
It’s that time of year again: Cuntmas.

Where celebs and attention seeking cunts exploit simpleton cunts to buy their charity Cuntmas song. All so the celebs and attention seeking cunts can appear virtuous and oh so caring to the simpleton cunts. All while the celebs and attention seeking, narcissistic cunts can boost their media exposure and thus the charity-to-personal-wealth cycle starts again for another year.

Step forward LadBaby, or Mark Hoyle:

Playing the role of a working class hero by holidaying in Benidorm and Butlins, or jogging to the local chippy for lockdown exercise (side-splitting comedy), this millionaire cunt was in tears last night as he described his latest sausage roll song.

Mark said: “I’ll be honest, a lot of people need it this year. I certainly need it. So I’m doing for them [the charity], and I’m doin’ it for me, because I need to feel happy this Christmas.”

The poor cunt. Maybe Mark and Sam Smith (pronouns: ‘fucking/cunt’) can start a support group for privileged attention seeking cunts?

The cunt added: “we can do it! Together we can get another Christmas number 1.”

Fuck off LadBaby you cunt.

Nominated by: Brummie Cunt 

…and supported by Gavster 

It’s that time of year again.

Where celebs and attention seeking cunts exploit gullible cunts to buy their charity Cuntmas song. All while the celebs and attention seeking, narcissistic cunts can boost their media exposure and thus the charity-to-personal-wealth cycle starts again for another year.

Step forward LadBaby, or Mark Hoyle:

Playing the role of a working class hero by holidaying in Benidorm and Butlins, or jogging to the local chippy for lockdown exercise (side-splitting comedy), this millionaire cunt was in tears as he described his latest sausage roll song.

Mark said: “I’ll be honest, a lot of people need it this year. I certainly need it. So I’m doing for them [the charity], and I’m doin’ it for me, because I need to feel happy this Christmas.”

The poor cunt. Maybe Mark and Sam Smith (pronouns: ‘fucking/cunt’) can start a support group for privileged attention seeking cunts?

The cunt added: “we can do it! Together we can get another Christmas number 1.”

Don’t Stop me Eatin’. Don’t Stop me Earnin’, more like.



….and another, this time from DryItchyCunt 

Can we have a barbed wire encrusted, shove it up your fucking arse, sausage roll cunting for the spot light hungry, workshy cunts, Ladbaby.

These cunts appear at this time of the year singing about their stable fucking diet, the humble sausage roll.

They do a lot for charity, well that’s what these two Beckham wannabe’s keep fucking telling everyone.

Every fucking photo has to be taken with fucking mouths wide open (see link), presumably as this is standard sausage roll aperture.

Jesus Christ in a fucking Greggs, is the population that fucked in the head now that cunts like these are accepted and glorified……………unfuckingfortunately……………yes.

So please, my more established in the art of cunting, give these two the No1 there deserve, that being a cunting of sausage roll dipped in festering vomit proportions.

25 thoughts on “LadBaby

    • Ladbaby is obviously a well meaning simpleton,
      Good hearted but a dim bulb.
      And just wants to spread a little joy,
      And as such I hate the daft cunt!!
      Hes the type of mithering cunt who tries to get you dancing at weddings,
      The type who tells you to cheer up it could be worse when your dogs just died,
      We all like sausage rolls ive nowt against them,
      But ladbaby id happily get up dancing when ive witnessed you hit by a HGV.

  1. Get a job in butlins you cunt, and fuck off. How empty is your life that you waste parts of it watching this cunt?

  2. Never heard of them-spent a few minutes online-seems they are YouTube vloggers who have a big following?
    Are they millionaires? Look like council house chancers to me.

    Says more about the critical state of the music industry than anything.

    Cunts like Cowell have killed the validity of chart music-on a video with these two, the top 10 was mostly old Christmas songs, re-released☹️

    Sausage rolls-unhealthy, tasteless cheap food, suitable only for the buffet table at a Christmas party. Then not seen for 360 days a year.
    Not unlike Ladbaby?

      • I loved that coup Vern,, can you imagine some wimminz producer from the BBCunt gasping “oh golly, you won’t use those sweary words will you dear” and the band just looking at each other.
        The clue’s in the name of the band and the offending words in question. Do your research you posh, middle class bint.

  3. It still baffles me that the once great and doable Grace Slick of the mighty Jefferson Airplane was part of the 80s musical crimes that were ‘We Built This City’ and ‘Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now’.

    And LadBaby should be drowned in liquid shit. Slowly.

  4. Another cunt I have never heard of. I must either live a sheltered life or a normal life were these so called celebs?? Do not exist. Anyway he can fuck off.

  5. There are plenty of dads of the year. They shield their offspring from woke .. They tell them they are male or female even when they see they could be poofs in the future, explain that all the bollox taught in schools is just that. They do all this by not shouting but just slinging in a few truths here and there that cannot be denied with a simple bit of research. There are plenty of shit dad’s of the year that fill their children up with bollox that will ensure and angry and failed life.

  6. The only number one should be The Kunts ‘Boris is a Cunt’ look it up and buy it if you ain’t seen it. Make it number 1, show the cunts.

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