Dr Who (6) and the BBC (57)

(According to the Express this is the New Who – Day Admin)

‘Dr Who’ and Auntie Beeb

To; Head of Advertising
‘The Guardian’
London N1 9GU

Araminta dearest

As you know, Jodie Whittaker has decided to give up the title role in ‘Dr Who’ after the most successful, most publicly acclaimed run in the show’s history. Accordingly, I attach the copy for the advertisement for her replacement, and wish to see it placed in our house magazine (just my little joke ha ha!).

As you’re well aware (and must surely approve!), we at the BBC are rigorously committed to the pursuit of equality and diversity, so we’re anxious to ensure that only the ‘right’ applicants are moved forward for consideration. We therefore do not wish to entertain applications from white, able-bodied, heterosexual males (even though such a person has previously played the part for sixty years), but I’m concerned that stating this could be construed as unethical, and possibly unlawful.

Under the circumstances, I ask you to ensure that the following wording is specifically incorporated into the text;

‘Applications are STRONGLY encouraged from differently abled, gender non-specific persons from ethnic minority backgrounds. A stammer, or evidence of an abused background or gender re-assignment would be a distinct advantage’.


Jemima ffarquarson-ffuckwhitt
Head of Casting and Recruitment
BBC Broadcasting House
London W1A 1AA

PS See you at Tarquin and Bunny’s ‘Rainbow’ cheese and wine thrash on Sat? Most of Hampstead and Islington’s been invited, I hear! Ciao! *kiss kiss*

Daily Mail News Link

Nominated by: Ron Knee


109 thoughts on “Dr Who (6) and the BBC (57)

  1. Will Doctor Who go back to 1936 and stop the end of slavery in Northern Nigeria when it was incorporated into a British colony ?

  2. I look forward to watching the viewing figures plummet even further than they already have.

    Fuck the BBC.

  3. They could get Mike Craven-Cunt to read kiddies’ stories, now renamed “Jimmy and Rolf’s Half-hour.”

  4. ‘ Dyke’s in spaaaaaaaaaace ! ‘
    I wish that there really were Daleks, and they invaded Earth.
    I’d throw my lot in with them
    And go on a killing spree
    First stop, BBC.

  5. Even though I don’t like his politics Idris Elba would make a great doctor imo. He has a lot of charisma about him.

  6. I liked Davros.
    He was a right evil cunt.
    He’ll bum some sense into this modern aberration no doubt.
    Dalek AIDS would be perfect.

    • It should be noted I stopped watching Dr Who about 40 years ago so I may be somewhat “behind the times”.
      Thank fuck.

      • Same here Terry. I think the last time I saw it, Peter Davison had just become the Doctor.

        What I don’t understand is why actual grown adults still watch this shit.

        On the BBC no less!

  7. Here’s a good’un. Dr Who lands in the 80’s and assists Rolf Harris in recording Stairway to heaven.

    • Or, maybe the next episode could see the Doctor travelling to 17th century Bristol, to give Edward Colston a talk about diversity, maybe send him on a course or two.

  8. Time Lord, that is it, Dr Who is a bloke, only straight white blokes apply 👍

    Assistant, fit young white bird 👍

    Fuck diversity and inclusivity, Bastard Borecasting Cunteration is already overrun with vastly out of proportion diversity.


  9. Sci fi, James Bond and “action” films (or “movies” as they call them these days) are all the same to me…….all aimed at the dumbest fucks on the planet. The wokie message will hardly register on their dim minds. As long as there are car chases, cunts getting chinned and shot up that’s all they care about. However as the audience are a bunch of thick cunts in the first place I can see why they think they can convert them to wokeism.
    Interesting. Very interesting.

    • So true, Freddie. The dumbing down of what passes for entertainment these days is indeed aimed at those at the lower end of the intelligent population, because the industries are beginning to realise that only the thick are going to continue to pay to view the atrocious Bloody Bollocks Company.

  10. Bye bye sonic screwdriver, hello machete – maybe have a mad mullah sidekick? A stabbing here, a fatwa there, Improvised Explosive Daleks wasting cybermen at checkpoints. Who knew.

  11. Dr Whoke is a two bob, Saturday tea time kids program. Mickey Mouse CGI, full of out of work actors or ‘comedians’ and laughable scripts. I have no interest in it’s modern incarnation at all. But where it does get my attention is when it’s used as a woke, leftie propaganda tool aimed at youngsters. Just entertain and stop fucking preaching. And go back to using dodgy rubber monsters and wonky sets. And what is a dark key doctor going to do differently? Trade in the sonic screwdriver for a knife and stab people? Get rid of the tardis in favour of a 15 year old bmw pimp mobile? Save the universe from a shortage of fried chiggun? I doubt it very much. Be prepared for some juicy race baiting scripts though.
    What a pile of cunt!

  12. They did this with Star Trek.
    They made 007 a black wimminz
    They are bound to make Dr Who a chippy dark-key👎

    Never fear though, Donald Trump Jr as The Master with his “sickle cell” lazer cannon, will soon sort the fucker out😀👍

  13. As long as it goes both ways I wouldn’t mind. Sasha Johnson as Davros (I know that’s fucking mean, teehee), Gina Miller as the Master or Lammy, Butler and Abbott as Zygons.

  14. Fuck me, next episode is about gender struggles with a back story about drug dealing and stabbing.

    Hope the Doctor turns up soon, I need to score bruh!

    • It’s contemporary; socially, culturally and politically aware. It’s what we expect from the Beeb. We don’t want sci fi fantasy entertainment that the whole family can enjoy.

  15. The left always infiltrates all genres and avenues of life, and perverts them to base levels of sickness, dirtying any good memories that you may of had. They are very sick depraved bastards, and need putting down.

    • Tom Baker was the last good Doctor Who; at least he could wear a rainbow scarf and not look like a fa990t.

      • Halcyon days😢
        He had an “intense” slight madness👍
        Chris Ecclestone was probably chosen for the same reason.

      • He was my favourite. Kind of sinister.

        Lost interest when he regenerated.

      • My interest would leap up again if the Beeb did indeed go the whole hog and employ a disabled person in a wheelchair, preferably with an hilarious speech impediment and spina bifida.
        It’d tick the right boxes and, by Christ, I’d watch that. It’d be fucking hilarious!

      • Tom Baker still would make a great Dr Who, even at his classic age, but they would fuck him with woke assistant’s and over dramatic gay, touchy feely, bullshit scripts to attract the fairy folk. Dr Who was about adventure, mystery and Science fiction and not primarily based in the fucking eastend with all the rainbow league and C lister so called celebs in tow, I gave up on this shit after Tom left aswell, the end of a true Classic run.

        Looks like there’s more diverse shit to come, it needs renaming to Dr Poo, because it’s crap, but at least the woke like it, god help us…….

      • I can see it becoming so bad that it actually acquires cult status. I don’t think it’s quite there yet; perhaps they need to get somebody in the role who’s a full on luvvy cunt in their own right.
        A Stephen Fry/Miriam Margargoyle/Patrick Stewart typeSteve Coogan type.

  16. See that black bird on the left? That’s St Marcus Rashford when he finally goes trannie that is.

  17. Just in passing, I wonder where Norman’s gone? He likes to have a kick at the Beeb and woke Doctor Who.

      • Same as Spoonington, ISAC’s nicest fellow. Maybe he got weary of all the spite!
        Evening RTC!

      • Evening Thomas. We’ve lost several esteemed cunters over the last year. Off the top of my head:

        The Empire Cunts Back
        Quick Draw McGraw
        Lord Helpuss
        Richard 1
        Willie Stroker
        Bertie Blunt Tory Cunt

        CS continues to post using various guises….

      • “CS continues to post using various guises….”
        Using his inimitable ‘abstruse special needs blended with superciliousness’ style of prose.

      • We need another couple of good-humoured birds around here for a different perspective on topics.
        And a couple of jolly gays.
        No transbumders though.

      • I remember flaxon Saxon and birdman as well,must be going back a bit.
        I see mince pie guy was back at the top of the nom

      • Evening LL. I think Norman was our longest standing cunter apart from HBelindaHubbard.

      • Evening cunters.

        I think Mince Pie Guy is a gay. The Empire Cunts Back was a favourite of mine, I could see him going postal in an office somewhere after being pushed too far by the wokeness,

      • Cuntologist is the only regular female contributor I can think of right now. I think maybe women are put off by the word “cunt”. A couple of weeks ago I sent a script of a play wot I wrote to a female friend and she replied surprisingly critically:

        “What you have to think is, would my wife like to read this script? If the answer is no then you’ve probably guessed the rest. Plus throw in a few c— words that most women hate and there’s the verdict. I think most ladies draw the line on that one.”

        Ironically the first person to read the script was my wife and she found it hilarious! She described it as Harold Pinter meets Beavis & Butthead….

      • Tell your critic that its perfectly fine to have the word ‘cunt’ in your play. Remember the line from One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest (1975) “…but she’s something of a cunt, ain’t she, doc?” Iconic and punchy. Also its in The Canterbury Tales! If you weed out the feminist mumbo jumbo in this article, there’s some interesting history about the c-word: https://qz.com/1045607/the-most-offensive-curse-word-in-english-has-powerful-feminist-origins/ Fuck me, I had no idea some cunt in ancient Egypt went around saying ‘cunt’ and everyone was fine with that, amazing.

        Good luck with the play 🙂 As B&WC used to say, what’s it abhaaat?

      • What happened to Raiders of the lost cunt? She said she was an early 40s something unattached non wimminz female whoo kept herself in shape. Where are you Raiders?

    • He’s in my basement. As for Kev and MincePieGuy, both are being put to good use. Mince, as a foot rest.

    • I miss the blunt undiplomatic distaste for all the shit he had to endure through his many years of General Schizophrenia as well as the beyond the realm perspective of General Cunster.I think Nasty Pelosi’s death squad got him, or one hopes he saw them coming and debunked to his underground base in the Appalachians.

  18. Good old Beeb.

    More woke infested fuck-wittery on its way no doubt.

    On the subject of the beeb – the Masters snooker has started on there.
    Possibly the best week of televised sport in the calendar. In my opinion of course.
    So they’re not entirely bad but they are still cunts.

    • Hopefully there’ll be a highly localised outbreak of chınkyflu that puts only Neil Robertson and that cunt Mark Selby out of action, the pair of boring, tediously defensive twats! Particularly Selby…that fucker really gets my goat!

      • Yes I know what you mean.

        Mark Selby is a fucking nightmare of a player.
        I’d give his wife one though.

        Evening Thomas.

      • Evening HJ…I’ll bet you used to hate the übermensch of snooker cunts, Peter Ebdon.
        Have you ever seen the five minute comparison of cunt face’s score of 12 vs Ronnie O’Sullivan’s 147 in the same time?

      • Ebdon was on another level of cuntishness at times when it came to his etiquette.

        Oft overzealous fist pumping in victory. (for snooker anyway)
        Often deliberate very slow play to stifle his opponents.
        Yes victory is important and all that but at the end of the day it’s still a spectator sport.

        I’m sure I remember Ebdon pretending to faint after winning a close match in the world championship back in the 90s.
        Think it might have been against a young Ronnie O’Sullivan and I’m fairly certain it was total theatrics.

        A strange man.

      • That’s the best 12 I’ve ever seen. Makes Ronnie look like a pub player.

        Evening chaps.

  19. Dr fucking Who fucking cares?
    The last time I saw this cardboard scenery. pantomime horse shite Hartnel (I think) was the Doctor. How anyfucker could give a fuck is beyond me.

    • Don’t think many do to be honest CC, but it’s a good pisstake at the woke Beeb I reckon.

  20. They can cast whoever they like. I haven’t the heart to say this to two friends who loved Dr Who but to me it’s always looked like the poorer, more earnest relation of Red Dwarf. I probably watched a few episodes of the McCoy era as a boy and a couple of the newer ones with Christopher Ecclestone and David Tennant but it’s always seemed absolute shit.

  21. Wait so the female Dr who got axed now I forgot about that but we are getting a black female one now? I wish they would just end the franchise in a respectable manner

    I bought a Dr Who themed pinball table a few months ago thats still keeping me entertained Thats what the BBC should focus on pinball

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