Gutless Cowards of France (3)

A massive garlic and cheesy bellend cunting for France.

Simple really, the gallic fuckers are doing a sum total of fuck all to stop the gimmegrants flooding over the channel.

The missus is always banging on about going there, she’s got more chance of me becoming the next President of the USA than me going to that shit hole.

Fuck the snail eating twats.

Nominated by: Bertram Cuntatious DCO

118 thoughts on “Gutless Cowards of France (3)

  1. I suggest that if there’s another European war that we let the Krauts have them.

    We’ve bailed the ungrateful fuckers out twice so third time lucky. They can all learn to speak German. That’ll really piss them off.

  2. And yet just over 200 years ago the French under Napoleon were giving the rest of Europe a right slap.

    If he had gone to Spain himself to sort out Wellington (and Sean Bean aka “Sharpie”) or at least sent his best Marshals there (though Soult was competent) history would have been very different. Outside of Spain from 1799 to the invasion of Russia in 1812 the history of Europe is littered with French victory after French victory.

    How the hell have they degenerated so badly in such a short time?

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