Brexiteer Simon from Southampton wants another vote

A full blue and gold flag cunting please for a bearded cretinous arsehole who thinks, though he voted Leave in 2016, that the referendum was “stolen” from him:

Brexit Voter calls for 2nd referendum and wants to remain

At the time the little cunt voted to leave – now he wants a second referendum, to join the Euro AND subscribe to a European Army.

It begs the question – how much has Soros, or Adonis or Mandy paid him to make such a 180 degree turn?.

The motherfucker claims he will never rest until a 2nd referendum is offered, so he is singing from those poofters hymnbook

Nominated by: W.C. Boggs


77 thoughts on “Brexiteer Simon from Southampton wants another vote

  1. Sobbing Simpering snowflake Simon does not help his case sitting in his bedroom at Mum and Dads saying he was “misled” by a “newspaper” which has a lot of big colour pictures and grammar aimed at the average six year old.
    I bet he has the “Frozen” box set..

    • I knew it, fake news and voter fraud. Wouldn’t be surprised if those damned democrats had something to do with it. We demand a second referendum.

  2. I have to say that, despite some faltering on the way, and the morons like Simon and the naysayers from the MSM, I am seeing some great signals that exiting the EU is the best thing we have done since WW2. Exports are up, we are world leaders at dealing with the covid crisis, and we have not experienced the financial crisis that the project fear predicted yet, and probably won’t. trade deals worth billions have been negotiated with non eu countries. Nissan and BMW are staying here, Tesla is opening a battery manufacturing facility here too. now we just need to cut the umbilical cord with america, then happy days. After all, turns out that they are shit in a fight. Once agin we have to remind the likes of Simon that there was a free border agreement, and he could have left to live in the EU anytime he wanted in the last 5 years. now he just needs to shut the fuck up, and deal with it

    • He doesn’t want to leave UK for the land he thinks is so good though, he wants to stay and focus his energy on prevention of the UK being successful after exit.

      If it weren’t for the shit BRINO deal the Mophead capitulated us to, I would compare behaviour of cunts like Simon are sitting drinking the poison while watching & waiting for all brexit voters to die.

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