The “Music Business.”

Dear Fellow Cunters, I invite you to compare and contrast the following:

Sometimes I wonder how I spend
The lonely night
Dreaming of a song
The melody haunts my reverie

And I am once again with you
When our love was new
And each kiss an inspiration
But that was long ago
And now my consolation
Is in the stardust…

(“Stardust” Carmichael & Parish)


Xanny bars, suicide door, brand new bag
College girls give a nigga head in my Rafs
Rockstar life, so much money it’ll make you laugh, hey
These bitches they hate and you can’t miss what you never had
Hey, hey

Off the juice (juice), codeine got me trippin’ (juice)
Copped the coupe (coupe), woke up, roof is missing (yeah)
Ice (ice), lemonade, my neck was drippin’
Ice (ice), lemonade, my neck was drippin’

(“Lemonade” by Internet Money, collective)

We may wonder why the world is being fucked over by every kind of cunt imaginable, In my opinion the “Music Business” can take a large share of the blame. An industry that once promoted some of the most wonderful and accessible poetry about the human condition and music that lifted the spirits of generations, has transformed into a gravy train for cunts that have dedicated themselves to eulogising sexual assault, drug taking and general criminality.

The yoof are too busy aping these morons to realise they are the being royally fucked over by monsters for whom the Internet Money collective and their fellow artistes are simply useful idiots. To the “Music Business” – go fuck yourselves you turd peddling cunts.

Nominated by: Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea

86 thoughts on “The “Music Business.”

  1. Whilst that Lemonade ‘song’ has English words I am unable to make any sense of it. Perhaps one of our younger contributors could translate it for the benefit for any of the older members of the site who could give a fuck.

  2. I always have visions of an old granny and grandad, 20 years from now, getting all misty-eyed as they listen to Johnny Rotten and the Sex Pistols singing “Pretty Vay -cunt”, as granny says – “Darren, they’re playing our song” and their false teeth fall out as they trying pogo-ing again.

    • Good nom!👍
      (Twentys virgin nom?)
      The music business is full of degenerates, not nice ones like me, proper orrible cunts!
      Hustlers, shysters, hyenas, creeps, and assorted scum that prey on talented and not so talented alike.
      Theres no business like show business!!
      *Not a fuckin clue what that lemonade things about!

      Im a secret lemonade drinker,
      Shh, R.whites, R.Whites.

      • It seems any stumbling incoherent bell end with a smartphone can become a star thanks to the internet and social media with a ready made audience of cunts who will lap this shit up. Was it that summer of being Elton Johns roadie that you saw the dark side of showbiz Miserable?

      • He promised me fame and fortune LL, id see the world,
        Mingle with the rich and famous blah blah…
        Had one sherry with him and woke up shitting doughnuts

  3. Modern music – even the non-offensive variety – is derivative and dire.

    How could one possibly rate Sheeran against Dylan or Taylor Swift against Joni Mitchell?

    As for black music, tamala motown / soul is harmonious and uplifting compared to the disgusting, degenerate rap and hip hop.

    I know we always regard the music of OUR youth as being the best ever but it is almost unbelievable that it could as bad as it is in the 21st century.

  4. Apparently there’s a genre of music liked by persons of a certain hue called ‘drill’.
    This glorifies gang violence.
    Bet it’s lovely as background to a candle-lit dinner….

  5. Anyone that listens to this shite is chavscum filth.
    “Music” for peasants.
    I don’t say that cos I’m old cos I’ve always hated it.
    I say it because I have taste and decency.

  6. Pop music became thread bare an poor because the big names refused to take me on as their record producer. Two aborted projects were George Michaels “Comings and Goings” and my Michael Jackson album “I’m Feeling A Little Queer”

  7. The Music industry has well and truly reached gutter level with general drop-out type wasters churning out shit like this.

    You can bet your bottom dollar that da young whitey yoof are listening to this shit, and proclaiming it to be “da bomb diggy“.

    Please take this mind-poisoning shit and shove it in your oven Terry, on gas mark eleven until nicely charred.

    Surely, lyrics are written to be heard. But this day and age they are becoming increasingly difficult to decipher,- (not that they are worth hearing that is).

    I’ll stick to a nice little Cole Porter or Irving Berlin number, sung by Peggy Lee or Sarah Vaughan. With Nelson Riddle providing the arrangement.

    Anyone for a Gilbert and Sullivan operetta?

    Thought not!

  8. Bit of a fuddy-duddy nom this, eh? The music business is (and always has been) a business first and foremost, and the business of business is to make money!

    Besides, it’s not as if there’s anything new about promoting songs eulogising sexual assault, drug taking and general criminality.

    In 1949 ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’ eulogised sexual assault and drug taking. Whilst ‘The Ballad Of Bonnie & Clyde’(1967) eulogised murder, and ‘Got To Pick A Pocket Or Two’(1968) eulogised theft and general criminality.

    And we all know what ‘I Love You Love Me Love’(1973) eulogised abaaaaht….

    • True that Ruff,
      Cliff wrote ‘mistletoe and wine’
      About drugging young boys and bumming them.

      • What about Barrymore Mis?
        Will he be bringing out a Christmas single?

        (Hope you are not too “sore” with me, re: marrows!!)

      • Barrymore?
        Hes got a album of Beach Boy covers coming out soon!
        WET SOUNDS hes called it!

        You know me better than to take offense although RTC said hes going to ‘cut’ you?😳

    • The older songs had subtle suggestion Ruff.
      Respect-a song about cunnilingus.

      “Take out the TCP…suck it to me, suck it to me, suck to me….”

      • Didn’t you just love John Lennon subtly shouting “Rape!” in the middle of Revolution 9?

        Made me (a boy of 15) want to go out raping Japanese women.

      • I have always had a thing for Japanese ladies Ruff. I almost shot my bolt when I finally came face to face with a lovely Japanese minge.
        However, there is not enough Viagra in Christendom to get me “aroused” when thinking of that Skank Yoko-fucking-ono.

      • #MeNeither General!

        Btw, you wouldn’t need Viagra if you saw my neighbour’s Japanese missus…

        Jammy bastard, ain’t I? 😀

      • Depends on the proximity of her bedroom window to yours and the quality of your bi-noc-u-laaars.
        Have you volunteered to take her “temperature” for C19 security-with your finger???

  9. Monkey music is for drug stabbers and estate single parents.
    The purveyors of such shite should be rounded up and bayonetted.
    The music industry is generally acceptable,monkey gangster noise should be eradicated by force however.

  10. Despite being a bit passionate about music, there comes a time when we lose track (no pun intended) and/or interest in what’s in the charts. I think this happens with every generation of singles buyers. My single buying years were 1978 through the very early ’90s. The big difference for the singles buyers who came after me is the massive change in the music industry. THE singles chart became many singles charts, each one catering to a different musical genre. Same thing happened with albums. I don’t know why.

    The classic single Are ‘Friends’ Electric? by Tubeway Army (1979) had to sell well over 1M copies to reach the top of the charts. I’ve read in various places that some singles released over the last several years which reached No. 1 (in whatever chart) sold less than 10,000 copies. ‘Success’ seems easier to come by these days.

    Aside from the proliferation of many charts rather than just one for singles and one for albums has been the dumbing down of the ‘artists’ and their ‘music’. I blame Stock, Aitken & Waterman for that. They found a way to mass produce popular music and basically set the stage for the idea that it’s possible to reduce chart music down to a formula. It’s been downhill ever since. Songwriting, playing live, having a stage presence, energy, something to say and having an image has been reduced to just having an image. Being ripped, with perfect teeth, perfect hair, showing too much skin and being able to dance (sort of) is now the formula for success. The song doesn’t matter. Musical talent, artistic expression, songwriting craft and the ability to actually play an instrument well don’t matter.

    As a result, ‘popular’ music has become bland, formulaic and boring. Just for fun, I picked a random singles chart from August 1980. Check out the diverse range of artists. What a variety we enjoyed back in the day:

    We had pop, disco, ska, new wave, R ‘n’ B, soul, rock ‘n’ roll, hard rock, electronic, funk, punk, mod, alternative, reggae, do-wopp. Simply amazing. I didn’t like most of what was in the charts back then, but I’m grateful those songs were there to give colour, diversity and substance to the musical landscape.

    People who have discovered music for the first time over the last couple of decades (at least) don’t know what they’ve missed or how poor the quality of the product is now. For them, I’m reminded of a line from the rather excellent N.W.O. by Ministry:

    “You’ve been taken but you don’t know it yet”

      • What do you mean Anne?
        Real music died in 1981?
        Black Lace still tour,
        And Dollar had a hit in 82.

      • No, wait a minute… forgot about The Smiths, Pet Shop Boys, Soundgarden, Happy Mondays, Mansun, Sisters of Mercy, Alizee, Mylene Farmer, Dinosaur Jr., M83, and about another hundred great artists.

        Revised estimate: 2016.

  11. Great nom.
    Thanks to cunts like the well poisoning Simon Cowell, the more a cunt can over sing a note to the point of asphyxiation during their 15 minutes of fame the better.
    Which reminds me.
    Have any of the cunters had the pleasure of enduring the new Children in Need charity single?

    * £100 reward to anybody who makes it through to the end.

    • The music industry is dead. Here’s a little experiment you can all try – walk into any shop that plays music, and see how much of that music is from the last 2 years. I guarantee the vast majority will be from the 50s up to the 00s. Its generally acknowledged that there is no money in it, hence why they are trying to make ends meet working themselves silly doing tours, films, books, etc. I marvel at the musicians my Dad listened to, and how they were actually making a proper living from what they did. It also makes me sad, as I wish we could go back to those days.

  12. In the sad town
    cold iron hands
    clap the party of clowns outside
    rain falls in grey far away
    please, please, Baby Lemonade

    In the evening sun going down
    when the earth streams in, in the morning
    send a cage through the post
    make your name like a ghost
    please, please, Baby Lemonade𝄋

    I’m screaming, I met you this way
    you’re nice to me like ice
    in the clock they sent through a washing machine
    come around, make it soon, so alone
    please, please, Baby Lemonade

    (then da capo until 𝄋)

    Quality stuff, full of Syd’s justifiable anger towards Waters and Gilmour. In my imagination, the “cage through the post” represents the cheques Floyd continued to send him to keep him “quiet”. At “clock… washing machine” it seems to me Syd is making reference to his exasperation at merely killing time and no lingert being a part of Floyd.

    Or perhaps Baby Lemonade was just an old mate or an ex. One thing from Barrett’s eponymous second album is clear; Syd wasn’t so much mentally ill as a bit bored and very pissed off.

    • Evening Terry.

      By 1968 Syd was a bona fide schizophrenic – nowt wrong with that, but hardly conducive to the discipline required for being in an ambitious, up and coming band like Pink Floyd.

      Gilmour and Waters did a good job producing Syd’s Madcap Laughs album under extremely trying circumstances, and Gilmour did well to stick out the course producing a second album.

      Pretty sure I wouldn’t have been so patient.

      • Evening Terry T,
        As someone who stated he hated Pink Floyd,
        Id be a right hypocrite if I said I liked Piper at the gates of Dawn,
        Especially Scarecrow and interstellar overdrive,
        So I dont.
        You well?

      • ‘Piper’ is a good album, but I prefer their later work – from ‘Saucerful’ up to and including ‘Animals’.

      • Ruff-other Floyd fans:
        For a significant Birthday, My other half bout me a mint original pressing from 1969, of the soundtrack for “More”-made even rarer by being a reverse image cover.

      • Shockingly severe shoulder pain this last 6 weeks, now reducing, Mis. There’s work piling up and from end of next week I’ll have to start actually doing things like attending clients.

        Pants really, and although it has been unpleasant I’ve been secretly rather enjoying quiet retreat in the Emerald Isle doing bugger all other than get off my face on morphine, codeine and alcohol… especially as the pain subsides.

        You winning with this lockdown lunacy ‘n’ all? I hope so, but I hear many are not – and I am quite certain the worst is yet to come (vaccine/Avigan™ or no.) Hey ho.

      • To be honest the lockdown hasnt effected me apart from going the pub of a Sunday,
        Works not been effected,
        Just ignored it personally.
        Im a small business and can weather it, don’t have the worry of lots of employees to pay or furlough,
        Or meet new safety regulations.
        Im lucky I suppose.

        Hope your shoulder heals up quick!👍

      • Indeed Syd’s bona fides includes schizoid disorders as well as tremendous talent. Most certainly, these facets of his personality were inextricably linked. That said, there were plenty of Gen2 antipsychotics hitting a surgery near Grantchester around that time, eg clozapine, which would surely have controlled his behaviour sufficiently to enable participation in Meddle, Dark Side &c (with attendant financial advantages for Syd, as well as mental health benefits.)

        No, İ don’t believe his schizophrenia was anything like as much of a problem as the mainstream view purports. Certainly it was far less of an issue than Ian Curtis’ epilepsy or Nick Drake’s melancholia (notwithstanding they both topped themselves). Waters and Gilmour simply wanted (as you say) to take the band in a new and more lucrative direction – but didn’t want to risk Syd fucking it up. Pretty tawdry really, but fair enough.

        I even quite like Echoes (I had my first acid trip listing to Meddle and Dream of the Blue Turtles, the latter being the more disturbing). I do believe that with Syd’s continued (albeit controlled) influence, the Floyd could have been way better and even more lucrative for all concerned!

        My point was that Syd was treated pretty shabbily by W & G and with extraordinary condescension subsequent to his removal. They weren’t total cunts, as you say, but they weren’t exactly good mates either.

        Clear from “Barrett”, to me at least, that at this point his schizophrenia hadn’t yet come to define him. A gnawing feeling of resentment at having been cut out from the fat years of Floyd, having contributed do much creatively to the nascent band, must have subsequently tipped him over, and this is now the received wisdom that sadly defines him now.

        He was treated badly, but that’s the music business for you. It’s ultimately really all about making money. Waters and Gilmour certainly recognised this; Barrett naively thought the authenticity of creative communication more important. There should have been a place for both, and could well have been, as said. Waters and Gilmour were greedy cunts who didn’t want to take the gamble; they played it safe, at Syd’s expense. The music industry in a nutshell, really – hence my comment about Baby Lemonade.

      • I have never been into drugs Terry T (what an absolute shieeerrr):
        As a teen, I hung around with older musician types, their idea of a good time was trying every chemical available-I buried half a dozen mates before I was 18😢

        As a consequence, I have lived a pure (cough) life.
        Cambridge, late 90’s, staying with a mate, I found myself at an outside “green picnic”-music, drink, other things….
        About 1am, sitting around a fire pit, my mate passed me a huge spliff. I take a few tokes, then a quiet voice asks, “may I?”. So I pass it to him. We chatted for a bit, then he drifted away.
        My mate says “you know who that is, don’t you?”
        Me: “no”
        “Syd. Syd Barrett”
        I had no idea-looked nothing like the Syd from Floyd.

        Shine on you crazy fucking diamond👍

    • I liked the original Floyd. Once had the pleasure of plying with them in their really early days. We were the main act and were the support act. They made us look really crap but fair enough. Compared to them we were crap.

      These days I really don’t like their stuff. Always seems to me that it’s an ego trip for Gilmour who in my opinion is not as good as he thinks he is. Probably still better than me so good luck to him. His royalty cheques are considerably better than mine needless to say.

      But my Christmas singles are better than theirs 😉

  13. Compare Des’ree to a “real” songwriter:

    Small Blue Thing
    Suzanne Vega

    Today I am a small blue thing
    Like a marble or an eye
    With my knees against my mouth
    I am perfectly round
    I am watching you
    I am cold against your skin
    You are perfectly reflected
    I am lost inside your pocket
    I am lost against your fingers
    I am falling down the stairs
    I am skipping on the sidewalk
    I am thrown against the sky
    I am raining down in pieces
    I am scattering like light
    Scattering like light
    Scattering like light
    Today I am a small blue thing
    Made of china, made of glass
    I am cool and smooth and curious, I never blink
    I am turning in your hand
    Turning in your hand
    I am cold against your skin
    You are perfectly reflected
    I am lost inside your pocket
    I am lost against your fingers
    I am falling down the stairs
    I am skipping on the sidewalk
    I am thrown against the sky
    I am raining down in pieces
    I am scattering like light
    Scattering like light
    Scattering like light
    Today I am a small blue thing
    Like a marble or an eye
    I am cool and smooth and curious, I never blink
    I am turning in your hand
    Turning in your hand
    Turning in your hand
    Small blue thing
    Turning in your hand
    Turning in your hand

  14. The current ‘superstars’ are simply piss poor. The 60s had Hendrix, the Stones, Dusty, Aretha and The Who. The 70s had Bowie, Zeppelin, Bolan, Stevie Wonder and Abba. The 80s had New Order, Prince, The Police, The Jam and Blondie.

    The 90s was when it started to go wrong. Cunts like the Gallaghers, Blur and the fucking Spice Girls showed how low the bar had dropped.

    Now it is worse than ever. Ed Sheercunt, Ariana Grande, Titless Swift, Billie ‘Cunt’ Eilish, Sam ‘Liberace’ Smith, Adele, and endless treeswinger rap and ‘R&B’ shite.
    Even the lesser celebrated 80s acts like OMD, Nik Kershaw, Howard Jones, Tears For Fears (TFF were actually great) did decent pop stuff, and it sounds like genius when put up next to Sheercunt or Eilish.

    • Evening Norman,
      Like you I cant name a contemporary band or new talent I like,
      But do you think its our age?
      There must be some out there?
      Last thing I really liked was Gary Numan singing with his daughter, she had a great haunting voice!
      I cant do links so you’ll have to take my word for it!!😀

      • Evening, MNC.
        I don’t think it’s anything to do with age. Good music is good music. Like Pulp in the 90s were OK and even Erasure did some decent pop records in their day. Today’s stuff is just insipid shite and people settle for mediocrity. Sheercunt’s diabolical ‘Galway Girl” being a prime example.

        Numan was a pioneer and an innovator. His stuff still sounds more futuristic than these cunts who came 30 years after him. Gary wasn’t afraid to play live either.

      • Pulp had been around since the late 70s, they got a well deserved break during the Britpop thing.
        Some bands are playing for years before getting a break
        And some obviously never do .
        Last night saw a little bit of Primal Scream doing ‘Loaded’ 1990, a band I saw a few times,
        But also saw something i know youd hate on the same thing…

        Candy Flip doing strawberry Fields forever.
        A cash in on the ‘madchester’ thing.

      • I saw the Primals in the mid 80s. Their Sonic Flower Groove album often gets overlooked due to Screamadelica. Candy Flip were shite and their Strawberry Fields has none of the innovation or menace of the original.

        The video – for its time – was also pretty innovative. Restored version here:

      • I’ve seen Numan play live over 100 times. My first ever concert was seeing him live on the Teletour in 1980. Those first 10 years or so were really special. The stage sets he toured were fantastic. Seeing his new lighting rig fire up each tour was something to behold.

        When his contemporaries were charging more for a ticket and were going out on the road with half a dozen coloured light bulbs, Numan was killing it visually AND got slagged off for it. I’m looking at you Weller.

        Watch this and weep. Check out Numan’s expression at 38 seconds in. He knows it’s a fuck off visual feast.

      • I’m fucked on Popmaster after 1989, MNC. My younger crewmates have to help. I just say:

        ‘Listen, son, I was wanking over Blondie about twenty years before you were fucking born, now, shut up and give me three in ten by Steps, you cunt’.

      • @DCI
        You ever scored perfect on pop master? It really is luck of the draw.
        I have not listened to it for a few years: fuck the BBC ….

      • Evening DCI, hope your in good health?
        To be honest I only really listen to stuff from late 60s and 70s nowadays,
        Cream, Zeppelin, Doors, Who,
        Fleetwood mac, whatever I pull out of the glovebox in the van.
        Think the most “current’ album is ‘new boots and panties’ Ian Dury.😊

      • 50’s-80’s for me, MNC. I have an eclectic taste in music, don’t go for genres. I have Abba, The Sex Pistols, The Wurzels and Mantovani on one mix on my’phone! Love Marc Almond, even some modern stuff like Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds – She Taught Me To Fly. If I like it, I like it, regardless of it’s genre. I do have a penchant for Christmas music, however!

      • I like Christmas music too,
        Folk, hillbilly country, bluegrass, all types of stuff.
        If I like it I listen to it.
        Other year went to a country show, has some musicians playing medieval instruments and authentic music,
        I couldn’t move, transfixed!!
        Like angels or something,
        Missus had to drag me away.

    • Bolen is massively underrated-a brilliant musician, he did loads of session work stateside.

  15. My favourite band are Depeche Mode. Stood the test of time and still going strong after 40 years. I still get a slight boner listening to Violator. As for the chart music of today, migraine inducing fucking shite.

  16. Cunts who put bombs on planes
    Cunts who fly ‘em in to bloody great buildings
    Cunts who are simply insane
    Cunts whose intelligence has gone down the drain
    Cunts in the Commons and Lords
    Celebrity cunts and media whores
    Lazy cunts saying they’re down on their luck
    And cunts on benefits who don’t give a fuck

    There’s too many cunts to count
    Far too many for the Big Brother house
    Loads in the jungle like Ant and Dec
    Too many cunts to count

    Cunts who think that they can sing
    Cunts with heads that you wanna kick in
    Cunts who toddle off to church
    Cunts on a pedestal sitting on a perch
    Cunts who are total dicks
    Cunts who’ll never know what makes you tick
    Cunts with an axe to grind
    Cunts who are lost that you’d rather not find

    There’s too many cunts to count
    There’s loadsa them about there can be no doubt
    How many cunts? Well, we’ll never find out
    ‘Cos there’s too many cunts to count

    Cunts who can’t drive a car
    Cunts who can’t tell who the good guys are
    Footballing cunts with loadsa dosh
    Cunts who snobby and unbearably posh
    Cunts who fall about drunk
    Cunts who fart in lifts like a skunk
    Cunts who keep taking the piss
    Cunts you ain’t never gonna miss

    Too many cunts to count
    There is no doubt that there’s a lot of ‘em about
    Why not kill ‘em all and let God sort ‘em out
    ‘cos there’s too many cunts to count
    Footie cunts, Olympic cunts, Pundit cunts and smart arse cunts
    Know it all cunts, got it all cunts, superior cunts and song writing cunts
    There’s too many cunts to count

    • Is that your new Christmas single?
      You might struggle to get airplay on Zoe Ball show😂

  17. When did Rythm and blues mutate from the good stuff to the white that is RnB these days.

    Black music used to be good but it’s just cunts now.

  18. Any industry that employs Ton Koopman and Daniel Barenboim has obviously got more money than sense or taste.

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