The Runnymede Trust

This lot have just come out with another searing indictment of racist Britain.

BBC News Link

But that’s not the subject here. The Runnymede Trust describe themselves thus:

”Led by a diverse team, we draw from our lived experience and that of our wide and inclusive community and partnership networks.

We are governed by our Board of Trustees whose expertise and guidance is integral to the production of our work.”

A. Diverse. Team.

Have a look at the attached (Tea and Trustees) and see how diverse and representative of the British demographic they are. Pronouns and all.

Runnymede Trust

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

94 thoughts on “The Runnymede Trust

  1. A Rhodesian I knew said that a racist was someone who hated blacks for no good reason. He wasn’t a racist he said, as he had plenty of good reasons to hate them.

    • “Heyyy maaaan! You don’t hate blacks, then you ain’t whiiiite!”

      Joe Biden, White House cocktail Party, December 2020

  2. 83% of the U.K. population is white, one can see the Runnyarse trust is very representative of the population make up. Considering the increasing number of cunts in this World surely the end is near.

    • Bb@ – “The Runnymede Trust is a registered charity under English law. In the past funding has been wide ranging, from high-street banks to TV companies. The most significant donors are: Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust”. So, all the usual High Street suspects funding this grift, and a circle jerk of race baiting cunts running a charity scam because they don’t want to do a real job where they have to be competent.
      Fucking parasites, and if a “charity” has enough spare money to be giving it to another “charity” shouldn’t they be giving more to, hmm, I dunno – CHARITY?
      We live in a world where the evil laugh at us and demonise us as they queue up to take everything we have and either imprison or butcher us if we dare speak out.

  3. All of these cunts’ pronouns should be changed to “oven”.
    Unkle T- arrange please!

  4. “I do speak to my family and my friends completely differently to how I speak in the workplace”.
    Is that because your work colleagues don’t respond to grunts and shrieks, and waving a machete about to get what you want?
    Actually, looking at the rogues’ gallery in the link, that’s probably the only language they would understand……..
    Load of cunt.

  5. Bunch of cunts. The headline noted reads:

    ‘I change how I look and talk to fit in at work’

    I guess darkies have to don’t, they can’t sit at your desk all day long saying:

    “Me bloodcat, me belly got rumblings so tink me gonna get me some fried chiggun for lunch (sucks his teeth). Might get me a can of root beer bruv, an some of dem spicy wings and ting, respect. Den me put a cap in someone’s ass if dey looks at me de wrong way…”

    Later that day:

    “Good afternoon, Jerome here from Runnymede council, how may I direct your call today my good fellow…”

  6. Caucasians do seem rather underrepresented bfor such a diverse organization.

    They do have a couple tho’

    Mighty white of them…

  7. Sirs:

    Clearly Simon (research analyst) joined because he thought he might get some from Rohini (communications manager). But Rohini is completely neurotic and mistook Simon’s interest for a rape attempt and squealed to Laurence (driector of operations) and Leon (executive administrative officer). They took Simon to the special room and frankly I’m surprised Simon hasn’t changed his pronouns by now.

    Bottom line — When your bogus trust is run by Kevin, Laurence and Leon, nobody can be surprised when everyone else winds up with a mouthful of dicks. That’s just science.

  8. Jesus H christ, I’d rather have flesh eating bacteria on my knob before any of these primates (doubly so for that rancid arse bandit bottom – no pun intended – right).

    I must say, that picture has convinced me absolutely that racial inequality is real.

    I cannot imagine ANY atrocity that could be inflicted on anybody white – no torture, mutilation, deranged surgery or any other hideous imagining of the most diseased mind – that could result in the sheer horrific, grotesque sub-ape repulsiveness of these things.

    Excuse me while I go any relieve my tortured eyes by with a gentle bath of hydrochloric acid.

  9. 3 token whiteys out of 18. So 83% ethnic representation is what they call “A Diverse Team”. These race baitors won’t be satified until they get 100% representation and they’d still find something to moan about.

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