Abdullah Qureshi

Another member of the religion of peace with mental health issues..
Must be something on the carpets they kiss..

This credit to society travelled down from Dewsbury to Stamford Hill. Rather large Jewish presence there, see where I’m going?

And proceeded to assault three people he believed to be Jewish.
He hit one victim over the head with a bottle.
Then attacked a child and punched a 64 year old man.

What a wonderful human being.
I wonder what the outcry would of been if roles were reversed!

And what was this piece of shits punishment..sentenced to a hospital order under the mental health act.
I imagine he will be cured in six months.

What is it that gives that stone age backward religion a free pass every time.


Nominated by Barry zuckercunt.

64 thoughts on “Abdullah Qureshi

    • The UN and the statute or edict that all countries cannot ‘even if true’ say anything negative about the religion of peace. It’s in one of Dinesh De Souzas documentaries.

      I think 2006 or 8 these fucks at the UN enforced it, just as the NHS was signed away in 2012.

  1. As a lad, one of my heroes was Moshe Dayan, because of all of the Arab arse he kicked during the Six Day War, along with a host of others from Robert Clive through Lord Nelson to the likes of Guy Gibson. I brought my lad up to see things the same way. No pictures of those who shit in the sand ever adorned his or my boyhood bedroom walls.

    • “…one of my heroes was Moshe Dayan, because of all of the Arab arse he kicked during the Six Day War…”

      pffffffft… I mean… where to even start?

  2. Sectioned to a secure mental hospital. Fine. He’s more likely to stay locked up there than if they put him in Wandsworth jail.

      • And a lot of “ECT”, no anaesthetic. KY jelly and jump leads to ear and cock, use his loose change to feed the leccy meter under the stairs. He looks like a right diddler too. Keep him away from the school gates.

    • They are pointing their fingers, clearly, at the wardens being involved at Wandsworth. I presume they know something we don’t.

      As for this piece of shit ,Qureshi, send the cunt back to whatever shithole he crawled out off. If he claims to have been born here, then send him back to his grandparents’ shithole. We don’t owe these cunts a living.

      • Wouldn’t surprise me if some of the warders are followers of the religion of piss.
        Would explain his miraculous escape and disappearance.

  3. Yeah, but, according to Whoopi Goldberg, Jews are white therefore it can’t be raaaaaay-sist. This geezer just happened to accidentally bump into some people with big beards, long drape jackets and big hats. He’s a victim, totally innocent and it’s all Trump’s fault anyway. Alan’s Snackbar!

    • Goldberg is a fucking cunt. Says that but chooses a Jewish stage name. The ugly hypocritical treeswinger is up Roman Polanski’s arse and all. A total bastard.

  4. The header pic is all you need to know, like the rest of his fucking tribe, all Cunts

    He is obviously suffering mental health issues because he has a full beard and as such is of good character.

  5. Brave man.
    Children and old men.
    Surprised he had the bottle without 6 fellow pyjama wearers?

    Palestinian sympathy?
    Get fucked.

  6. Be nice to let the Mossad treat the cunt to a helicopter ride over the desert..

    Those chaps know how to deal with such vermin.

    • It’s also worth noting that the soft soap treatment these violent pakis get from the judicial system is likely an insurance policy for when they are running what’s left of the country.

      The appeasers can go in the same oven as the carpet cunts.

  7. France is teeming with muck like this. Their thing is burning 16th century churches, At least one a week, apparently, sometimes as many as three. Many are ancient monuments of great historical interest, including Notre Dame cathedral. Of course nothing is done about it. All done in the name of peace, you understand. Imagine if a single mosque were destroyed? Never hear the fucking end of it. Fucking cunts. The world-wide caliphate is already here.

    Good afternoon, everyone.

    • Yes Twenty.

      Seems a common theme over in France.

      Burning ancient churches while the square root of fuck all is done about it.

      Meanwhile the Mosques are unharmed and full to bursting on Friday with carpet kissers aplenty.

      What a sorry excuse for a civilisation the West has gradually became.

      • Hello Herman and Twenty

        I have a mate who works for a trucking company who have just been fined £25,000 for bringing over, I think 8, illegals. The truck was inspected at the UK border crossing in Calais and was deemed clear so we assumed they had climbed on board on the ferry.. It seems to me the UK government are unable to enforce their controls so have transferred the responsibility to the private citizen or company. If that is the case then they should be allowed to take a crowbar to the cranium of these bastards.
        During the course of the conversation he told me a mate of his works for border force in an undercover role. They know all the names of the trafficking organisers and the French authorities won’t take any action. Meanwhile we continue to give them millions of taxpayer’s money.

  8. Netanyahu is kicking out all the schwartzers as they are incompatible with Israeli values. Well done.

    • All Jewish schools in the UK have a set procedure in case of attack by a gunman/knife attacker.

      All schools.
      Let that sink in.
      Little 4/5yr olds.

      Anyone who would attack any child isn’t on my side.
      I don’t give a fuck about politics.

      If you attack toddlers your a sick fuckin maniac and coward and should hang.

      This procedure isn’t in case of attack by ” the Far Right” but by the inviral carpets.


    • I was wondering the other day , if I converted to Judaism would I be allowed to go and live in Israel under the Law of Return.

      Saves me having to put up with peacefuls

      • You’d have to be tested
        For Jewishness.

        They glue a 10p to the floor and if you’ve pulled your back out on entering the waiting room your in.

        If you fail ?
        You can be deported for acting without Jew care.

  9. Whatever became of punish a muzzy day?, it amazes me that these import cunts can be a minority group [ are they still, i dont know] and keep getting away with this kind of shit.
    With all fairness to muzzies, not all of them are nuts or complete cunts, so they catch the fall out from these fuck knuckles, you would think they would deal with these loons internally, especially if they want to live here peacefully as they claim….

  10. I hope they dope him up good and proper and feed him bacon sandwiches every day with roast pork and delicious crunchy crackling on Sundays.

  11. Force feed the cunt sausage, bacon and black pudding whilst chopping off the offending hands with something very blunt.

  12. Well, of course he’s got the mental elf.
    Why else would a nightshirt wearing, goat shagging, sand loving, camel jockey be attacking random Jews in the street?
    It’s obvious innit?

    • That may well be so.

      Organised religion is a cunt but there’s one in religion in particular where its adherents still murder, rape, lie and manipulate like it’s the year 599

      Afternoon K

      • A maniacal minority of its adherents, rather like Christianity. F’r instance, both Putin and his pet archdruid, Kiril, are (ostensibly) Christian. Genghiz Khan was a Buddhist. And let us not forget the sainted (lol) Moshe Dayan asking his countrymen to be “like mad dogs” while stealing land and evicting the occupants. Muslim occupants, mostly, and there may even be a connection there. Apart from Islam being pretty solidly based on the Old Testament.

        Trouble is hatred feeds on itself, and the Daily Express doesn’t help.

      • “…And let us not forget the sainted (lol) Moshe Dayan asking his countrymen to be “like mad dogs” while stealing land and evicting the occupants. Muslim occupants…”

        Thankyou Komodo, finally some perspective based on reality and historical fact.
        Swear to fucking dog, have none of you ever even heard of The Naqba, Deir Yassin te 3hr long attack on the USS Liberty et al??? An extensive reading list awaits…


      • “…Apart from Islam being pretty solidly based on the Old Testament….”

        Which in turn is derived from Torah.

      • Not a patch on Lord of the Rings, narrative arc obscure, too many “begats”, historically inaccurate, but you might like the anti-woke feel of Leviticus.

    • What’s written in the Old Testament is not relevant to what is practised by modern day Islamic extremists.

      • Is what’s written in the New Testament relevant to what has been practised by alleged Christians since the year dot? And not just extremists, either.

        There’s some pretty mucky kettles with a down on the old pot round here. They’d probably like to show their superiority by having another crusade.

        There IS no moral high ground.

  13. It’s the old Smarties in a bowl thing again.

    Ony 10% of the Smarties are deadly poisonous. Do you take your chance and eat a few, or do you chuck them all away for total reassurance and safety?

    A normal person would throw the lot in the bin. But not the British Government.

    Deport the lot. And no more coming in, ever.

    • Iif you’ve been eating smarties for 200 years and suffered only really recently you’d want to know why before you chuck them all out.

  14. I wouldn’t fancy being a Jew in this country. Seems like Open Season. And a slap on the wrist for the offender.

    • It’s not just the Jews.
      They fight with Hindus,
      They destroy Buddhist statues back home,
      They can’t get along with other religions.

      For someone who’s meant to be peaceful they get into a lot of fights.

  15. Here’s my idea for world peace. Instead of countries fighting each other the detritus and filth we’ve got over here go at it. No guns, just machetes and baseball bats. Yeah, with a bit of luck some of them might die but it will be a relatively low casualty resolution.
    I don’t like to brag but I’m in the running for Professor of Peace Studies at Snowflake Wankstain University. Vegan shakes all round if I get it.

    • After 9/11 every troublemaking muslam country should have been done.

      Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan. No removing zoo keepers like Saddam and Gadaffi so their animals can run riot all over Europe. They should have wiped out the lot. Those dinghys wouldn’t be running if there wasn’t any of the cunts. And a lot of dead people would still be alive.

      • Spot on as ever Norman.

        Unfortunately the West is incapable of fighting like it used to.

        Once upon a time we’d have sorted that mess out in double quick time.

  16. But, of course, if anyone even tells a joke about the carpet kissers or even looks at them the wrong way, they get pelted with the ‘islamaphobia’ stick.

    Yet those cunts can rape, groom, murder, and abuse their wives with impunity.
    There is already some mealy mouthed liberal knob ready to make excuses for these bastards. ‘Mental health issues’ being the main one. And, no matter how sick and atrocious their crimes, they are still ’embraced’ by society. Mere days after the Manchester Arena murders an ASDA nearby had ‘Happy Ramadan’ banners all over the shop. While they were still cleaning up the blood at the Arena. Also, the cunts don’t give a fuck. I recall one of the victims of that attack (a little girl) was laid to rest at a church in Bury town centre (I was there). As we paid our respects, the town was full of Dakis who didn’t give a toss. Not one stopped as the hearse went past or when the coffin went into the church.


    • That’s because ignorance is part of these cunts DNA Norman.

      They couldn’t give a fuck about dead non peaceful children and they don’t even pretend to give a fuck because they know fine well that the argument is won before it starts. Mainly due to the apologists amongst us.

      I loathe the peacefuls and their cult but I hate our so called political class and left wing apologists even more.

  17. a good sjambokking , and sprayed with lemon juice and salt followed by being wrapped in bacon

  18. Apparently “under the influence of alcohol, cocaine, and psilocybin mushrooms at the time of the assaults” according to the link, so hardly the most pious carpet kisser.

  19. How much for 10 feet of rope and a stool?

    Put a tourniquet round this worthless tw*t’s throat and he’ll kick his own stool away.

    • Now wait a minute there, just because he looks like a smelly kid-fîddlēr who hasn’t washed for weeks, yrrats women like cattle, loathes the West, shits in the street, doesn’t wash hus hands, eats anything he’s told, and believes in a big book of fairy tales doesn’t necessarily make him a cunt.

  20. Why dos,t someone ,anyone just drop a coup[le of bombs on the camel fuckwers,where they breeed and that will help a little bit.

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