Andrew Mitchell

I would like to cunt Andrew Mitchell and a report that was ‘leaked’ which complains that ‘thousands of African women will die due to poor care in pregnancy and inability to obtain safe abortions’. Apparently, this is all due cuts in the U.K. foreign aid budget. Well, this is not true as it is how the budget is being spent; more money is being used to ensure that this country remains the number one goal for the rubber boat gang.

As someone who had to spent over £2,000 on private dental treatment last due to a complete absence of NHS dentistry in Cornwall, I must state I could not give a flying fuck about this situation. Perhaps the illegal cunts who are living in the lap of luxury at the expense of the U.K. taxpayers will feel guilty about the women in Africa dying in childbirth due to their greed.
Nope ,they couldn’t give a monkeys and nor do I.

As ever , thanks to the cunter who trails the BBC News Website and posts it for me.

Bbc news

Nominated by Guzzigu, link by Geordie Twatt.

64 thoughts on “Andrew Mitchell

  1. If you don’t send the money more African women will die giving birth.

    If you send the money more African babies will be aborted.

    While I hate to send tax dollars (or in your case pounds) overseas, there really, is no wrong choice here.

  2. Sterilisation would be a good start..

    Sorry Andrew, giving them better care would take my enjoyment out of having a good old laugh at the TV adverts of their suffering..

    It’s the one time I don’t mind a overload of jam spoons on tv..

    • “Sterilization would be a good start..”

      When people think outside the box and present alternatives, that’s a good thing.

    • birth control of Africans used to be a thing – until the wokes started complaining about their rights to have kids – now look what a fucking mess they are in.

  3. Only yesterday the Government was congratulating itself on having borrowed ‘only’ £56,000,000,000 in the last 3 months, less than expected. Having already spunked our children’s money, they’re now well into wasting our grandchildren’s on vanity crap like HS2 and Johnnys for Africa.
    Try balancing the books first before giving away money you don’t have, you bunch of useless cunts.

  4. Would the Africans give a fuck if a tidal wave killed half a million here?

    Would they fuck as like.

    Those sponging hopeless cunts have had at least a trillion dollars in aid so far with apparently no result.

    The charities and soppy fucking dolts like the nominated cunt are just an advertising industry for human waste.

    The less of the mud hut cunts that live to try to loot our country the better.

    Fuck Off.

    • No result, UT?
      There’s been a big result…hundreds of millions more nığ-ñogs.

      • Haha yes Thomas how silly of me..results that can be measured in the growth of infrastructure,housing,medical care,technology..

        Nah fuck all apart from more useless vermin and the rise of African Islamic extremism.


  5. The more money we send the more their going to breed.
    Vasectomy squads would be money better spent

  6. For ever rat that drifts over £100,000 should be removed from the overseas budget..

    Once the pot is empty a stout piece of four by two should suffice.
    Administered to the head till death or flight. I’m easy either way.

    • Plus reduce every MP’s annual pay by £100 for each one. Once their pay reaches zero, bill them and enforce payment by high court sheriff’s.

      • Why does Google or android insist on putting a fucking apostrophe in any word ending in an ‘s’?

  7. When I was young I heard people say of a project perceived to be futile and a waste of resources; “It’s like feeding a donkey strawberries.”

  8. Heard some leftie bitch on the radio yesterday. She was arguing that we need to send more money to these cunts, build up their economies, so they won’t jump in a dinghy and come over here. What a fucking genius eh?
    That’s like paying the local burglar not to break into your house. Then he uses the money to buy better tools and nicks all your stuff anyway. Honestly, we’d be better off with the Krays running the fucking country.

    • The left-liberal answer to everything; throw other people’s money at it until some miracle happens.

    • Yes because there is infinite wealth in the world right??

      FFS what do these cunts not understand , the more we build up the economies of other countries , the more the same goods will be chased by their citizens .

      It pays to have shitty countries kept down . Harsh fact but there are only so many fucking seats at the table and I’d rather one was ours than just ceded to fucking Botswana or some other shit hole

  9. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to learn that 95% of any money destined for charities in Africa never made it past Dover.

  10. I can’t even pretend to care.

    They’ve got their own Governments/Dictators. Their own wealthy people, their own resources.

    It’s not our job to nanny other countries, never has been.

    We need to learn to mind our own business, after all, what have they done for us, lately?

  11. The Rt Hon Handwoo Scrotumface should channel his efforts into helping the people who voted his hopeless party into power.

    Like the working couple of the news last night, evicted (no fault eviction) from their rented property but do not earn the huge amounts needed to get another place. Because they work, no cunt will help them. They now live in a tent in a family members back garden.

    This country is an unaffordable pisstake if you work.

  12. Meanwhile India is about to land a space craft on the Moon today. I hope they thank us for the 33.4 million we gave them last year and the 57 million we are giving them this year. Let’s make it the round half billion we gave the Frogs for nothing and maybe they can open up a corner shop up there.

  13. Well. That article just about condemns the DfID as unfit for purpose (“Money was being spent on a Brazilian dance group, specialising in percussion, which was based in north London”).
    It also demonstrates that the opposition simply cannot offer a viable alternative to the current shower of shit at election time. The shadow minister believes the measures, and therefore money, don’t go far enough.
    How is the number of unwanted pregnancies in Oogaboogaland any business if ours?
    What about the thousands of our own people who die prematurely due to lack of NHS funding and/or incompetence?
    Why do we have charities to help veterans and cancer sufferers in this country, when the funding should come solely from central government as part of a commitment to its own citizens?
    The answer?
    Because it’s better to virtue signal and ‘lead the world’ than look after their own.

  14. How is it that there isn’t ONE thriving black run country ? Not one .

    Some of these countries in West Africa have natural resource wealth the likes of which is hard to comprehend .

    I can imagine if say Sierra Leone was run by the Swiss , we’d see something entirely different .

    It’s not racist to say this , the evidence of it being true is out there for all to see.

      • Oh yes . Silly me. The world’s most technologically advanced country .

        I wonder why ultra woke Disney made that as being in Africa?

        You can almost imagine it being true of say Japan, South Korea or Norway but no let’s put it in West Africa where they still have open sewers and still believe in witches

      • To be fair Wakanda’s wealth is from the Marvel comics rather than Disney.
        Not sure it was ever meant to be super-advanced though.

      • That’s true although Disney hasn’t done much to change it back to reality 😂

      • To me the most damning indictment of the black run African states is what happened to Rhodesia and South Africa immediately the colonial powers handed control to the natives. What the point is of pouring money into such regimes Is beyond me. As for their widespread belief in witches, gods and demons, well consider the fact that the spin-off of alternative “medicine” is actively being pushed by our idiot head of state to be adopted by the NHS! Not all the nutters are in Africa.

    • Zimbabwe, the bread basket of Africa.

      Oh, sorry, that was when it was Rhodesia. Not so crash hot now, by all accounts.

      What changed..?

  15. I thought Africa no longer wanted our aid, especially “white man’s aid”?

    Why are the problems in Africa (or any part of the developing world) suddenly our responsibility to resolve?

    What little thanks do we get by way of return when we do go above and beyond giving aid, especially during natural disasters such as tornadoes, earthquakes and wildfires?

    HSBC doubled their profits to almost £17 BILLION in the first 6 months of 2023 compared to the same period for 2022, while most of the Western World was plunged into recession, unemployment and/or a massive cost of living crisis.

    On top of that the bosses of the UKs’ biggest companies saw a massive jump in their pay packets by around 16% last year while ordinary workers were lucky to get a pay rise anywhere near the rate of inflation, thus making them worse off!

    Moreover, there seems to be more charities than ever begging for your money in order to give to places such as Africa, even supermarkets are at it.

    Ordinary people here are being fucked over good and proper. They’re paying more tax, seeing prices rise by way above inflation, interest rates and mortgages rates rising, and yet we still find time and the humanity to continue giving to these charities, while so-called migrants are welcomed here with the best of what Britain can provide!

    And despite all of this, it still isn’t enough for cunts like Mitchell. “We must do more to help these people!”

    Two words, Andrew.


    • Talking of HS2. The first phase isn’t due to complete until the mid 2030s – way beyond its original date of 2029. So fuck knows what the final bill will be come then!

      The original budget was around £40bn at 2019 prices. It has now risen to £106bn at 2019 prices. Projections for completion are around £134bn at 2019 prices.

      If we use the more inflationary price index for 2023 the final budget will be far higher – perhaps even cracking £200bn!

      Perhaps Mitchell should be taking the government to task over this massive white elephant rather than picking on the cunts who will be forever paying for it through higher taxation whether you actually use HS2 or not!

      • Indeed sir.

        All told this farce will be close to a quarter trillion.

        Await the figures getting a vigorous “massage”.

      • Oh and I should have added , the average peasant will not be able to afford to buy tickets on these trains anyhow

  16. 13 years of the Tories acting more libtarded than Blair and Brown.

    The ‘opposition’ offer no alternative.
    PMQ is theatre for the plebs, as Andrew Mitchell calls us.

    • Wasn’t Mitchell one of the scattering cockroaches ushering fellow roaches from the parliamentary floor a while ago when Andrew Bridgen tried to give a speech regarding excessive covid-jab related deaths which strangely seems to be getting zero attention in that festering shit pit ?

  17. Not that long ago aids was supposed to be destroying the human population of Africa. Millions thrown into the country to control the aids. Strange how the population in most African countries has been steadily increasing ever since (maybe they did curtail the aids or did they just invent the statistics)
    For fucks sake if the crooked bastards that lord over these suffering masses gave up the luxury yachts, planes and cars they could afford to build better hospitals than we have. How much longer is this bollocks going on 50 plus years and fuck all change

    • Yes funny thing is , if we stopped the aid , not one more person would probably die than would have anyway

      Most of it is trousered by the cunts in charge

      I know a person who was related to the chief science officer of one of the worlds poorest countries . Had 7 children all privately educated in the UK and owned two properties in London

      What is the same position paying here? £150k tops ?? Good luck getting a couple of South Ken properties and private schooling on that

  18. Andrew Mitchell has, and always will be, an entitled Cunt. He was the man who told a policeman who tried to stop him bicycling through the pedestrian gate at Downing Street lYou plebs are meant to serve people like me” or words to that effect. A Conservative in name only.
    Until we have government spending under control, with zero borrowing, as we did in the last years of Lady Thatcher’s government, then all frivolous spending, such as overseas aid, should be halted. Trade not aid is the answer to the world’s problems.

  19. What a cunt, fuck foreign aid, use the budget to form a real border force, not a fucking an offshoot of PO ferries.

    • Morning SOI…wasn’t it vagina enthusiast and all-round ladies’ man Kenny Everett who said, “put ’em in a field, line ’em up and bomb the bastards!”?
      I’d gladly contribute to foreign AIDS.

  20. If anyone thinks this slimy cunt Mitchell gives even a quarter of a tupenny fuck about Afreekan wimmin, then they are dafter than a wagon-load of bumholes.

    This cunt is lining himself up for a cushy non-Exec (very highly paid) job once the Cuntservatives are shoved out at the next election with some overseas charidee where he can accrue sums of money and partake in luxury jollies that only mere mortals can dream of. There is no money at home for him, this is a way he can guarantee to line his pockets. A bit like that ‘socialist’ cunt David Milliprick.

    • To no expense spared, Mitchell should be given a womb and then fuck rotten. Then left to his own devices without a farthing to his name.

    • It’s called the Blair Highway to Riches. Note that the income for the charidee which will be paying him seven digits will all come from state foreign aid budgets, obviously and perhaps predominantly our own.

      Avaricious cunt. He would really be doing something for humanity if he bought a few planeloads of condoms and dropped them at random over Africa. Wouldn’t much mind if he used UK cash for that.

      • The dropping of condoms should have started when the first flyblown potbellied child first appeared.

      • But do you think for a moment Komodo that they would be used for their intended purpose?

    • @ Arfurbrain –
      As always I respect the sheer penetration of your superb mind. I guess you have deduced that said johnnies would be collected and inflated as buoyancy aids during the perilous crossing of the seas between Africa and anywhere with a measurable standard of living and a population of woke cunts.

      Short answer, seriously, no. 🙂

  21. He’s a twat.Wood chipper treatment feet first.Switch off for half an hour and switch back on.

    • Something more…chained to a post chez Galapagos islands about the time the komodo lizard residents are getting a tad peckish.Fully videoed natch.

  22. It’s down to brain dead, irresponsible shagging. Now fuck off all whingeing scroungers and their defenders. I’m sick of the lot of you.

  23. Two items stand out in today’s news –
    1. The UK’s first successful womb transplant, hailed as the dawn of a new era in fertility treatment. Just what we need, with the human race on the point of dying out. I’m sure all those cancer sufferers and others who’ve waited years for life-saving surgery will be thrilled.
    2. India’s landing of a spacecraft on the moon. That’ll help feed the starving millions. Remind me again how much we give them in overseas aid.

    • There always were people who could not have children. Some adopted and there are still thousands of children in care. Whatever people accepted and made the best they could of life.

      Paying foreign aid to India who divert substantial resources to a space programme while millions of their citizens eke out a miserable hand-to-mouth existence is ridiculous. Almost as crazy as what we give to Pakistan who hold nuclear weapons and hate us. If we all were to die tonight they would throw the biggest party of all time tomorrow.

      Don’t share your opinion of the opera though Allan; I can always listen to a good soprano.

    • Not buying this ‘moon landing’ by any stretch.Still not convinced NASA pulled it off frankly ?

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