Chris Martin (Coldplay) (3)

A music for bed wetters cunting, mainly for right on snowflake Chris Martin but also his band Coldplay if I may.
This irritating cunt has polluted the airwaves with his middle of the road crap music for far too long.

A man with the ability to seemingly rip off or sound like every other cunt for 20 odd years, whilst subjecting us to vocals as piss weak as soggy cardboard.

When these lot came along in 1999-2000, I will admit to enjoying their first offering and (probably) best song ‘Shiver’ which despite borrowing heavily from the Radiohead/Jeff Buckley mid 90s guitar sound – was still in my opinion, a descent song.

Since then, and with ever growing tedium, this cunt has been plagurising any cunt and every cunt while trying to appear ‘cool’ by hanging around with cunts like Jay-Z.
Virtue signalling his raisin sized bollocks off with the fair trade shite scrawled all over his hands.

Tried his hand at the whole vacuous Hollywood sleb couple thing with Gwyneth fucking Paltrow, calling their daughter fucking ‘Apple’ and then there was the ‘uncoupling’ cuntishness after she binned the whining cunt off.

Which brings me to his latest offering ‘Higher Power’ which is yet more hopping about on one foot, reaching for the sky in multi coloured clothes bollocks.

A mixture of ripping off Don Henley’s Boys of Summer and a pop song from last year called Blinding Lights, by a band called The Weekend.

Not unlike U2 and Bono, Coldplay are a turd that refuses to flush.

Chris Martin – you sir and your band, are indeed – a Cunt.

Nominated by: Herman Jelmet

64 thoughts on “Chris Martin (Coldplay) (3)

  1. Coldplay are dull, soulless, uninspiring cunts. Not unlike other boring beige fucks like Dido, Michael Buble, Ed Sheercunt, and James ‘Cunt’ Blunt.

    Generic shite. The tone when the colour bars or Testcard came on after Closedown sounded better than Cuntplay. Also Chris Twatin married spoilt bitch turkey necked daddy’s girl from hell, Gwyneth Paltrow, So the lad is obviously three cans short of a six pack.

    • If I was ever gonna chimp out of this clown world, I would probably opt for an overdose while listening to these cunts music on repeat. Probably downloaded and a few Adele songs to add to the playlist too. I’ve got a neighbour who blasts out her tunes during the summer through every open fucking window. When the music stops, I go across and bang the hell out of her door until she answers and then I ask her if she’s feeling ok being concerned when the cd didn’t start playing again for the 20th time and thought she may need help. I tell her I’m here if she needs anyone to talk too and bid her good evening. The crazy mare ever so thankful for my concern still hasn’t clicked and I’ve been doing it for about 8 years

  2. Sounds exactly like you say. He must have been watching one of the many Blinding lights shuffle dance videos on you tube when he decided to rip it off as his video looks like one of them videos has been ripped off / stolen for his video too. Thieving cunt.

  3. I just remembered he cunted his fans to pay money (£17 each…. Stupid cunts) for carbon offset of his world tour while keeping all the profits of ticket sales for themselves. I recall gullible fans stumped up the cash which he allegedly used to plant 10,000 trees which either died of drought or burnt to ground because the greedy cunt never paid the farmers to look after them and the pajeets torched them. Greedy conniving con artist cunt.

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