Detraction – Playing the Blame Game

Strange one for ISAC. Detraction being the meat and tatties of this site. Our raison d’etre in fact. Our reason for being.

(Definition of “Detraction”: Day Admin – Wiki Link )

ISAA maybe Is An Angel. But its boring praising good people. Mmm…

I dislike Meghan Markle intensely. There was a Nom about her laying flowers at the Elementary school shooting. I was about to lay into her then I suddenly thought no. Maybe just maybe it was sincere. So I didn’t.

Maybe I was a bit sick of it. Kids being killed an’ all.

Or just that. Laying into someone laying flowers.

Anyway, has got me thinking more widely about this. (this is the meat and tattie of the Nom) I bet if you could get a percentage of the posts on the Internet of any particular day a good 50% would be of people slagging other people off, people laying into other people, piling in with criticism, giving out stick.

I was sickened to be honest by Donald Trump reading the names of the kids that had been killed at that NRA convention.

But also sickened by Bet O’Rourke accusing some Mayor of having ‘blood on your hands’. O’Rourke is for Gun Control.

I mean people have lost the basic decency to hold off politics for at least a while after an atrocity. But no the very next day.

I am not thinking just about Celebrities or politicians here.

If I think of my little life (as Alfie would say), the berating against others has been incredibly destructive. The constant criticism of one sister against another has had a really detrimental effect.

It’s all blame blame blame. It seems. Everyone I know is at it. I am in the right you are in the wrong. It’s all your fault. You’re not a nice person.

Personal denunciation has an effect. Someone always pointing the finger.

Always like that song by Alexander O’Neil–🎶Don’t criticise my ideals, don’t criticise my lifestyle 🎶

A bit confusing this. Maybe I should retitle the Nom ‘Pointing the Finger’. Or maybe ‘The Blame Game’.

Just like the word detraction.

Nominated by: Miles Plastic

59 thoughts on “Detraction – Playing the Blame Game

    • As soon as I read the definition of detraction, not a word that is in everyone’s vocabulary, I knew it was a nomination by Miles. His school, I guess Ampleforth, has a lot to answer for.

      • I should have added that I always enjoy his nominations and comments, he lives on a higher plain than most of us, and makes us use our brain cells.

      • So now it all makes sense why James is such a horrible cunt and is so obviously angry at the world around.

        I might cut him a bit of slack in the future. But on second thoughts. No – he’s a cunt.

      • Overheard at a golf day when there was a rather large man playing and being discussed by two others:

        “you say he went to ampleforth? Looking at the size of the fucker, I’d have said Amplegirth. Anyway, don’t the boys spend all their time running away from the priests, so there’s no excuse for his size.”

      • @Wanksock

        I’ve had many a disagreement with Miles in the past but the main reasons that I tend to avoid interactions with him aren’t so much due to his towering intellect but primarily because:

        a) I usually start arguments on ISAC all haughty due to an excessive quantity of booze in my system.

        b) He tends to be quite pretentious, esoteric and polysyllabic in the way he presents himself (to which a response would require excessive amounts of time that I don’t have, nor do I care to donate).

        c) He’s a bit of a jab and I don’t want to speak ill of those jabbed……. “Just a little jab and it’ll all be over”.

        d) He’s a sophist, sophists tend to be dishonest jabs and I have neither the time nor inclination to converse with dishonest jabs because they’re rarely, if ever, good-faith interlocutors.


  1. The world is full of cunts and cuntfoolery that needs to be called out.
    Besides if feels good to rant about the bullshit in the world. Can’t just hold it in. Like having to fart.
    Ranting changes nothing I admit. Pure catharsis and entertainment for this cunter.

  2. Anyone who thinks for a moment that MeGain Markle flew over 1000 miles across America with photographers to quietly lay flowers cos she was distressed as a mother and not purely for the publicity must have been born fucking yesterday.

    • Yeah and two hours drive away her father was in hospital after a stroke and the bitch couldn’t be arsed to see him.

    • If that vacuous cunt doesn’t win Foreign Cunt of the Year and make it a back to Bak, hat trick of wins, I shall have no option but to go to media and claim ‘voter fraud’ and in a fit of peak, annexe the Sudetenland!

  3. Miles is attempting to inject a note of thoughtfulness and compassion to this site.
    Ban the cunt.

      • And inviting n*gnogs over to his pom d’état for afternoon tea and such like. It just won’t do!

    • Hear hear! We’ll have none of those educated sorts around these parts causing trouble. This is a local slagging off site, for local people.

  4. Thought provoking non Miles but I think we can assume with a fair amount of confidence that Meghan Markle was there laying flowers for no other reason than her own self promotion.

  5. I always thought Alexander O’Neil sang –
    🎶 Don’t criticize my length 🎶

    But it turns out it’s – “friends”

  6. Never knew that the abstract noun “detraction” had a particular meaning for the followers of the sky fairy. Learn something every day on ISaC.

  7. Trump was right to do what he did at the NRA meeting – he was calling out the hypocrisy of “politicians” demanding the people give up their firearms whilst not doing so themselves and having taxpayer funded armed security, and Trump may not be to everyones taste but nobody gets up the noses of the left wing extremists like he does, because he could not give a fuck what they say and he hates them just as much as they hate him.
    And I didn’t notice Me Gain Markle laying flowers for any of the people murdered by people with illegal firearms.
    Just getting Cardinal Roger Boyes to remove MP – the blaggard has been at the communion wine again!

  8. There isn’t anything wrong with slagging cunts off when they have form for being cunts, the example of Me Again is one where this bitch has form, so the ‘stunt’ of travelling 1000 miles to lay flowers quite rightly stinks to high heaven.

  9. To paraphrase Miles, this is indeed a confusing issue. Should you criticise someone for showing compassion?

    It depends on the person showing it. We know that Megain is no more than a shallow self-promotionist, so in her case the criticism is spot on. And as soon as a sleb or politician starts crying in public then 9 times out of 10 it’s ruthless self promotion.

    • Too fucking right. Megain is a sociopath. As such she is incapable of feeling empathy or showing genuine compassion for anyone other than herself.

  10. Apparently “detraction” is a kaffalik thing, makes sense as they do this shit stirring all the time against the protestant population of Northern Ireland, the cunts are now trying to ban the Orange day parade on TV now!

    (I’ve done a nom on this particular issue)

    Miles is quite obviously head of programming at BBC Northern Ireland and I claim my £5 and my lifetime supply of Bushmills!

      • Funny CQ I got the word from Waugh about Ireland. He spent some time in the South looking for a house he was so sick of the moral decline in England.
        He felt he had to get to a Catholic country to raise his children.
        Anyway he decided against it and for the rest if his life ‘laid’ into it. Quotes from his diary about the people–”if you only knew their mole-like malice’ and ‘they are full of detraction’.

  11. Thanks for the wiki link Admin. Well, sort of. Didnt know it was a ‘sin’ like that. Now another one to worry about.

  12. I suppose its if you cant say something good about someone dont day anything at all. But there are cunts you want to call out…

  13. Megan may well be a Cunt but I don’t understand what’s so “cuntish” about not rushing to the bedside of someone that you don’t care for….I know that I didn’t care for most of my family and certainly wouldn’t have traipsed along pretending that I gave a damn just because they were on their deathbed.
    Anyhow,wouldn’t everyone be screaming that it was all just an act if she did go and see him?

      • Really it is ‘allied’ to virtue-signaling. You can show you are a better than others by doing ‘good works’ in in the public eye.

        But detraction is still about getting that same feelingg–getting the same warm virtuous feeling that you are better, more vurtuous than others by pointing out their faults.

        We’re all just a bunch of virtue-signaling ‘Cunts’ on here you could say.

      • Aye,Freddie, there may well be a grain of truth in what you’re saying…I will qualify my earlier post by saying that I’d be at some Cunt’s deathbed quick enough if I thought that they might leave me a bob or two….indeed,I can put on quite the concerned act when it suits me.

      • You and Megain appear to have much in common, Fiddler sir. Might you perchance be married to one of Prince Andrew’s feckless daughters?

      • M.J.B…..Can’t see why anyone would want to marry either of those pop-eyed Desperate Dan lookalikes….I’ve nowt agin marrying an ugly woman if she has money but Prince Andrew’s daughters look unlikely to come with a healthy dowry…that particular “honourable” Gentleman seems to be suffering from some kind of extreme charity obsession…only reason that I can think of for giving £10 million to someone you’d never met…He really is an example to us all.

      • Fair do’s. But not entirely convinced. Andrew and his sprog won’t be short of a few hundred million or two after the old trout carks (imminently, imo). You’ll be set to clean up nicely. 😁

      • I wonder if Andrew has heard the last of compensation for Epstein’s girls ?….wouldn’t be surprised if one or two more are crawling out of the woodwork looking for a payday from our non-sweating Prince…..wouldn’t be surprised if Ghislaine Maxwell might be looking for a contribution from him too…

      • You score loads of money off someone who ” never” met you, you might as well sprinkle a bag of sugar on the floor, because here come the cockroaches.
        You sow a whirlwind, you reap a hurricane, lady!
        Have fun denying the claims.

      • I think we can safely assume your days of cunting are behind you now, MP.

        Well done sir – you are an inspiration to us all!

      • In that DM pic, Andrew reminded me of someone… Bercow. Most unfortunate.

  14. I haven’t a fuckin clue what this is about,
    Is it blaming others for shit you’ve done?

    Nowt wrong with that.

    “It was a black boy did it”

    “I found it like that”

    Are sentences you learn very young.
    I blame foreigners for most things,
    Or politicians.

  15. There were pictures of the bald chinless cunt selling the Big Issue. Undercover of course. I might take the charitable view that he was doing good works privately as he is a caring human being. Or a virtue signalling over privileged cunt desperate for affection.
    Who knows?

  16. Good deeds should be done with intention
    Not for attention.
    So the next time you do something good , shut your hole up about it.
    I think that is what Miles is trying to say.
    Impossible for today’s little programmers, they have to share when caring

  17. In the political sphere I suppose what I’m saying is that detraction has replaced reasonable debate.

    America comes to mind.

    All politicians there it seens are applying base motives to their opponents.

    • Yes it seems that way. One can blame the online platform for all the bitching and conceit but no one has the will to stand up to it as the consequences are to high a price as selective pieces are chosen to create a shitstorm about fuckall and the message drowned out.
      We are being royally fucked by the banker elites that are undermining every facet and institution that is held dear by the proles.
      Get ready to bend over as slave simpletons for the cunt reset for green policy money making machine that will further increase your debts and reduce your freedoms as the elite rule the skies.
      Be happy with less is the agenda worldwide

  18. This is not detraction Miles, this is sincere. Isn’t it predicted in revelations that at the end that people will argue and fight and turn on each other? Are we not seeing that now? Amplified by the internet with apps that translate on the fly?

    Seems to me that we are living in s works where we instantly look for a fight.

    There have been noms that I’ve not commented on because I didn’t feel right about them, I expect most here have.

    But it’s also a release valve for boiling piss, sometimes, more often than not expressing your ire is better than suppressing it.

  19. I sort of get were Miles is going, here.
    We poke fun at silly girls getting Greggs tattoos, but they’re just silly, and oh so laughable.
    I think it’s sort of a “people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones” nom, rather than a ” he without sin should cast the first stone” thing.
    But it’s hard work, Miles, and a hard world, and I’d rather giggle at daft Japanese blokes and lasses obsessed with Greggs than owt else.

  20. De-tractors.
    That is the reason Africans starve-they are hopeless farmers-because I’d de-tractors:

    “Why you not planting de-maize, mon?”

    “It cos de-tractor is fucking broken!”

    “Sheeeet mon! You data-de-poo-poo!”

    Transcript from a meeting between Nelson Mandela and his Minister of Agriculture, Mtebe Pisswater.

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