5 thoughts on “Ali Dizaei [3]

  1. We should have an Uber Cunt award, reserved for those who truly are cunts of the first order, real weapons grade cunts, the kind of cunts you really would want to see in pain.

  2. Indeed Houdini ..

    A sort of “Lifetime Achievement in Cuntitude Award” ..

    Because you may be certain that those who appear here, only do so for the examples which we know about ..

    There are sure to be other incidents of “cuntishness” attributable to them which are still to be revealed …

  3. He is indeed a corrupt lying criminal cunt of the highest order but his cuntishness pales into insignificance ( almost) when compared to the utter utter utter cunts who promoted him all through his career. What a shower of incompetent stupid CUNTS !!!!!
    Make no mistake were it not for CCTV this lying CUNT would have made it all the way to the top, thanks to those stupid bastards.

  4. A corrupt criminal cunt so bent that he eats six inch nails & shits cunting corkscrews.

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