Schofield brothers


are cunts of the highest order.

We have all heard the tales about Phillip. Abusing his position and power on a top ITV show. Yet the woke psychos called him brave and he kept his job. Had he been a straight bloke who did what he did to a 17 year old girl, we all know what would have happened. But no, Phillip the brave kept his highly paid job and rubbed it in peoples’ faces as the Queen lay in state.

Now, it turns out his brother, Timothy has form for abusing teenage boys. That is despicable enough. But, according to the courts, Phillip knew about his brother’s disgusting pursuits and yet he never told the police or social services about this sick cunt.

Anyone else would lose their job, but you just know that our Phillip won’t, just like he didn’t last time. Not only does this prove how selective and insane LGBTQ worship is. It also shows how nothing has changed at all since Savile. Wrong ‘uns are still protected and employed by television companies. I fully expect a ‘sincere’ and ‘tearful’ apology from Schofield on air as that thick tart Willouby looks on all ‘sad’. And social media mongs and cut-price celebrities will go on about how ‘brave’ he is again.

The BBC is bad enough, with their golden calf, Lineker. But the other side is not much better.

Sky news

Nominated by Norman.

52 thoughts on “Schofield brothers

  1. Modern day krays?

    Give us your money honky-tonk or I’ll bum the living daylights out of you .

      • Careful. Poor old Jack The Hat McVitie got bumped off for calling Reggie “a fat poof”.

        What annoys me about the ever sanctimonious Philip (“do my eye shadow a little heavier, duckie, the older ladies can’t see my wink”) is that he himself is widely considered to have “entertained” young men, not much older than his brother’s companion while masquerading as a happily married man. Obviously you cannot condone buggery, though there seems to my no suggestion of that grave offence in this case, but something about the case of the other brother worries me; the young lad concerned, if he is telling the truth, “endured” the mutual Barclays for three years, between 13 and 16. Why did he keep going back for more, if he disliked it that much?.Why didn’t he just say straight out, I do wish you’d stop doing….whatever it is you are doing, and run after the first encounter?.

      • Jack copped it because he wouldn’t share his biscuits. And reg was partial to a ginger nut.

      • Something flawed with the Schofield family Mr Boggs.
        It’s in the blood.

        Coves, ne’er so wells,
        Undercracker theives and Jacob fondlers to a man .

        Don’t accept a sandwich off one.

  2. It very much looks as tho little Phil only disowned his bro when he had no other choice if he was to avoid damaging his own image.

    Couple of cunts.

    Morning all.

    • The way the gopher buggerer threw his brother under the bus has raised a few eyebrows, and the ‘I have no brother’ bit raised the most cynical laugh I’ve ever heard from one of my young sisters.

      I think he just fucked up what little positive remained of his public image himself.

      (O/T – on my morning SNP oozlum watch, I see rumours that the dodgy bastards are in the process of possibly setting up a new ‘independence party’ front, just what you’d expect from a dodgy money making scam)

      • Well spotted Comrade.
        Word has it that SNP mk2 will be known as ‘Cashconverters’

  3. I want justice for Gordon. No not the isac mental, the gopher who had to share a cupboard with that filthy deviant.

  4. “”Eek Eek”
    – “Say again?”
    “Eek Eek!”
    – “One more time?”
    “EEK EEEK!”
    – “What’s that Gordon, I can hardly hear you?”
    “You and your brother are cunts.”

    • Emu and Orville the Duck have set up a support group for retired puppets.

      Morning El Cappo.

      • If only either Schofield climbed on the roof to fix their aerial Rod Hull-style.

        Afternoon Sir Liquors.

  5. Fucking hypocrite cunt. The boy he was bumming was not much older than his brother’s victim but that didn’t stop him throwing him under the bus. “I no longer have a brother” he has said. Fucking filthy pair of pe*vert bastards. Schofield really is a massive cunt.

  6. Two brothers, both bandits, runs in the family.

    Playing winkie games with juniors, Phil and Tim’s Dickie Back Rides.

    • Forgive me SoI, but I’m struggling with the concept of homosexuality “running in the family.” Do you see my point?

  7. No doubt in short order we’ll discover this arse pirate supports the vile ideology of that other disgusting prevert Tatchell in lowering the age of consent to pre teen level.

    Immediate oven.

  8. You have to have a reluctant admiration for the gay movement.

    A deviance that was illegal and punishable by jail just a few decades ago is now totally accepted and even celebrated.

    White working and tax paying heterosexuals should take note.

    • White working and tax paying heterosexuals should watch out before they’re outed for their disgusting normality and jailed for decency.

  9. Not really an adequate replacement for the chuckle brothers is it? To you to me becomes so much more sinister when the Schofield brothers are heard saying it.

    The entertainment industry is a sewer and all kinds of vile entities thrive in sewers. The only way to end Schofields career is for people to turn off the TV when he appears on it, but people won’t. Now if he said something slightly off the narrative about a minority he’d be finished but white teenage boys lives are not worth fuck all in the west today.

      • The Neville brothers were proper goody goody arselicks.
        Always crying to Fergie if someone took the piss or called them cunts.

        Their dad -Neville Neville – was a cunt and all.

  10. “A deviance that was illegal and punishable by jail just a few decades ago is now totally accepted and even celebrated.”

    This is what annoys me about Labourite MPs. Those vile “Sunak love pea-dough” ads this week were dreamt up by Steve Reed, a Croydon MP of the limp wristed sort, endorsed by Peter Kyle, another Brighton bum boy, and no doubt others of the mincing “swing my handbag for Kweer” colleagues, and the man who pronounces on “standards” like the ex vicar he was is newly “Sir” Chris Bryant, an old deviant who once posed in just a pair of threadbare underpants to encourage rough trade from a gay website. Hypocrisy with knobs on. Literally.

    • In all honesty the only thing brave about Schofield the tv hero is his predilection for various “special” places in Londons parks woods and such. Their again I doubt Albanian gangsters would risk Putney towpath or the “leather tree” on the heath once the Sun goes down.

      • Sorry chaps not sure who I replied to. In mitigation I am a victim of the evil mental health service and pissed.

  11. How any cunt can sit beside Holly Willoughby and not get the horn is clearly a deviant who needs sectioning.

    • My wife is convinced that Willoughby is a tranny. I’m inclined to agree with her. Tall, big hands, gravelly voice. Dead giveaway

  12. Remember when he came out, and all the luvvies were going “poor Phil, poor Phil”. No mention of the poor wife and kids from any of them.

  13. “I no longer have a brother.”

    Trying too hard I reckon. Amateur dramatics time.

    More like, “I like bumming young lads too but I don’t want to lose my career.”


  14. Schofield disgusts me and the whole ‘bravery’ bullshit. Preverts are a protected species.

  15. I find these people revolting
    Like was said earlier protection same as Sir Jimmy Saville OBE Phil must be due a knighthood for poofery
    Almost as hated as Blair another closet poof

  16. Schofield-used to make revolvers in America. Perhaps six rounds from a .45 black powder revolver would be the best course of summary justice.

    The fucker groomed, in every sense of the word, a young boy. Used his position as a television presenter to get into the lads life, tours of the studio, etc, etc. The lads parents should have worked it out-for fuck’s sake, you only have to hear someone like Schofield talk, to realise they are a screaming bender.
    Devious fucker.
    Look’s like it runs in the family-I expect the parents are proud…..

  17. In the photo Dirty Phillip is saying “let this boy take a picture and then we’ll spit roast the cunt. Bagsy I get the arse first.”

  18. Hope this cunts career is finally over. All that shit about him being brave for coming out. Brave? He’s working in an industry where being gay is an asset, he wasn’t working in a fucking steelworks!
    Would he have been brave if he cheated on his wife with young women? Would he fuck. It would have been less of a blow to his wife and kids if he had been with other women, as at least then it wouldn’t mean that their marriage wasn’t a sham at some point.
    Fuck me, there was more outrage when he queue jumped the dead Queen gawpers.
    Pair of dirty cunts.

    • I wonder if his wife got suspicious when he would only shag her up the bum whilst she was dressed like Bluto from Popeye?

    • At this rate, your cellar is going to stink like a haddock trawler on a summer’s day.

  19. If Tiny Tim has got any sense, he will write a book spilling all the muck on Phillip the Brave.
    There must be loads of shit he knows about him. They are both dirty filthy phags, but I would be happy if the ‘bad’ Schofield brother totally destroyed the ‘brave’ one…..

  20. Not forgetting half of that tiresome Saturday night duo with the drinking/drugs problem who crashed his motor under the influence. That’s OK when kids up and down the country love you, aside from the loss of advertising revenue from lost viewing figures.

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