(Hastings Council’s crest – another boat turns up full of migrants! – Day Admin)
Thank fuck we have conscientious warriors like these.
”Last night’s council meeting was adjourned by the Labour mayor when people in the gallery asked why the meeting wouldn’t discuss a motion calling for a ceasefire in Gaza”
That’ll show the fuckers. Netanyahu will be quaking in his fucking boots now that Hastings Borough Council are likely to throw their weight behind a ceasefire resolution.
Who needs potholes and bin collections when your borough council should be concentrating on world events. I bet they can fix the climate emergency as well.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Send the cunts to Gaza on a fact finding junket. …
Hastings is a lot like Gaza, but with old bastards and a few hipsters.
Run-down shithole.
Do they have lepers yet?
Soon enough
The only thing Hastings Borough Council has got in common with Gaza is the potholes.
There are pride marches and pronouns to be discussed at town council meetings.
Go and self-immolate outside of Aldi like a normal fucking person.
I assume this in the incident in question?
What does the guy actually expect the local council to do, other than devote itself to making an empty gesture?
‘Publicly pontificate pointlessly for palestine’.
There’s a lot of it about. Irish govt. have been debating sending a letter to sort things out or somesuch going back weeks. Stand aside UN … The Paddies (with their neutral military *snigger*) have got this.
Pick a cause if you must, , but for fuck’s sake it seems a great many people are satisfied to do no more than offer lip service to their chosen ’cause’ that makes zero difference.
All fart and no shit. Whilst ironically FULL of shit.
zero difference = net zero
Ireland, an insignificant bog in the middle of the ocean, populated by descendants of nazi sympathisers.
Israel is bound to listen to them.
My thoughts also Ron. Absolutely fucking bizarre. Thanks for that link, I’m not much clearer but to me the one person talking sense on there was the young copper. Local authorities are going broke all over the country and some morons want them to waste time on shit like this. When we lived in Brum I remember when our rates went up to £72 per annum. People complained that we were paying all this money just for street lights and to get the bins emptied once a week. Well our rates have just broken forty times that sum and the bins are emptied fortnightly and the street lights are being switched off.
As a point of interest, I’d like to know whether this geezer was trying to interrupt council business on the subject in the immediate aftermath of the Hamas atrocities last October; ‘go on council, pass a motion on that’.
I wonder if he was there when Hassad and his Russian backers were slaughtering Syrians by the thousand, and when China was torturing and ‘re-educating’ Uyhgurs? Was he there at any point during violent Iranian suppression of dissidents, human rights, women’s and minority groups?
Was he there at any point as the civil war in Yemen raged?
I don’t know, of course, but my guess is, probably not. Mmm…but there’s something that’s particular in this case. I wonder what that might be?
I don’t know but I’ll bet in part it involves putting up Palestinian flags .
And being an antisemite.
Is Hastings a hotbed of carpet kissers or a bastion of angsty, white ‘progressives’ ?
I suspect due to it’s relative proximity to the degenerate shithole that is Brighton, the latter will apply.
Free Gaza !
Free student loans for gender identity courses !!
Free Nelson Mandela when you buy two Winnies !!!
Feel free to snap off and slide into the Channel.
It’s mostly skag heads, alkies and benefit claimants, I think the foreign language students have mostly departed. For what it’s worth, the couple of occasions I’ve visted the place I found it preferable to Brighton.
You would think Hastings Council would have better things to discuss..
Like was King Harold killed by a arrow or chopped up by four Norman knights..
I await your findings..
0-eight hundred double-0 1066
Ideal place for zero tolerance.
Ideal spot to start battling with the unwanted. Time to wake the dads army from their slumber and let battle commence.
Councils would work better without Councillors.
Joey Deacon on a med-free day would out think them all.
Gaza – free parking.
Mental twats. Just because a few hundred misguided residents voted for them, they think they are movers and shakers. Harold Bluetooth would be ashamed.
Maybe elections could be held for which animals we like best. If monkeys win they would get the majority on the council. Rats would probably poll well based on their high profile local community presence. They could be stand-ins for the Lib-Dems, Personally, I would vote Tasmanian Devil just to shake things up a bit at the town hall.
Leafleting would be fun if we took the candidates with us to meet the residents.
My ex is a direct descendent of Harald Blåtand.
She’s well connected then….
I’ve an idea that should sort this untidy mess out..
Anyone calling for a ceasefire against the vermin that are Hamas should be put up against a wall and shot.
Right enough?
The latest bullshit, 600 lawyers and academics have written to the PM demanding the UK stop selling arms to Israel because they are breaking international law.
That’s 600 up against the wall (probably the same lawyers who represent the channel scum)
And you can bet that black, brown or white, they all have beards.
Tbf IF the aid workers have been targeted deliberately that’s indefensible
You have my vote councillor.
Bradford council love to talk about Gaza, this is what Phillip Davies (MP for Shipley) said at PMQs
“My constituents know only too well the disaster of living under a Labour regime. Just before Christmas, the Labour Council in Bradford announced that they were bankrupt and then spent the first three hours of the subsequent council meeting debating Gaza and Israel rather than the perilous financial situation they were in.
About as surprising as the sunrise Soi. 29 ethnic councillors, 22 of whom are Labour. Labour hold 53 out of 90 seats.
Isn’t that due to them working like ginger Nigel’s over the years ?
Right up there with The Student Union declarations of a ceasefire. Totally Fucking irrelevant.
Reminds me of the football matches two years ago, clapping for Ukraine after they’ve just been invaded. Putin was shitting himself, nightmares of constant clapping, the clapping…..the horror, the horror. Like a full on napalm raid but with clapping.
It wasn’t the billions spent in research for vaccines to viral diseases that saw off Covid, it was people clapping on their doorsteps once a week. Five minutes of clapping for the NHS gave you immunity.
If these fucking arseholes put as much effort into the many thousands of issues in this country. Or am I asking too much?? Shit like this really brings out the Adolf in me.
Try painting – certain Austrians do it to relax.
The U.K. is becoming a nation of dildos. Pathetic useless bastards abound looking forward to the cull. Wankers one and all these fuckwits are dangerous fuck them.
We need a revolution quickly.Heads on spikes.Traitors.
Hastings, what a shit hole – took the kids there years ago, looked like some apocalyptic town where terminator robots had fought against the humans, and won.
Lot’s of scrats and scaggy looking cunts wandering around on fentanyl.
Democracy?Ha ha don’t make me laugh.Tinpot dictators.Full immediate oven and flambé the remains.Shit weasels.
Funny, there were no emergency meetings when Manchester was bombed or when Lee Rigby was murdered..
And we just know that almost every council in Britain would be wllingly buggered by Hamas.
And what the fuck will be next?
Mrs Bloggs at No 39 demands a ceasfire?
Window cleabers lash out at Israel?
University slaphead blubs a bit about Gaza?
It means absolutely nothing.
In other news Cleethorpes Borough Council demands action for the famine in the Darfur region of Sudan and Rochester upon Medway Borough Council raises concerns about unaccompanied minors crossing the U.S southern border and kids in cages.
They’ll be passing motions calling for the installation of cycle lanes in Ethiopia next.
‘Passing motions’ is a great way to describe this pile of shit.
The cunt wants a fucking good kicking. Why?? For being a cunt.