

    Mind you, you wouldn’t want that demented face and those crazy eyes looking up at you while you shot your bolt in her gob after she’d told you not to, now would you?

      • Fuck me ‘cunt-engine’ why did my phone auto correct to tank?

        Apple cunts.

    • I wonder if she’s a squirter?
      You say spacca’s other senses become heightened.
      Perhaps mongy Swedish tarts develop squirts like a partially kinked fire-hose?
      God moves in mysterious ways his wonders to perform.
      Morning SB, all.

    • I’d chuck my filthy custard up her rusty sheriff’s badge, just seen the look on her face and to taste her tears.

  15. There are few people who invoke a deep, burning rage in me. This window licker is one. Joe Biden is another.

    Seriously though, has anyone else noticed she hasn’t aged? Creepy. I looked 48 when I was 21.

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