The Guardian (16)

This rag really has no shame it seems. Once a well-respected voice for the underdog as ‘The Manchester Guardian’, over time it has descended into far-left insanity and a voice for the typical Islington millionaire champagne socialist.

Any publication that pays for the turd flinging level crazy views of the likes of Owen Jones, Seamus Milne and Ash Sakar has no credibility whatsoever.

But they’ve managed to surpass themselves. They beg for your hard-earned on their website and claim it is to keep up their fine standards of honest journalism. However, it seems if the narrative doesn’t suit, they just cancel the story now.

The rag has been running a poll for ‘Person of the Year 2021′. And it seems JK Rowling is way out in front.

Despite being a lefty herself, she had the temerity to state fascistic things, such as male rapists should not be allowed to say they identify as women and get access to women’s prisons. Or that it might be a bad idea to inject kids with puberty blockers.

So what has this rag done? Cancelled the entire poll, of course!

Yes, it seems if you’re losing the game, just stop playing and take the ball home with you is now the grown-up attitude to take.

Maybe this will now rub off on our footballers? This might give Gareth Wokegate the idea of getting his players to walk off the pitch when his team concedes a goal, as it hurt his and the players’ feelings. Mental health is so important. The ‘brave’ thing to do would be to walk off, surely?

Anyway I digress, but this is where we are it seems.


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Nominated by: Cuntybollocks

67 thoughts on “The Guardian (16)

  1. The only person who gets any joy out of that useless jumble of words is Owen Jones, when he gets his rolled up copy at the crack of dawn and then promptly shoves it up his arsehole so he can sample the diverse flavours.

  2. I wear vegan doc martens.

    I have a pony tail.

    I have a goatee beard and man boobs.

    I feel for the Palestinians plight.

    I have a open marriage and Cressida is getting ploughed upstairs off leroy an Winston.

    I see myself as better than others and talk down to them

    I weep if I walk past a butchers

    I hate the jews for their own good

    I support workers rights but feel scared by working class people, theyre common

    What am I?
    I am a typical Guardianista.

  3. I read somewhere that this rag’s circulation is only about 100k copies (they stopped publishing their figures in August ‘21!) and that the BBC buy 50k copies (albeit p.a.).

    That’s less than the Daily Star on Sunday BTW.

    Says it all really. Well that, and the name “Shami Chakrabarti”. FFS

  4. Funnily enough, I was talking to a much older associate, about this shitrag, recently.

    She said that back in her parents day, The Manchester Guardian was a hugely respected paper. As revered as the Times, up North.

    She told me that people would put announcements (engagement’s births, marriage, deaths), in both papers-such was its status & popularity.

    She went on to say that her dear old Father would be spinning in his grave, if he could see what it has become.

  5. The “Free Press” is simply a tool, an extension of the “Indoctrination Programme”.
    It was prophesised many years ago in the Novel 1984.
    I read no rags, and certainly no television. So how do I keep up with what is REALLY going on in the world ? I come HERE !

  6. I bet they were thinking some dribbling woke bell end like Sparkle Tits or Stormzy were going to win. Tommy Robinson and Sir Nigel were fighting it out for 2nd and 3rd place respectively.

    • Tommy Robinson-did the guardian report in his car being fire bombed this week, by mudslime grooming gangs, in protest to his upcoming “Rape of Britain” expose?

      • Is it?

        I wonder why we’ve never heard that in the media?(sarc detector needle violently moves to 100%)

      • Apparently so.

        Likewise, I have no idea how I became privy to this information Cuntybollocks.

        How are your Greta sex dolls selling BTW?

        I bought the silicone version and the rubber is flaking off between my fingertips. It’s like poking a fucking leper.

        Do you have a returns policy?

      • Yes, you can send your returns to:

        Greta sex dolls inc
        Returns Dept
        Get Fucked Road
        Not a sniff de la zouche

        Just a reminder not to bum to doll too hard while pulling on the pigtails at the same time, it invalidates your warranty. The dolls have a secret video device to record all the action. I’ll upload it here soon so everyone can judge if you invalidated said warranty.

        Happy to help!

  7. I don’t mind it…never bought a copy but read it on-line. Decent cryptic crossword,sport section and the odd other decent article too…don’t often agree with their position but sometimes an article will make you stop and think.

    • Their online sport pages are amongst the best👍

      *i don’t search them out-If I google search for football scores etc, the match commentary’s and reports come up-and to be fair, are amongst the better ones.

      **not that I have looked up football since the knee taking began👎

      • The David Squires weekly sports cartoon is clever and funny. Refreshingly free of right-on Graun leftishness too.

        Some scathing columns recently about The Ashes shitshow have been excellent.

      • I’m sophisticated enough to appreciate that. It looks very nice.
        Sadly though, my sophistication is somewhat stifled by a raging hangover. I’ll do it another day.

      • Sometimes it’s a fine line between sophistication and a rampant outburst of ‘the gayness’.

        “Coming out to the strip club?”

        “Not tonight lads. I’m making a homemade soup recipe from today’s Guardian.”

        I’m frankly concerned, DF. There are some devout old school Catholic monks I know of, who will be willing to don their black robes and thrash you to within an inch of your life with a cat-o-nine tails, while screaming ‘Repent!’ over and over for several hours.

        It’ll stop you searching for recipe for homemade French Fancies for your dessert.

        You’ll thank me later.

      • Did Nigel Slater ever get cunted? If not he should have (along with that Uber cunt Rick Stein*).

        I remember a series he had a few years back when I was still living in Blighty. It was called Nigel’s fast food or some such shit.

        There was one episode where he made a sandwich and another where he visited some ordinary cunts on their allotment. They had a bumper crop of tomatoes and were naturally excited to see what this acclaimed celebrity chef would do with them. The cunt just tossed them on a grill, fried them up and served them on a plate. The look on ordinary cunts faces was priceless. You could see them thinking I could’ve fucking done that!.

        I’m surprised their wasn’t an episode where the cunt just opened a packet of crisps.

        * As for Rick Stein, along with Sir Len of Henry, he was the other cunt that lead me to discover ISAC, with a Google search such as ‘does anyone else think Rick Stein is a cunt?’

      • I think Rick is a cunt.
        It’s the way he picks and prods the food other people have cooked and the sneery look as he tastes it, I’d shove the fork down his throat. And he is Cornish. Bunch of inbred cunts

      • I think he’s actually the perfect cunt. I don’t think he even knows it. Being a cunt to him comes as naturally as it does for a fish to swim.

        I remember one episode when he was talking about the summer tourists in Padstein and described them as like ants. These being the people that patronize his overpriced shit restaurant*. He likened them to an inconsequential arthropod that no one thinks twice about stepping on.

        Then he had a series set in Sri Lanka. In one episode his guide took him to what is best described as a soup kitchen. Whilst attempting to wax lyrical about the food they were serving, he turns to his guide and says something like (my paraphrasing but it’s the gist of it):

        “You’re a relatively affluent person by Sri Lankan standards, what are you doing eating here among these scum?”. The funny thing is Prick thought he was paying a compliment.

        Harvey Price would probably be more socially aware than that cunt.

        * A well to do soy latte acquaintance of mine years ago got food poisoning at one of Prick’s restaurants in Padstein. Said the food was shite too.

      • Dick FF@ Have one of Billy Bell’s excellent sausage rolls with it, for the perfect finishing touch.
        Bon appetit.
        Good afternoon. 👍

    • Then take it to the European Court when they lose, just like that cunt in Ireland with his gay cake.

  8. A once good newspaper gone to shit (literally). Still a decent crozzie and on that subject, WORDLE online daily brain exercise isn’t bad

  9. Founded on the profits of slavery. Never let a lefty, soy drinking guardianista forget that little nugget…

    It’s good sport.

    Especially when they’ve just read a story about in the rage about the evil racist whitey, or a BLM protest.

  10. I dont understand why the loons dont cancel themselves and close the whole shit show down due to the founders links to slavery. Id dump the whole office into the Grand Union canal which it sits beside, with every cunt still inside.

    • Erm, but, you know, you can’t judge The Grauniad of today on the actions and attitudes prevailing three hundred years ago, or something…

      • I think you will find Ron that the people at the Guardian have no problem with slavery in the present. The 7 in every thousand Africans that are slaves are of no interest. Lewis Hamilton playing at racing cars in Bahrain where 1.9 of every thousand are slaves. He even got a knighthood. The stuff we all buy from China, slavery. Personally I could not give a fuck, but then im not a hypocrite, like the cunts at the Guardian.

  11. At least their person of the year vote is at least open, even if the end result caused them to throw a leftie tantrum. BBC Sports personality of the year is specially rigged so that you can only vote for a predetermined box ticking candidate. It’s a pity the beeb don’t follow the Grauniads example and let people vote for who they want. That way they’d end up cancelling that wank fest too. The papers have always tried to indoctrinate the masses. Think back to the days of The Sun remorselessly promoting Maggie, or the Mirror claiming Kinnock as the new messiah. Those days are gone though, it’s the leftie television media and the likes of twitter that are the real quisling enemy today.

    • Ah, the Daily Mirror. The paper that fawned over Gordon Brown as Britain’s “Iron Chancellor”
      The utter cunts…

  12. I don’t mind the Guardian other than for its opinion page and Letters.
    Their Sports section is certainly the best I’ve read anywhere, and their media entertainments pages aren’t too shabby either.

    I’d rather read the Gruaniad than the Sun, Mirror, Express, Mail etc.

  13. Speaking of shitty toilet paper, has The New European gone tits up yet?
    Because it’s kind of a “Guardian greatest hits of utter cuntishness” publication. If anything I’d like to see it sink first…

    • The New European must be running at a loss. I wonder who is bank rolling it; that seems to be something of a mystery.

      • I’ve made extensive use of ‘The National’ when in Edinburgh OC. It’s a more satisfying wipe even than ‘The Groaniad’, esp. if there’s a big pic of Wee Jimmy or Bloater Blackford on the front page.

  14. Shameless Checkmebankaccount is one of the biggest fake lefties in this country. Sits there in the House of Old Arselickers due solely to being a Jew hating cocksucking old slag. I would happily hang her from a lamppost outside Dulwich College.

  15. Every so often I make a comment on there Facebook, and then get a pile on from the lefties, they are nuts.

    I called one pathetic as started off with the gammon crap get a ban for bullying these are nutters you are dealing with.

    • All posting on lefty fb pages achieves is bans and suspensions from the site itself. It’s not exactly impartial.

  16. A favourite is Owen Jones he’s such a moron and a easier target thinking he is intelligent, nah mate only thing you are good at is being a suasage store for others.

  17. The Graun has simply become another source of ragebait under Viner. Publishing guff such as ‘I’m scared to serve fried chicken because i’m black’ and nonsense about ‘Why did Eddie Redmayne play disabled Stephen Hawking?’ (Hawking was able bodied until her was diagnosed with muscular distrophy, the Guardian fucking know this but love the clicks),

    I don’t play their game, and rarely visit any news site or click a link to a known clickbait site.

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