Len Goodman


Len Goodman – the simpering old cockney barrow boy done good who pollutes Saturday night prime time on Strictly Come Dancing.

He is the BBC’s answer to Simon Cowell,

Len is fucking cunt of the highest order. You only have to see him mince about on SCDITT like he is the nations sweetheart and not many people know, his catchphrase “SEVEEEEEN” actually relates to the age of boys he likes to teach to tango.

Inane, vapid, vacuous, cretinous, imbecilic cunt that he is!

Nominated by: Jabba the Slut

( Apparently his new wife reckons he’s shit hot in bed. She probably needs to get out more. Ed. )

16 thoughts on “Len Goodman

  1. Oh dear. A Cunt Who Cunts Cunts tells the world he watches that abomination on a Saturday night – ‘Strictly Come Dancing’. Oh fucking dear, you really are aptly named and now shamed as a cunt. You cunting need to get out on a Saturday night not watching cunts on a TV programme that is awash with cunts and only watched by cunts.

    • A cunt who Cunts cunts is the person who posts the nominations. Jabba the slut is the person who nominated, and therefore watches Strictly come Dancing. Do try and pay attention dear. And I watch strictly too, so I am a cunt

      • No. I don’t watch it for the record. I was once subjected to it at my daughter’s house. Frankly, I don’t understand why anybody watches it?

      • It is that or X factor, or slitting my wrists. It is a tough choice, but I hate the sight of blood, especially my own, so strictly it is

  2. “Strictly come on mi jew-face” — Oy vey you Berkly Hunt!

    “up the apples and pears with a basin of gravy to Donald Duck its Blackwall Tunnel”

    A slimy mixed of tard hook-nose and faux cock-er-nee fuck-pig.

  3. Shite sandwich pedlars Subway are cunts for bowing to towelhead pressure and discontinuing selling pork products and replacing other meats with halal only meat in areas in Britain. Halal slaughter is a disgusting practice that should be fucking banned. If you don’t dine on swine then cunt off to a CUNTry that does!

  4. Now I’m being annoyed by the gurning face of scouse child neglecter Kate McCann on the news. You left your kids unattended on a foreign holiday while you enjoyed yourself so fucking deal with it

    • Cannot abide that programme. Goodman is probably the least irritating next to those other two mincing drama queens who ponce about and bleat at the least provocation. At least Bruce ( the living dead) Forsythe is finally realising that its not good for his failing heart or blood pressure to continue slobbering over and pawing the female contestants, the lecherous old goat.
      A programme for brain dead cunts

  5. Sorry, I meant to say that I am a brain dead cunt, not just a cunt.

  6. Goodman, Cowell and that other smug cunt, David Grant, should all be guillotined on live television….

  7. Talking of hook-nosed junkie tattooed jews, what’s that cunt Peaches Geldof up to?

    • Smack like her smack head cunt of a useless cunty mother. The world is a better place without the pair of them.

      I think the they both deserve a good old fashionied cunting for being useless drug addicted over privaledged rich cunts. What a pair of cunts to fucking kill themselves so selfishly with young children. Hopefully the young boys now without a smack head mother will break the cycle and their father will bring them up properly doing a better job loving them than the other useless cunt Bob Geldof did.


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