Romana Didulo – Queen of Canada!

Who? Well as you may recall I enjoy looking into obscure conspiracy fields. This psycho is the self proclaimed Queen of Canada who has already executed Liz and the rest of the royal family.

She’s developed a cult who send letters to businesses claiming they comply or be executed. She’s mad as a fucking box of frogs claiming she’s literally a Queen.

She’s also anti-vaccines and just generally mental

News Link

I mean mental too, she’s starting to gather a literal army of idiots for her ‘crusade’.

Nominated by: LazyBiscuits

36 thoughts on “Romana Didulo – Queen of Canada!

  1. What the fuck is that??!!!
    Thats one ugly fuckin bird!
    Queen of what?
    The neanderthals?
    If anyone needed a vaccine its this cunt .
    Oi! You!
    You fuckin head the ball.
    Travelling circus says your jobs still open if you want it?
    Jesus, nearly puked on my trainers.

  2. Phwoarrrrr!!! I’d fire my man hot fat over that!…..if she were to undergo extensive plastic surgery to look exactly like Kelly Brook 👍

    • Ive taken a massive dislike to her purely on looks.
      Nevermind her tinfoil bullshit,
      Shes a eyesore, a abomination.
      No woman should be that ugly.
      Shes not even got apposable thumbs!
      Some people say you shouldn’t judge others by looks,
      I say dont talk shite you ugly twats.
      Burn it!!!🔥

  3. Being a connoisseur of mad cunts I had to look this one up. According to the Indicuntent, Dildo claims that “Canada’s actual head of state, Queen Elizabeth II, has been executed” and that she was appointed as Queen by “the same group of people who have helped president Trump”.

    The Indi goes on to say that because Romana Didulo is an anagram for “I Am Our Donald”, many of her followers believe her allegations are true.

    In her role of Queen she has sent out thousands of “cease and desist” orders to stop COVID vaccinations and mask wearing.

    She sounds saner than Justin Trudeau.

    • In the worlds before Monkey, primal chaos reigned.
      Heaven sought order but the phoenix can fly only when its feathers are grown.
      The four worlds formed again and yet again as endless aeons wheeled and passed.
      Time and the pure essences of Heaven,
      the moisture of the Earth,
      the powers of the sun and the moon
      all worked upon a certain rock, old as creation.
      And it became magically fertile.
      That first egg was named “Thought”.
      Tathagata Buddha, the Father Buddha, said,
      “With our thoughts, we make the world.”
      Elemental forces caused the egg to hatch.
      From it then came a stone monkey.
      The nature of Monkey was irrepressible!

      MUZZIE!!!!! – Um….I mean, ’MONKEEEYYYYYY!!!!!!’

      • Pigsy: Heyy, Monkey. You wanna go PoundRand and buying some cheap Chinese clap wi’ Fishface and me?

        Monkey: Ah fuck off Pigsy. You leely get arse.

        Trippitaka: Monkey! Go or I mek you eat bat again!

        Monkey: Ohhh! No rike him! He a pigfaced, ginger Chînk.

      • Naw, remember Tarzan in the 70s?
        Ron Ely! Well he had a sidekick,
        A little Mexican kid called Jai.
        Dead ringer.

  4. On the YouTube video she comes across as the sort of cunt we all want to vote in here.
    The hard nosed bitch wants to stop foreign aid, donations to the WHO and UN.
    I wish Bojo would adopt the cunts policies.

  5. Looks like some sort of Chinky to me. Probably eats dogs and possibly a trannie. I bet she sells a lot of merchandise to the nutters on t’internet…..tee shirts, baseball caps…that sort of shit.
    Canada is full of cunts as far as I can see, what difference does one more make? If she likes executing royalty she can do us all a favour and take out those two cunts in California.

    • “Looks like some sort of Chinky”

      Probably Mongoloid/Innuit as it bangs on about ‘indigenous canadians’ towards the end.
      Just an offshoot and extension of the ‘Q’tard/Trumpanzee cult.

  6. Has she got 3 sons?…an honours-flogging,plant-talking to, old trout-fucking Nutter…a law-dodging,arrogant,pompous Blowhard…a Philip Schofield-style “married” wannabe luvvie ?

    If not,she’s a better bet than that Old Bag of ours… currently holed up in a shack in the woods with Prince Andrew..à la Ma Barker,presumably.

    • Queen Betty could learn a thing or two from Romany Dildo.
      Shirt and tie on,
      Smart short back and sides,
      Freshly shaven.
      Half the time Liz looks like a fuckin dosser.

  7. Oh dear!

    Good job she doesn’t live in the UK, she’d have been sectioned as a threat to the Monarchy in a heartbeat!

  8. Canada deserves all the shit dished out by this cunt ! A nation of fuckwits importing from all corners of the world, and electing cunts like Trudeau Jones.

    • Stupid charity reacting to what they think is the public mood; bunch of idiots.

      The 2017 film Darkest Hour took $150,847,274 according to imdb estimates. Maybe its not all doom and gloom?

  9. Anti vaccines or anti Covid vaccine specifically? It’s a sign of how shït our society has become that I’m even asking that.

    • Daily beast are utter shitlibs cunts of the highest order they would be applauding and praising this woman if she wasn’t anti-vaxx anti mask so fuck their analysis/ article of her the fucking useless pieces of shit that they are

  10. Indigenous aboriginal tribes aren’t so much neglected as their elders and chiefs live like kings while they steal pilfer money meant for the upkeep of their reservations so this is a fallacious claim at best

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