Yep, I had no idea who the cunt was either until this link from the BB-Woke popped up.
Apparently this cunt wants cocks and cunts removing from awards, and just one big happy gender free fuck fest, where like minded cunts can complain about fuck all of relevance, but believe their opinion matters to normal folk.
It’s about fucking time someone of fame called for none gender free awards. I am sick to my fucking stomach of anyone who has a normal view being criticised for offending the offended, but if I am offended by their point of view that is fine. These cunts promote equality, as long as you do not dare to go against their narrative.
It’s Black Friday today, surprised some cunt hasn’t called for this to be renamed Day of Colour.
Jesus H Christ in a Zeppelin, we are being overrun by cunts, and just accepting their weird point of view, which let’s be honest, is cuntish.
Nominated by:DryItchyCunty
it’s always and will always be, ” me me me me”, cunts have got nothing of any value to contribute to the world.
They live in an insular world of nuclear grade egos and platinum pratts, full of their own self importance constantly told how amazing they are, when they appear on chat shows they are interviewed by one of their own sycophantic cunt mates, instead of a real person posing the question ” why are you such useless cunt”
Celebrities and actors are an absolute shower, ego driven puss balls to a man/ thingy.
I would love to see that TV show. Call it The Doe Show (as in John or Jane). A different normal nameless citizen gets to host the show each episode. A celebrity sits down and gets real questions.
“Were you born an intolerable cunt or become that way over the course of your life?”
Fucking demented po-faced trannie circus freak albino woke cunt.
That about covers it…
You missed retard out…..
On the subject of non-binary gender-fluids, it appears that Biden’s “Dog boy” might be getting the chop.
He’s been charged with a felony. What’s his crime you ask?
Stealing a Woman’s suitcase.
He’ll either be fined, go to prison or both.
I’ve a feeling he might enjoy prison though.
Couldn’t make this shit up.
So she can’t make her mind up what she is all this non binary bollocks 50 years ago it would be locked up in an institution and sexually abused every night