Excess Deaths

Excess deaths are indeed a cunt.

I reside in a smallish town with a population of around 25’000 people and I have mentioned in a couple of previous threads about the disturbing number of young people who have very tragically “died suddenly” in the last couple of months.

Sudden adult death syndrome apparently for three of them -the youngest being a fit healthy and popular 18/19 year old lad. (not exactly sure of the age at the point of typing this nom). The other was a lad in his mid 20s with a young family who “died suddenly” during rugby training.

That’s before I think about the seemingly (to me and any other cunt with eyes ears and a brain cell or two) unprecedented volume of people in the 50-65 age range who have been dropping like flies lately.

If these people had died suddenly, or slowly for that matter in hospital after testing positive for a certain “virus” during the middle of 2020 for example, then I’m fairly confident that the media and other assorted fear mongering whore merchants would have collectively all creamed their under crackers.

Seems though that in 2023, people “dying suddenly” is nothing unusual at all. After all it is winter and the NHS is under funded, under staffed and under relentless pressure (even though the deaths I mentioned didn’t have anything whatsoever to do with the NHS)

Still – there’s always Sam Smith’s latest outfit, UFO’s in the US of A or even better still – Matt Hancock appearing on reality TV.

Unherd News Link

Nominated by Herman Jelmet

206 thoughts on “Excess Deaths

  1. “I think there are two ways in which people are controlled. First of all frighten people and secondly, demoralize them”

    Tony Benn

    • Funny enough, that’s exactly what the conspiracy theorists do too, and it pays the bills for them.
      winning formula.

  2. Is it fair to say that many of those who are anti vaccine are pro Russia when it comes to the conflict in Ukraine?

    • I’d posit that they have grown a healthy and IMO justified scepticism about anything the government, big tech,pharma,banking and media tells them.
      We’re all being played.

      • “…Nice. Not wrong though am I?”

        Ah Mr. Strawman, we’ve been expecting you, no don’t bother with a seat you won’t be staying long.

        …and your point is… what? That people with the necessary discernment to sift fact from horse shit regarding the vax also have the capabilities to read the timeline and background to the Ukraine conflict?

      • @ Cunty Chips @GJ

        Personally I’m not “anti Vax” as is the lazy insult that often gets thrown around by the double or triple Covid jabbed.
        I’m “anti Covid vax” for a number of reasons that should be obvious to anybody with more than 2 braincells on active duty.

        Not wanting an unnecessary experimental mRNA injection and supporting Russia in a war is a bit of a tenuous link but I’m sure there is some correlation somewhere if you look hard enough.

        The media, government, big business et al, lie, manipulate and betray the common man each and every day, yet we’re all supposed to believe them over a smoke and mirrors virus and cure, which has made the rich richer and a corruption riddled war in eastern Europe which also appears to be making the rich richer.
        All at the expense of… Yep you guessed it – the common man, be it here or in Eastern Europe.

      • No, I think the word susceptible covers it.
        Gullible comes a close second.

      • My apologies, I should have specified covid vaccines and the whole conspiracy story that people are reluctant to move on from, regardless of the fact that the narrative that a few individuals that have made a pretty penny from pushing it, holds no water whatsoever.

      • Afternoon GJ

        I think the families of loved ones who have died suddenly after taking an experimental mRNA injection and one where the companies that concocted this, are exempt from blame, may struggle to move on.

        Passing it off as “it’s just one of those things – people have always dropped dead” isn’t going to wash with certain folk, especially when it’s their 19 year old son who’s dead 6 months after partaking in this medical trial.

        As long as there are people out there who can pacify them by convincing them it’s in no way linked, are as bad as the hardcore conspiracy types if you ask me.

        There needs to be genuine transparency but I’ve a feeling in my gut that we won’t ever get any because heads would have to roll big time and these people won’t ever want to admit they have fucked up.
        Then again that’s maybe just me being conspiratorial.

        How do we even know the vaccine worked?
        Is it because they told us so we have to just believe it?
        You can still catch this virus.
        Be ill with it.
        Spread it.

        Not everything has to be a conspiracy. Sometimes big mistakes are made.

        5 people under 43 have dropped dead in a half mile radius in a small town within the last couple of months.
        That is unusual. Well in my experience it is.

        I take your point about the real conspiracy types who receive money via the internet for peddling the more outlandish stuff.
        They are cunts.

      • Is there a vaccine now? Need to me because whatever the juice they’ve been injecting people with it certainly doesn’t meet the requirements to be define as a vaccine.

    • They also have a morbid fear of freedom and taking responsibility for their own lives. I suppose they should be pitied.

    • Is it fair to say also that many of those who are pro-vaccine are pro Ukraine, pro trans, pro blm, pro soy latte drinking cunts?

      • Add:
        Pro territorial integrity,
        Pro the principles of sovereignty,
        Pro democracy,
        Pro freedom of speech and expression,
        Pro international law…

      • Hmmm yes many. But not all.

        It seems strange that on the one hand Ukraine is asking for money and yet the President’s wife can go on a jolly to Paris and spend €40k seemingly on a whim while her country is at war and people are fleeing for their lives etc.
        Smacks of Imelda Marcos.

        It also seems strange we’ve been told that they’re handing Russia’s arse to them and yet they need more armour and jets….but the media has portrayed it as they are winning.. 🤔

        My feeling is that I would prefer it if there was no war and I have no interest in being nuked. Nor do I fancy the idea of living in a nuclear wasteland after it’s over and becoming a mutant. I’m quirky like that.

        I do not see Ukraine as some sort of Utopia. Plenty of dodgy dealings, corruption, trafficking, sex trafficking in particular.

        However, it seems like the lesser of two evils for now.
        Look at all the people who have died in mysterious circumstances after criticising or falling foul of Putin in some way. Alexander Litvinenko, the Skripals, Anna Politkovskaya, Alexi Navalny. Those are just 4 off the top of my head.
        He’s also in with gangsters, ex-GRU.

        Most of all I feel sorry for the innocent people on both sides of the divide who have had their lives turned upside down by this.

        Re. the Vaccine issue. I honestly don’t give a shit if you don’t want to take a vaccine or if you do.
        I had the vaccine and don’t feel the need to keep going on about it. Whereas anti-vaxxers have never shut the fuck up about it. You know – a bit like that thing that you all moan that vegans do about being vegan.

        I notice though that you never talk about the unvaxxed who get covid and then die. For example, https://www.newsweek.com/kickboxing-champ-dies-after-refusing-admit-he-has-covid-checking-himself-out-hospital-1663418

        strange innit?


      • *Correction. The Skripals didn’t die. But some of the people investigating the case did.

  3. This ‘vaccine’ was rushed through testing and into production. When they usually have at LEAST FIVE YEARS of human testing to check long-term complications and this one hadn’t, then all the platitudes in the world won’t make that fact go away.

    This in itself isn’t an issue gentleman – those who were prepared to get it knowing the risk, fair enough. But then we come to fact number two: politicians and ‘influencers’ who have been trying their best to paint those who show reticence as immoral. Some have even wanted to make it mandatory!

    Injection should never be mandatory, and especially a new drug. That is a frighteningly dangerous attack on bodily sovereignty. The stream of threats, insults and now the increase in excess deaths, (combined with a pointed refusal to address this very real aspect of this experiment) made it all the more worrying.

      • It is strange to me that certain posters can call another poster the C word and it doesn’t get picked up and then at the same time other posters don’t get anywhere near to that stage and get slapped down for it.

        Is there and echo in here?…….an echo in here? …….echo in here?


      • Coming from a cunt like that cunt, I’d wear it as a badge of honour.

      • Evening GJ, evening Ruff,

        I lurk on here more than anything these days.
        It’s always had a slant to proceedings but it’s increasingly hostile these days.

        Shame innit?

        In other news my wife and I have been kicked out of our lovely cottage in favour of my sketchy uncle.

        He called me a ginger tosser as well! 😉
        I jest

      • Best way to be mate unless you’re a paid up member of the Tommy Robinson/David Icke fanclub! ☺️🤣

      • Don’t like the country you’ve known and loved ransacked, swamped through mass immigration, have no trust in treacherous politicians and have genuine concerns for your children’s future or safety? – Tommy Robinson fan club.

        Don’t appreciate the mandating of experimental mRNA vaccines which are endorsed by every government and media “celeb” cunt in the planet.
        Watching young people “die suddenly” after taking said vaccine and dare to make any connection? – David Icke fan club.


        It’s a point of view I suppose.

    • It’s hardly surprising, there are quite a few covid conspiracy nuts, or at least happy to push them to appeal to cranks, amongst the Republicunts.
      I don’t know why they need to ask Biden though, I’m sure Trump can give them a few copies he has stashed around the house.

    • Nature didn’t create that virus or whatever it is. It was manmade and every day that becomes more obvious. But the governments and media have moved on from the vile insanity that was 2020-21.

    • 2020-21 certainly brought home to me that most people are easily coerced into doing things they don’t want to do, don’t need to do even if it brings them depression, financial problems, confusion. We need a massive morale boost in this country, in the world, yet we are being cajoled into World War 3 it seems. And the commanders of that war would be Biden, Trudeau, Sunak, Macron, Zelenski and Sean Penn? Good luck with that.

      • Spot on Maggie! I would add to your list of “leaders” the roster of cunts at Davos and the Chinese Communists.

  4. To be quite honest this whole plandemic turned out the way precisely I predicted it would – a blatant Marxist attempt to turn a bad flu year into a social, political and economic apocalypse that they could exploit, because all the leftist policies have come into play: Forced house arrest, cult of personality style initiatives (with clapping), killing off private enterprise and jobs thus making more people dependent on the Government, draconian restrictions on liberty and freedom of movement, falsification of death figures and open derision of people who are skeptical and question the incessant state enforced propaganda

    • The problem with the whole plandemic / scamdemic is that the predicted outcome never happened.
      However for some there is no way back from this particular rabbit hole.

      • “…The problem with the whole plandemic / scamdemic is that the predicted outcome never happened.”

        Well actually it did. we predicted the futility of the jab which proved to be the case. We predicted the financial collapse that would preciptate and it has. We predicted the harmful potential of this mRNA dosed jollop, the dreadful effect of closing the schools, we noted the universal uptake by the controlled media of a co-ordinated simultaneous, lock stepped narrative which they are STILL embracing (even GB fucking Snooze). I think we hit a lot of nails squarely on the head while most became inmates in their own prison of received ideations.

      • Of course, you’re right.
        We all are bound by law yo have a vaccine, can’t get a kob without one.
        We all have to carry a vaccine passport, otherwise we won’t be allowed access to shops, hospitals, and basic amenities.
        Those that refuse the vaccine are ostracised from society, and are forced to display their refusal to anyone.
        That’s what I’ve read on here from some of the ‘awake’ contributors.
        Like bollocks did it happen.

  5. RE “sudden adult death syndrome”

    “It used to be when someone died suddenly it meant they were in an accident. Every since they introduced the Covid vaccine even young children are dying suddenly.” — Lee Stevenson, December 2022

    Let’s THINK now….

    What does the OBVIOUS sneaky SUDDEN criminal propagandization with their “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” trickery (just like their prior “Sudden Infant Death Syndrome” fabrication), in conjunction with TONS of similar OBVIOUS evidence, mean really?

    What does it squarely point to — ONCE AGAIN?

    What is the TRUE FINAL implication of all that (left out here and nearly everywhere else)?

    Here’s the answer, here’s what that ULTIMATELY means…

    It means that a mafia network of manipulating PSYCHOPATHS are governing big businesses (eg official medicine), nations and the world (and that Covid is a major planned crime against humanity), the evidence is OVERWHELMING and TOTALLY IRREFUTABLE — study “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon””… https://www.rolf-hefti.com/covid-19-coronavirus.html

    “I just cannot understand why all these damn anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists don’t trust a government that actively works against the public interest 100 percent of the time. I mean if you can’t trust institutions that are deliberately constructed to subvert the common good for the benefit of the wealthy and powerful at every turn, who can you trust?” — Caitlin Johnstone, Independent Journalist

    Only psychopaths can come up with such TOTALLY IMMORAL criminal fabrications AND implement such unethical atrocities to cover up the massive harm done by Covid “vaccines”!!!

    And psychopaths are typically NOT how Hollywood propaganda movies have showcased them. And therefore one better RE-learns what a psychopath REALLY is. You’ll then know why they exploit/harm everyone, why they want to control everyone and have been creating a new world order/global dictatorship, and many other formerly puzzling things will become very clear.

    But global rulership by psychopaths is only ONE part of the equation that makes up the destructive human condition as the article explains because there are TWO pink elephants in the room… and they’re MARRIED (see cited source above).

    If you’re in the US and your employer mandates the toxic/lethal COVID jabs, register to receive a free “Medical Exemption Certificate” at https://lc.org/exempt

    “Unexpectedly died coincidentally of suddenly?” — Unknown, December 2022

  6. An interesting slant with the Hancock message revelations about fear mongering, as called out by your resident Tommy Robinson/David Icke members.

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