Dame “Mystic Meg” Hillier MP (Liebour)

A “no shit Sherlock” cunting for this ex old failure of an MP, who has predicted the £300 billion PLUS the government have spent fighting the Kung Flu will cost us heavily for many years to come:

Taxpayer to foot covid bill for decades

What did the silly cunt expect?. Her ex friends on the green benches have been demanding millions for this, millions for that, increasing Foreign Aid, extra money for schools etc and rubber boat freeloaders.

Surely she and they realised that governments have no money of their own, and all we get “given” we have to pay for eventually. If they are too fucking thick to know this, they need to get out of Parliament and get a real job in the real world.

Nominated by: W.C. Boggs

(More info on her here: Day Admin – Dame Meg Hillier MP)

61 thoughts on “Dame “Mystic Meg” Hillier MP (Liebour)

  1. Did she learn her economic policy from the University of Harare by any chance?, these cunts are very dangerous, glad she isn’t in government, it would be 500 million pound notes in no time!!!

  2. Yet another smug cunt throwing stones from a long distance knowing full well cunts like her are not accountable and can more or less slag off the government no matter what they do!

    Might have been a different story had the government said “fuck the economy, we’re not going to spend £400bn to prop it up. You can all fuck off and take your chances. Thus saving the Treasury £400bn in money it doesn’t have, but won’t drag people into debt paying it off for decades to come.

    No doubt this cunt would have said “Typical heartless Tory government. Not prepared to dig deep etc etc blah blah woof woof!”

    What she wants to do is learn how to sit on a fucking stool, the fat cunt (Unless there’s as an 18″ dildo strapped to the seat that she’s trying to sit on!)

    • Nah don’t think she had that much money. Blew it all on drugs till she died.

      • Have you seen the porn where she takes it up the botty, LB?
        She’s really not enjoying it, poor Joan.
        A challenging wank, to be sure. But I triumphed nonetheless.

      • I’ve only seen a screenshot which showed her clit to be bigger than the guy who was fucking her’s dick. Challenging wank indeed.

      • Ho ho, yes indeed! I was worried that the chap was going to get bummed by her cocklitoris!

      • Wanking over that thing?? I’d be worried about suffering a CVA.
        Whereas I’d love having loads of stokes over Penny, the filthy little minx…

    • Guess where a lot of our PPE, especially the white protective suits we wear, comes from?

  3. I think joe public managed to work out for themselves that they’ll pay for it. It’s more a question of how and over how long. If we were “all in it together” when the banks fucked up, it’s glaringly obvious we’re going to pay for this little lot, including the fuckups with ppe etc. Where’s the story? Were the banks going to pay? Big business? China? Like fuck, it’s gonna be the little people. But then we’ve known that since day one.

  4. ‘The Public Accounts Committee warned of spiralling costs and that lessons must be learned before any inquiry.”

    More lessons to be learned. But it says lessons need to learned before the inquiry. But I would have thought the lesson-learning would be during the inquiry.

    Also who are going to be the teachers and who the students in these lessons? If its the people in charge who need the lessons who are going to teach them these lessons?
    We have so many lessons to be learned what with Racism in football, unconscious bias, can we fit another course of lessons in on the pandemic?
    We’re sick of lessons. Its like having double maths everyday.
    Dianne Abbot needs maths lessons we all know. Annalese needs lessons in deportment. We all need lessons indeed.
    My dear people we all need to learn lessons. Here endeth the lesson.

  5. I hate that phrase, the England cricket team say that after every failure, they then proceed to play equally as shit the following week. Very much like our present government.

  6. Seems that the humble Taxpayer will be footing an awful lot of bills over the coming years:

    Covid Tax bailout
    HS2 bailout
    Go Green Taxes (abolition of petrol/diesel cars, gas heating boilers, and massive subsidies to artificially make the green alternatives look attractive)
    EU bailout
    Houses of Parliament restoration bailout
    The $2Tn debt to the rest of the world (but mostly to China)
    Other capital projects driven by the government and found to be chronically in need of more funding with no end in sight (CrossRail, being one, but there are probably many more)
    The NHS
    Social Welfare
    Possible reparations to existing and former countries of the old British Empire
    Government subsidies to foreign energy suppliers.
    Increases in VAT, Income Tax, NIC and other direct and indirect taxes

    By the time this country finally returns to the black (can I still say that?) we will all be much more impoverished and/or dead.

    What a small price to pay to bailout the feckless fuckwits that dropped us in this shit in the first place.

    • Correct, I would love to be the Chancellor of the Exchequer, get spending below tax income, cull HS2 its cost circa £10bn now but there is probably £150bn to go (thats 50% of the Covid debt), 0% F Aid that’s another £10bn a year, Unemployment benefit, halve it and reduce the time you can claim another £10-15bn lopped off, Privatise NHS and introduce charges for GP visits, have the French system of insurance and state protection for those who need it, that’s probably £20-25bn saved pa, Privatise BBC and C4 that’s a one off benefit of about £5bn and then you can cut income tax to 17.5% and top rate of 35%, and Corp Tax to 15%, watch the money flow in as the private sector booms, but instead we have cockwombles following socialism in full with more tax, more spend and a country that will be broke before we know it.

  7. This along with the trillions that the deranged Clown Cunt wants to spend on HS2 and the insane green agenda and …Passports (…insert banned word). They are all cunts. This stupid baggage is just another off the conveyor belt of chancers and liars. Fuck her, fuck Sir Qweer, fuck the Clown Cunt Johnson, fuck Sir Ed Gravy, fuck Hair Sniffin’ Joe, fuck the EU, fuck off.

    Good morning, everyone.

  8. So fucking brilliant at spending other people’s money; clueless as to how to earn it for themselves.

    • Steady on , Unk. Don’t you know that Labour’s got a Magic money tree? It’s at the bottom of Old Steptoe’s garden in Islington.

    • Why the fuck was she made a Dame ? MPs use to get a knighthood on retirement, she has only been there 16 years.

  9. Problem is there are cunts who want to stay on the old furlough forever.

    These are the ones perpetuating that we need to lock down if we get covid cases.

    We’ll always have covid cases for the foreseeable future. You can’t get zero covid. You can (as has happened) massively reduce infections and reduce covid deaths and hospitalisations to practically zero.

    I’d like an announcement that we won’t be giving out furloughs or needing lockdowns, because the vaccinated are protected against serious illness and death, and the unvaccinated can take their chances.

    Problem is, some cunts love the power of shutting us away and some love getting a salary for sitting at home.

    This silly tart is stating the obvious, but cunts like her would lock us down for one covid case and demand 100% furlough for all.

    The money will run out soon. You can forget your NHS and bennies, including pensions when that happens. Dinghy riders. Tax credit peacefuls. Bennies for all. Covid furloughs. Business closures.

    But the last thing she’d call for is less spending, fewer restrictions and help for small and medium sized businesses. Thick as fuck.

    The Aussies are mental by the way, with this zero covid shite. Impossible for the foreseeable future.

    • “there aint nuthin like a dame”…
      The song goes.
      How true.
      We realised wed be paying for it from the off luv.
      Like we pay for everything.
      Know your just trying to stir the pot and blaming the tories but its cunts like all the political classes that throw OUR money about like confetti.
      Your not winning any votes with your finger pointing.
      And you cant even sit on a fuckin barstool properly!!
      Thats how incompetent you are,
      Used to a chaise lounge.
      Fat indolent cunt.

  10. Let’s face it: 95% of politicians of all leading political persuasions, are in it for themselves – snouts in the trough for years to come, with a nice gold plated index-linked pension; plus if you’re lucky, kicked upstair to the House of Crusty Cunts and pretending to look interested while you fiddle another daily expense on top of the £315+ daily allowance just for turning up!

    There smugness is incredibly annoying; they bleat and shout in the Commons because that makes for great TV. But I suspect behind the scenes they’re all complicit – making sure they’re okay Jack, and fuck the electorate!

    What a sad state of political affairs!

  11. MP?
    Say no more – I think there is a rainbow coloured sewer they permanently spring from, and I cannot think of one I do not despise.
    It always baffles me how the uninformed think there is “free money, public money, Government money” etc.
    The only income the “Government” derives is from tax revenue, due to the catastrophic handling of the nondemic and Rishi Sunaks bright idea to leave 4 million new starters, self employed and freelancers with NOTHING FOR 18 months whilst simultaneously selling off chunks of the UK to China using means nearly as nefarious as the 150 million Sunak allegedly made from some alleged dodgy dealing on the markets (all above board, honest and legal I assure you),
    We are going to be fucked forever, and the only people coming out of this with a smile are the leeches and carpetbaggers who have fleeced us of billions.
    Fuck off Meg.

    • The term ‘Freelancer’ always makes me chuckle, the only time I have heard it before (a friend told me) is to describe the unattached ‘professionals’ in Bangkok ?

    • I keep hearing cunts on the radio, usually on LBC, arguing for more public spending on whatever else from now on because “Covid has proved that the Govt can always find the money”. FUCK OFF!!!

  12. 300 billion, 400 billion, who cares its just a number that means nothing to the ‘bloke in the street’, what matters is how much money said bloke will have to pay in tax and NI.

    The cunts always bang on about ‘unusable PPE’ FFP 2 or 3 with ear loops, no they aren’t unusable, they can be used for general use like the blue flimsy things, the only place they are unusable are in the high risk areas.

    So fuck off on that one.

    The furlough is coming to an end and if people haven’t been made redundant by now it ain’t gonna change much when the last drips of furlough money have ceased, the unemployment levels haven’t been as high as they could have been so a bullet has been dogged there.

    The only thing that need scrapping now is test and trace, it’s pointless, by next month 90% of adults will be vaccinated, the vast majority will be double jabbed, so what is test and trace going to achieve, fuck all! The only data that needs to be captured are the random tests that generate the general population statistics.

    Wait until November for COP26 and the cock waving and how we are ALL (except the very rich) will be screwed over, oh I can’t wait.
    And what is all this Bitcoin nonsense, fucking ‘mining’, the process apparently takes more leccy that a small town, where is Greta, it needs to be banned ?

    • It does my head when HMRC tell me I owe them £100 in unpaid tax, and yet governments past and present, squander billions of that very same tax money, shrug their shoulders and just write it off as one of them “unforeseeable” things!

    • Hi Sick,
      Does the “it” in your last sentence refer to Bitcoin, or Greta?? Could be either, I always think of Mx Thunderpants as “it”…

  13. it’s not Covid the Government should be worried about overwhelming NHS, it’s the those Dingy Divers swarming in their thousands with there Exotic diseases that will sink the NHS.
    Just came back from A&E in Brighton and its rammed with the fuckers.

    • It’s on the ticket, Calais tours limited….

      Free accommodation
      Free healthcare,
      Free food and clothing

    • Dinghy sailors in Brighton? That’s great news. They might start decapitating the pooftahs.

      • It’ll certainly be… interesting… when the balance tips, and pissfuls feel emboldened to d/w the Elsans and Soup Erkinses of this world. How will the “narrative” of welcoming the pissfuls go then??

  14. Along with all the other expenditure the government has backed with my scraped-together and rapidly devaluing savings is if course the military.

    Neglecting the fact that the UK is no longer worth conquering, or even shouting at, I’d just like to mention aircraft carriers designed to take aircraft which do not work on them, armoured vehicles which incapacitate their occupants due to heavy vibration and noise, the scrapped Nimrod refurbishment programme, necessitating going cap-in-hand to the cloggies and others for our maritime surveillance until we could afford a septic offering doing the same job…and then, as the icing on the cake, there’s privatised married quarters which aren’t getting maintained because, they’re, er, privatised. Oh, and Syria, and the belated realisation that we were achieving fuck all in Afghanistan too. In short, billions spaffed for no or inferior outcomes while the pressure increases on the overstretched poor bloody infantry.

    Successive governments have spent like drunken sailors, with an equal regard for the quality of what they were buying, and when estimates over-run and claimed costs have increased, have unquestioningly thrown further cash at the contractors. There is a revolving door between Government policymakers and MPs on the one hand and lucrative lobbying jobs on the other. There is a crony culture designed to perpetuate the endemic culture of waste. The attitude behind this is exemplified by Johnson’s apparently serious proposals for a London airport in the Thames, a garden bridge, and a bridge over the Irish Sea.

    Hillier is pointing out the bleeding obvious. But nothing would change under any other party. The kind of cunt who makes it to Parliament is the kind of cunt who would salivate at the chance of spending so much money, and would ignore the (obsolete) notion that they are in any way accountable for the results. Yes, there are exceptions. No, Hillier isn’t one of them. Unquestionably, cunt.

  15. I’m sick to death of hearing cunts like James O’Brien demanding more lockdown, furlough, Covid passports etc. You know full well when the cuts come (and they will fucking have to) he’ll be the first whining about it, and all the sad cunts who listen to him.

    He’s been counted loads of times before but, to me, he’s the absolute epitome of a CUNT. I fucking hate the cunt: Peaceful-lover, ugly as fuck, scruffy twat, a bully, prudish, socialist/statist CUNT, mates with Jolyon Maugham. Fucking sickening.

    • I once spent about 10 minutes listening to O’Brien. That’s how long it took me to realise that he’s a 24 carat cockhead. To be fair to myself, I was a bit under the weather that day, so a bit slow on the uptake.

    • O’Brien should treat himself to a nitro-glycerin suppository. That would give many on here a heartwarming chuckle.

      • Any mention of O’Shithead turns me into that cunt that used to be on the telly turning green and smashing stuff up and bunging it all over the place.
        He’s a fucking cunt.

    • Suggest you switch over to Mike Graham on TalkRadio instead.

      O’Shithead is the chattering classes writ large!

      • Is he the absolute worst cunt? I think he could be, with Sadiq Khan. O’Brien pretty much sucks his cock as well every time Sadiq is on his show, which is often. Same with that other mincing cunt Jolyon Maugham.

  16. Another OBESE female MP? Why doesn’t the fat cunt “protect our NHS” by cutting back on the chocolate, pizzas, pies and maybe doing a bit of exercise?

    • Another obese Female MP?
      Well, when they get unlimited quantities of the best food money can buy, for free, at taxpayers expense I am unsurprised at how they balloon.
      I approached Priti “ten arses” Patel for comment but she was at lunch – all I could hear was grunting, slobbering and squealing as her snack was brought in the front bucket of a JCB.
      MP’s should pay for their own food or use food banks.

  17. Which way did this cunt vote when they passed the Coronavirus act in parliament and at such times the vote passed to extend the act?

    Every one of the cunts who approved the act are complicit in the running up of the debt.
    The main purposes of the act was to assert control over the people without question or scrutiny, enable the dispense of future Vax under the approval use in ’emergency conditions’ only without question or scrutiny and for the cunts to spend all taxpayers money and borrow / print more and funnel to their chums without question or scrutiny.

    All questions & scrutiny was removed the day that act was passed and the only cunts who could have questioned or scrutinised them was the media who instead appeared to ask government approved questions only. If anyone hadn’t realised who the enemy was after government & media pulled every cunts trick to avoid enacting brexit, they should be visible now.

    They can draw up a draconian act and pass it in under 3.5 weeks but it took over three and a half years to implement the EU referendum result?
    That is if you give them benefit of the doubt and believe the drawing up / construction of the act only started in February 2020.

  18. BB@ – We haven’t left the EU yet – the jellyfish wants to drag out the “final negotiations” (5.5 years and counting) for as long as possible so we are so tied in to the dictatorship we are still in but pretending otherwise.

    • We got worse than the BRUNO preficted. Makes you wonder if Mays deal could have been any worse. It’s as big a ruse as Biden winning the US election legitimately.

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