The Metropolitan Police (4) and ULEZ Crimes

Knife attacks and teenager stabbings in London reach record number. Shoplifting out of control. Burglaries at record levels.

Never mind, the MET can spare 6 or more coppers to raid a blokes home and arresting him for making encouraging comments about the citizenry rising up against the unwanted, un-democratic ULEZ cash grab. Obviously a slow crime day. Nothing more important going on in the nations Capital city.

Dare I suggest Mayor Khan has prompted the police to this action. I was foolish to think we still had some semblance of free speech left in this country, but I am clearly deluded.
Still I’ll sleep safe in my bed knowing Police resources are targetted where they are needed most.

Standard News Link

Nominated by: Lord of the Rings

60 thoughts on “The Metropolitan Police (4) and ULEZ Crimes

  1. All about the priorities of those in charge.
    Fuck the real priorities of real people.
    The plebs don’t count. Don’t even need the fuckers to vote these days, the block postal vote scam as made this little runt virtually untouchable.
    Bit the that cunt in Wales.

  2. The Police are guided by what’s been happening on social media.

    Somebody said something our betters don’t approve of, guv’

    ‘Better send a wagon.. just in case. Make sure we pass a kebab shop on the way.

  3. It seems the only weapon left in the Met polices arsenal is that of rape.

    Quite a few officers are on the other end of the handcuffs because they’re a bit ‘ excitable ‘

    They could rape anyone committing ULEZ crimes?

  4. The majority of the younger members of the electorate never vote.

    Well durr, why would they?

  5. Hoards of baying morons openly celebrate the mass slaughter of Jewish babies and children by a proscribed terrorist organisation while plod stands by and watches.

    • I’ll do you one better, Geordie.

      Last year the free Palestine fuckwits and their blue hair allies came parading past my house.

      The police were of course in attendance, shepherding the smelly cunts along…and joining in with the chanting.

      impartial police? I think not.

      • Don’t forget the rozzers allowing hordes of albanian cunts racing through london on their “national day”.

  6. They love a celebrity nick, old bill, always have.
    I’d be interested to know what their reaction would have been if Lenny Henry or another pioneer type had made those comments though.

  7. The Met nicked all of his tablets etc and his kids devices. They hate anyone going against their boss Mr Khan.
    Piss poor of Gb news to sack him.

  8. I’m surprised the feckless cunts had time to harass ULEZ protesting when they’ve yet to stamp out mis-gendering.
    Not everyone has succumbed to 1984 brainwashing.

  9. As Margaret Thatcher said in the 1980s, “ULEZ if you want to – the lady’s not for lezzing because Denis doesn’t approve of this sort of behaviour.”

  10. It may be somewhat old fashioned of me to say so but there is something quite off-putting and decidedly un-British about the way a lot of our police force go about their duties.

    Like some sort of automatons that a cunt like Stalin would have been delighted with.

    Anyhow it all fucking stinks.

    • Agreed. They behave like quasi red army political commissars.
      They only difference being, they don’t listen to what their boss, the Home Secretary, says .

  11. Meanwhile in the real world, real crimes

    Fuck all that, 6 fat sweaty coppers are busy arresting someone who isn’t resisting and is fully cooperating, perhaps just one fat sweaty copper would have been enough.

    Just wait for the Bibby Coach driver to be arrested for attempted murder

  12. So, you/I/we/them can go on a shoplifting spree and so long as we don’t steal anything over £200 plod won’t even bother to turn up.

    Say naughty words, bang on go the cuffs..

    Democratic country, I don’t think so..🔥

    • I think we lost democracy, along with our minds, in late 2019, early 2020.

      It’s only a matter of time before what little ability we have to control our own lives is finally lost to us.

      As one of our fellow cunters says,
      You will own nothing and be happy.

      • I have my exit bag ready, and quite frankly I’m not afraid to use it.

        I thought I might have shaken a 7 before now.

        When the highlight of your day is taking the dog to the vets for his annual boosters, it’s time to change something.

      • I agree Mrs C, don’t check out yet Jeezum! We would so miss your posts. Think of the Gradly lass and what would Dexter do?

      • I’ll try to hang on until she’s 18.

        I haven’t told Elder or Younger that I changed my will, left the house to the Lass, and my savings to them but only if the sign off on any claim to the house!

        Wish I could be there to see their faces, mercenary pair of twats.

        Be no argument, bird in the hand, etc, with them two.

  13. The Met fatsos barely have time between bacon butties to down a few pints. Then it’s off to kiss LGBTQ and BLM arse. Always time to suck the Khan cunt’s dick though.

    • Jeez, DCI, when you finally get behind the pay wall, or whatever the fuck that was, it hardly sounds enticing.

      Was it written by Wayne Cousens?

      • I tried to apply but was rejected as I deemed not to be an overcompensating, arrogant, friendless, bullying loser with no friends and a tiny dick.

      • I would have thought you’d fit right in with some of the more pervy ones Thomas. Perhaps they thought you were over qualified in that area?😉

    • It’s super nice to see you back, DCI…but please, you’ve honestly got to stop banging the pig drum.
      They’re worthless pathetic assholes, especially the Met.
      Just think about Just Stop Oil…the pigs protected them and Extinction Rebellion for weeks on end, but as soon as there was an anti-ULEZ protest a couple of months back, the filth came down on them instantly.
      You’re a very clever man, surely you can see how corrupt they are?

      • Never had a bad experience with ’em, Thomas, not even when I was stopped as a kid hammering around in my first car. Maybe it’s because I didn’t act like a cunt? They’ve saved lives before we’ve got there, too and will willingly help us out and get stuck in. Don’t blame the boots on the ground as all they want to fo is the job they signed up to do, blame the fuckers in charge…especially the politicians.

      • I would always blame politicians before the police.

        I know one or two coppers, they are decent hard working lads and certainly not woke. Far from it.

        I’m not actually defending the police entirely here, but the woke bollocks and the general emasculation of the average male plod especially, is something that has come from way above their heads.

        It obviously takes a certain type of cunt to buy into or enforce woke bollocks and that’s no excuse for being a cunt either.

        As for politicians and the career jobsworth Police cucks, pushing the gay anti-white agenda on the country’s institutions and following the instructions of their global overlords without question – Well fuck me, they are the absolute lowest of the low and need incinerated.

        Good Evening

      • I’ll risk putting my head over the parapet here and say I can see the points of view you both hold, Tom, DCI. I and people I know have had the experience of dealing with coppers who were overbearing and aggressive for no good reason. However those of us who have worked alongside them rather than at our cosy desk or cruising around in the company car will usually cut them some slack. You DCI have been assisted by them regularly and you obviously appreciate their help. I have spent hours at all times of the day and night in custody suites and I can assure you that some of the low life they have to deal with would benefit from being thrown off a high building. This particularly is the case in London. As a senior Met copper told me once they are the ultimate back stop. When the situation has gone tits up and the procedures have broken down it’s the police who are called. On one occasion when our younger daughter was under threat from a thug the police turned up and took him away in handcuffs and leg restraints. That pleased me. As DCI alludes to the coppers at the coal face have little choice in what they chase assiduosly and where they have to back down, it is all laid down for them by their seniors and the politicians and they know that if they step outside the line the sky will fall on them.

      • The Met Police will have to suck the cock of Stephen Lawrence in hell for all eternity.

        It’s the only way they can ever be forgiven for their institutional racism in the 1990s.

        Evening Thomas

    • I always respect DCIs comments,quite obviously up to his neck in all sorts of horrors…bit I do stand by my earlier comments..the footage is incontrovertible,how many officers does it take to arrest one man for commenting about damaging fucking cameras whilst all sorts of evil shite stroll through the streets of what was once our capital city openly celebrating jihadi cunts who would happily see us all dead and the police force do next to nowt.

      The police in this country need to be scoured out,the woke,the weak,the indoctrinated and the Quislings should be sacked at once and replaced by officers who can uphold the law and represent our values.

      • “The police in this country need to be scoured out,the woke,the weak,the indoctrinated and the Quislings should be sacked at once and replaced by officers who can uphold the law and represent our values.”

        Can’t argue with that, Terrence.

  14. ‘You’re paying for prisons, you’re paying for war
    You’re paying for lobotomies, you’re paying for law
    You’re paying for their order, you’re paying for their murder
    Paying for your ticket to watch the farce’

    That’s all we exist for, paying for the cunts to make our world a little less bearable everyday whilst they squeeze us fucking dry!

  15. The racist, rapey met police don’t wanna upset the brown goblin, time to start rounding up the remaining trouble making honkys.

    Fancy not wanting to pay the goblins new tax, that fills the shortfall in the useless cunts budget..

    • You mean he hasn’t already misappropriated their pension funds, a le Maxwell?

      Sorry, I meant temporarily diverted them for 10 days, only 10 days!

  16. I don’t wish ill on anyone apart from the sneering evil looking cunt Khan. The Met is now his private army,
    I remember a Biohazard song from the 90’s, DIE MOTHER FUCKER DIE.

    • If there was such a thing as a Smug-o-meter, Sad dick Khan’s would be number eleven.

  17. If our gutless politicians hadn’t allowed our cities to be infested with these mudslime pieces of subhuman excrement a cunt like Khunt wouldn’t be mayor.
    I’m a month off 70 and expect to kick the fucking bucket fairly soon so I’m well shot of this shithole (referred to many years ago by the wonderful Peter Cook as a “Gestapo khazi “)

  18. We bailed out London Transport for approximately £3.6b all because that little cunt couldn’t manage their finances. He is also responsible for the MET Police, which is why it is in such a fucking mess. The money this fucker wastes, removing statues, renaming streets and making stupid fucking adverts against male behaviour, who also happen to be white is beyond fucking ridiculous. Maaaaate you are a cunt.

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