Sir Keir “The Cervix” Starmer (14)

Sir Kweer and the end of Labour as a working class force.

BBC News Link

Sir Kweer has come out in support of the weirdos and deviants. Just the thing to regain the working class constituencies.

”Rosie Duffield came under fire after supporting online criticism of a tweet, which referred to “individuals with a cervix” to be inclusive of trans men.”

Thats right. Trannie men can be classed as having a cervix,
Asked about the row, Sir Keir said claiming only women have cervixes was “something that shouldn’t be said”.

Yes, sir Kweer now denies science as party policy.

RIP Labour. What a fucking collection of cunts.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

92 thoughts on “Sir Keir “The Cervix” Starmer (14)

  1. There has never been a female-male cervix transplant as far as I know. The cervix is part of the female reproductive system. A man does not have a cervix, womb, fallopian tubes, ovaries or a vagina. Hermaphrodites born with ovo-testes is about 1 in 86000 births. That’s right in Britain only about 9 people will be born with that condition every year.

    I find his comments deeply offensive. Mrs Pillar had a total hysterectomy earlier this year for stage 1 ovarian cancer. We were very lucky it was caught so early. Appeasing people who do not, have not and can never have a cervix is just disgraceful.

    • My great aunt had ovarian cancer in the 70s had radiotherapy and lived cancer free for the rest of her life until eighty nine.
      All the best to Mrs Pillar.

      • Thank you. I typed ovarian but I actually meant to say uterine (womb) cancer. She’s doing well and will continue to have checkups for the next 3 years. Thank goodness for the NHS.

  2. Am just waiting for the peter files to chirp up and say “It’s my right to fuck a 10 year old”

    I suppose Starmer will sit on the fence and go along with it.


  3. The problem with the Labour Party is that all are so far up their own (and each other’s) arses that they can’t see how much out of touch with the electorate they are. They lurch from one disaster to another and it’s never their fault. From Corbyn who though his policies were the most popular (yeah, that’s why nobody voted for you you deluded old cunt) to blaming voters for not voting for them. I would actually like to vote for them but there is no way on earth I would want their current crop of utterly useless cunts in power. They are actually far worse than the crop of utterly useless cunts currently in power.

  4. Is it anti gender binary to say that only the third person singular in reguar verbs has a suffix?

  5. Nevermind the gobby fishwife Rayner, as long as you have Kweer Smarmer coming out (pardon the pun) with this bullshit and throwing one of his MP’s under the bus for saying what millions of normal people think, how the FUCK will Labour be electable?

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