Roy Greenslade

A Hard left hack with no morals,

this cunt finally admitted he’s a Pro-IRA shitstain, he’s now said “he’s come out of hiding” and “supported the use of physical force”,

of course he’s a Grauniad journo so you’ll think, most of the cunts there are IRA supporters, Kelvin McKenzie (also a massive cunt) has described him as a complete cunt,

strangely enough he’s pro IRA but won’t move to bogtrotter land, this Lundy duplicitous piece of shit must be hounded till the end of time, he was even bail guarantor for John Downey FFS, fucking utter scum cunt!!!

Nominated by: Captain Quimson

Seconded by: TheBestRevengeIsLivingWell

Roy Greenslade: “I cheered on the IRA from Fleet Street — you just didn’t read all about it
He worked as a senior editor on Britain’s biggest newspapers, including The Sunday Times, all the while keeping secret his support for Irish paramilitaries. Now a member of Sinn Féin, Roy Greenslade explains why he still thinks the atrocities were justified”

Dirty leftist terrorist swine personifies the ilk of The Guardian employees outright! He ought to be kneecapped before being dropped next to the secret headquarters of the UDA before a good spirited citizen rings the doorbell and runs away.

PS, I would make sure there was room in the car for creepy Joe Biden and magic grandpa too and enough bullets for the extra kneecappings ?

Fuck off!

35 thoughts on “Roy Greenslade

  1. I hope someone blows the cunt into next week. Alternatively someone could put a bullet in the back of the fat cunts head.

  2. MI5 should terminate this cunt with extreme prejudice. The Guardian must be getting funding from the IRA and Hamas as it has so few paying readers. Even getting rid of Owen piss pants Jones has not seen an upturn in its fortunes.

  3. I wonder if the dirty cunt has engaged in despicable carnal acts with that Biden bastard.

  4. Either way this cunt needs a large dose of karma. Either he is too naive to make the connection between the IRA and decades of intimidation and misery catholics and protestants suffered at the hands of these glorified gangsters or he’s fully aware (much more likely working in the news media) and condones the violence inflicted upon innocents in the provinces and on the mainland.

    Typical of the left he’ll support anyone attacking this country. If you support the murder of innocents the cause doesn’t matter, it’s never right and you are fucking scum.

    Given the opportunity I’d happily go about this cunt with some pliers a lorry battery and assorted hammers, just as the IRA did to any cunt they decided wasn’t towing the line.

    If you’re happy to condone done violence to others you should be just as welcoming to having it inflicted upon yourself.

    • Or as the S African police in the 1970’s were fond of doing one of the following –

      A visit to a crocodile farm (one way only)
      Electrodes attached to your meat and veg
      Or taken to the top of the tallest building for a bungee jump without the rope, see ISIS are just copying bastards.

      • Ah yes, the Defenestration technique as practiced at John Forster Square. No fucking about there.

  5. Don’t know who he is but the picture looks like a good avalanche would cure him.

    Avalanche 1978, wonderful Roger Corman B film. Before the polystyrene hits, you get gratuitous tits being wasted on Rock Hudson. ITV bought and even then tucked it away after midnight. You know then you’re doing something right!

  6. The enemy within 👎👎
    Cunts like this should have no platform to promote their vile doctrine 👎👎
    Provisional IRA are a set of wankers sponsored by the Democrat Party/Sleepy Joe Biden in the USA👎
    Sinn Fein the so called political wing of the IRA are just another mouthpiece of these killers 👎👎

  7. Greenslade is a thoroughly deceitful, duplicitous and repugnant fucking bastard and firm grade A cunt who should of been immediately aborted at birth.

    It is no surprise he worked for The Guardian either. That shitrag is infested with Britain haters – they are terrorist sympathisers and actively work against UK interests. But like any hard left Marxists have no problem begging for money off of their deluded readership, taking swathes of the GBP with the Queen’s face plastered all over it and lavishly enriching themselves in the process. All whilst they employ loathsome and devious wankstains like Greenslade who covertly encourage and support the murder of our nation’s children who get blown to bits by fucking terrorists.

    I can only hope that on behalf of many, many, many decent people that when the old grim reaper finally turns up for the terrorist’s mate Greenslade, this treacherous inhuman old cunt dies the most excruciating and painful death ever known to man

    What a vile, reprehensible, heinous fucking bastard.

  8. Why can’t they all just fucking stay in shamrock land and drown themselves in Guinness. Scum sucking pig.

  9. Let’s not forget, Ireland had the opposite to become reunified in 1940, when they were offered a united Ireland in return for the Royal navy using ports in southern Ireland. This was so that Germany couldn’t use them to refuel and launch an invasion on the UK mainland. The fucking tea sock cunt of the time turned down the offer, probably thinking that the krauts were going to win, and was happy to see the brits having a hiding. Cunts eh?
    Fuck the dirty catholic IRA and all those that support them. Especially this cunt.

  10. It would be nice if a retired Para who served in that particular Hell decided a visit at 3 a.m to this filthy cunt was in order.

  11. What do you expect from a Grauniad journalist? Par for the course. Greenslade is a shit stain on the underpants of the Universe.

  12. I have friends and Family in Ireland who would think nothing of giving this man the noose and taking a nice Jamesons watching him kick – having entirely innocent people tortured and offed by the nutting squad tends to make people resentful of the pro IRA types.
    I of course would never condone this course of action.
    Best he doesn’t visit.

  13. I haven’t bought a newspaper for at least thirty years.
    When I see stuff like this, I’m so fucking glad.
    This cunt is typical of the enemy within.
    Sinn Fèin / IRA are the scum of the earth. The Good Friday agreement was a total sell out, another one of Blair’s traitorous acts.
    We should have wiped the cunts out, fuck the Yanks.
    Too late now.
    N. Ireland is lost.

    • Morning Jack.

      I’ve never bought a newspaper. Apart from the Mail On Sunday’s royal wedding souvenir edition, featuring the fabulous Princess Eugenics and her chinless wonder’s nuptials.

      I imagine everyone bought that one, didn’t they?

      The Mail’s coverage of the big day was utterly breathtaking. NOTHING will ever rival that again – a truly once in a lifetime experience!

      • Hello, RTC.
        Have you framed it ? It can only increase in value.
        Truly, an item to cherish …. burble, dribble, froth and spittle ….. gah !

  14. The staff of the Guardian must be the biggest load of hypocritical motherfuckers outstde the BBC and Labour parties. Terry’s oven is needed.

  15. Mrs. Green slade looks a feckin ugly old splosher. Alarmingly like Mick Jaggee in drag.

  16. Let us hope some ex servicemen with long memories settle a score with this Fenian fuck Greenslade.

    We also nearly had these bogtrotting filth beat. Maggie and the forces did a lot to bring these bastards down. But then Beelzebub Blair caves in and lets all the fuckers out. Manchester 96 was one last desperate tantrum from these Fenian scum. Truth was they were well and truly on the run. Yet Blair handed over the whole thing to them. The cunt is a Judas to Britain on so many levels.

    Oh, and I have another well known IRA loving/funding cunt here…

    • Of course now Yoko Fucking Ono plays it down and denies John’s IRA loving antics. The cunt openly told the press if it was a choice between the British and the IRA, then he would choose the IRA. A total cunt.

      And I’ve no doubt Fucking Ono also plays down their shameless support for that sadistic psychotic raping murdering cunt Hanratty as well. Then there was their other mate, that lovable rogue and killer Michael X. What a pair of cunts they were.

  17. So, this smear of shite cheered on the murderous motorway micks. While taking British money while working for British newspapers that were supposed to inform the British people?

    Pure and very typical left wing filth in a nutshell. Hypocrisy and double standards that reek like a rotting runny corpse in a heatwave. It’s also no coincidence that all these scum like Greenslime wash up at the Grauniad. There hasn’t been so much like-minded shit in one place since the Nazi Party.

  18. Cunts like this simply need dragged out of their house and shot in the face in front of their wife and kids.

  19. By all accounts, this traitorous piece of dog shit is responsible for putting the life of at least one fellow journalist in danger. The scumbag is without a bigger turncoat than that other fenian bell end, Corbyn. Though Corbyn at least didn’t hide his IRA sympathies. I cannot adequately express the depth of contempt I feel for scum like this. They should be chained to a wall for a least a week, and showered with shit 24/7.

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