Lindsey Graham and Rashida Tlaib

Let’s have a bipartisan cunting for Republicunt / Uniparty, Senator Lindsey Graham and Demonrat / Squad Member Rashida Tlaib of the US House.

Long known as a Uniparty Hack, Graham’s disgraceful outburst against a Newsmax reporter who had the audacity to ask a relevant question at a news conference shows just how despicable this self promoting Cunt really is.

David Cohen is an Israeli reporter with dual US citizenship working for Newsmax. He and his family live in Israel and he showed up to the farcical, bipartisan dog and pony show by a delegation of US Senators.

After listening to the obligatory Hamas bad / Palestinians good remarks by the assembled clown show, he had the audacity to ask why no one is willing to condemn US Representative Rashida Tlaib for her hateful diatribes and her constant spewing of propaganda in support of the Palestinians.

As you can see from the clip that really twisted Lindsey’s panties and he demanded the reporter be removed, much to the delight of the “Bipartisan” Demonrat Senators Dick Blumenthal and Ben Cardin who were on either side of the Senator with the twisted panties:


After regaining his composure the disgraceful senator justified his remarks by saying (and I’m paraphrasing) that he was just so upset over the whole situation in Israel that he didn’t have time for anyone spoiling his carefully orchestrated Kumbaya moment by asking relevant questions.

For the record Rashida Tlaib is a Plaestinian member of the US House of Representatives who has been spewing Hamas talking points by claiming Israel is bombing hospitals and targeting the innocent children of the brave Palestinian Freedom fighters.

She led an insurrection in the US Capital building with protesters masquerading as Jews for the liberation of Palestine. (But fear not there will be no Jan. 6 style committee to railroad her or her followers):

Fox News

There can be no greater demonstration of the Uniparty corruption that plagues my nation’s capital than a self proclaimed “conservative’ Senator refusing to address
the the propaganda and antisemitic remarks made by a self proclaimed Squad member at a fucking tress conference to show support for Israel.

Once again, we are through the looking class cunters.

Lindsey Graham and Rashida Tlaib …a match spawned in Hell.

I hope they can spend eternity there together…soon.

Fucking cunts!

Zeus save us!

Nominated by: General Cuntster

38 thoughts on “Lindsey Graham and Rashida Tlaib

    • That face could peel paint, curdle milk and scare dogs. As Rodney Dangerfield said. Beautify your neighbourhood, stay indoors.

    • The ‘Squad’ is the embodiment of everything that is bad in America today. The wild eyes of AOC, the incest of Omar, the freakshow that is Pressley and Bush, and the guy that can’t tell if something is a fire alarm when it’s coloured bright red with FIRE ALARM written in capital white letters on it and when it’s pressed it makes a siren sound starts. They are the perfect example of how the idea of ‘multiculturalism’ has failed because you can’t expect normal people to mix with lunatics.

  1. Typical modern politicians. One has no guts and the other no shame. What has happened to the profession that once gave us Churchill, FDR, Thatcher, Reagan, Lincoln, Disraeli and Gladstone? Replaced by a race of moral pygmies and morons.

    • That’s been my view for years now MMCM. Sorry to quote Jim Callaghan but if I was a young man I would emigrate.

      This is not aimed at you arfurbrain, “fuck off CC/Miles” C.A.

      • Quite so arfurbrain. Except if you emigrate the politicians are just as bad. Even Jim Callaghan seems a giant of statesmanship and political genius, compared to todays lot.

      • Not you MMCM, there was a post by someone called Barry Breezeblock which has disappeared.

      • Barry Breezeblock! Hysterical. Still it’s quite an accurate name for the counter formally known as Miles Plastic.

  2. Let the record show that I simply don’t give a fuck about the endless Israel/Palestine shit. Those cunts will be at it in the Year 3000.

    Fuck ‘em.

    • Sadly it’s been happening for 3000 years – parts of the Bible, particularly Chronicles, are a long litany of hostilities between Jews and Philistines. No reason why it shouldn’t continue for another 3000.

    • They fucking won’t! Those cunts will be the start of the next global armegeddon! The sneaky hook nosed cunts will probably nuke Palestine and then blame some fucker else. You know what the cunts are like!

  3. Couldn’t possibly comment, I’ll just add them my list of recommended cunts.

    My piss is boiling because the BBC is now using the term irregular migrants, when they mean invading barbarous hordes.

    Fucking hell when will the BBC get what’s coming? Defunding!

    • And yet today the BBC refers to illegal migrants in Germany; apparently les boches are getting uppity about the number and behaviour of the cunts.
      Better late than never.

      • If that doesn’t bring about the rise of the Fourth Reich I don’t know what will! As for the Red Sea pedestrians, well they don’t know when they’re well off, do they! They should have stayed in Poland, where they were all given shiny new accommodations to live in, with gun towers to guard them, and fucking big blokes with ferocious dogs to make sure they stayed stayed safe! Never fucking happy, them cunts!

  4. That Lindsey Graham is a slimy, opportunistic, little shit. I wouldn’t trust the flip-flopping fucker as far as I could throw him.

  5. Rashida Tlaib is one ugly cunt.
    If Helen of Troy launched a thousand ships, then this gargoyle must be responsible for the launch of a thousand missiles.

  6. Who bombed the hospital car park, was it Israel or Hamas or the other fucking Jihad mob in Gaza.

    The smart money is on the Jihad mob, home made rocket gone wrong.

    Put it down to friendly unfriendly fire.

    Israel now have a street battle to go through, it’s going to get shitty.

    On the positive side some of the ‘Brits’ are about to get out of Gaza, 🤨

    • Yeah, “British citizens”…….foreign vermin that have managed to wangle a British passport like millions of others. Just a ticket to help yourself to taxpayers money…….nearly as good as an MPs pass into Westminster.

      • The Scottish P*kis in-laws are getting out, as you say with all the other cunts who have blagged a British passport.

      • You can just imagine the queue to get on the plane back to the UK;

        Mr and Mrs Mohammed, wife’s mother, ten kids
        Mr and Mrs Islam, wife’s mother, eight kids
        Mr and Mrs Yousaf, wife’s mother and grandmother, six kids…

      • You’d have thought that cunt Yousaf would be a bit more grateful and appreciate the peace and quite from interfering in-laws.

  7. Lindsey Graham is a slimy opportunistic two-faced lying shithouse.

    As far as all these people demanding a cease-fire in Gaza are concerned, when someone shows aggression towards you, the idea is to give them such a thrashing that they’re unlikely to even think about trying it again. Haven’t noticed Germany or Japan threatening us lately, have you?

  8. A man called Lindsay?!!!
    That’s a bird’s name.

    Is his brother called Samantha?

    Bunch of puddle skipping honky-tonks.

  9. Isrealites v Philistines AD 4000.
    America needs a civil war to reset, ugh like us really.
    MOAB the BB fucking C.
    Stopped raining, emptying a compost bin.

  10. A motion to censure Tlaib was defeated on the House floor.

    Some 20 Republicunt / Uniparty hacks “reached across the aisle to work with our Democratic friends” to defeat it.

    Of course the Demonrats were able to bundle Tlaib’s censure (once again with Republicunt / Uniparty support) with a censure for the left’s bogeywoman Marjorie Taylor Greene and a newly elected con man from New York George Santos giving some of the hacks cover.

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