Donald Trump


Donald Trump is a four-time bankrupt, smug cunt with a right dodgy barnet.

If the other wanker, part-time Nookie Bear impersonator and full time cunt Alan ‘Midget’ Sugar has a low opinion of Trump, regularly calling him a liar and a failure on Twatter, he must be a total cunt.

For one man to accrue so much wealth, whilst having absolutely no skills whatsoever, neither in business nor socially, and to never actually do any work himself, is evidence that he is receiving the just rewards of other people’s labour, on an epic scale.

He ‘owns’ casinos in Nevada, or rather the debts that are secured upon them are in his company’s name (which changes periodically because of continued bankruptcies and other legal complications). Is he involved in organised crime? He set up a ‘university’ specifically to make money out of yet more suckers. He intends to build a golf course/hotel/casino/brothel in an area of outstanding natural beauty in Jockland. He takes savings off widows.

He will, hopefully soon, be spending time in a cell next door to Bernie Madoffwithyourmoney in Attica. Fucking cunt.

Nominated by: Eaglemoblr

42 thoughts on “Donald Trump

  1. Good call. A crook, a cunt, a liar and a fucking sociopath too. But worth nominating due to having the most cuntish hair on the planet. Even Elton John would think twice about wearing hair like that (and he’s a big fat cunt too).

  2. Excellent syrup parade. No cunts there except for the useless, big nosed, shit singing monstrosity of a human being Barry Manilow. His only saving grace is at least he seems to be in semi retirement now, just popping up on TV occasionally to induce mass nausea. Fuck off Bazza you Copa Cobana wanker. Those cunts at Heathrow shouldn’t worry about drugs or guns coming into the country, we need protecting from evil like this. Next time he tries to enter the country send him directly to camp Guantanamo for waterboarding and confiscate his syrup. Said syrup should then be sent to Bruce Forsythe as that cunt has had the same one for decades.

    Someone has nominated Brucie for dead pool, bad move. The cunts going nowhere IMO. Norden is still with us and I’m on it. William hill must be shitting themselves!

    • Knowing our fucking luck, that cunt Brucie will be around for another 20 years.

      20 years!!

      Fucking hell, I don’t think I could take another year of that square jawed unfunny old perverted cunt on my telly.

      Let alone another 20.


  3. No complaints from me for bulldozing half of jockland.
    Fucking good.
    Save us doing it to the cunts!

    Trump is a cunt though, and personally I would like to slip a crippler to his daughter
    who’s not bad looking but married to some gay cunt, so she’d need a real man to ‘merk’ her.

    Do you hear that Donald you fat flouncing syrup wearing cunt?

  4. Oh yes this man’s elevation to Cuntdom is secure and irreversible and now he’s declared for President of the US the games can begin. The press will eviscerate this cunt. I mean his opening shot was to blame Iran for everything and then add Mexico into the argument. Cunt!

    • Trump is a dangerous cunt who i wouldn’t like to see anywhere near a nuclear trigger.
      He didn’t make a fortune, he inherited one from his dad, who helped him dodge the Vietnam draft 4 or 5 times. Interestingly, his grandfather (Friedrich Drumpf), a german immigrant, tried to go back to germany after he’d made his fortune in US and krauts told him to fuck off because they reckoned he’d only gone to US originally to dodge the german draft and a load of taxes he’d owed.
      Posting this now cos’ i watched a couple of republican presidential debates and have been horrified by the cunts on show.
      Redacted Tonight said that anyone tuning in to the debates would think it was a game show for the mentally ill.

  5. Trump is a real vagina cleaner! Arrogant twat who had a silver spoon wedged up his ass from early on in life. Today he acts like a “businessman” from Africa (full of himself but we all know what a corrupt asshole looks like)..,kinda like Jacob Zuma. He is using this presidential run as a publicity stunt anyway and will back out early again.
    The sad thing is that all of us (sadly I am one – albeit a third generation) Americans have little choice. It’s Trump or Jeb….
    I believe “Jeb” means “fuck” in Slavic languages… LOL!!!!

    • Nope,the cunt hasn’t backed out and is on course for a humiliating defeat from his rival, the arch-cunt Hilary Clinton. The whole election is a fucking joke if this is the best the Yanks can come up with to run their shithole country then the whole lot of them are total cunts.

  6. Remember in 1980 when the whole world was thinking ‘Surely the Yanks aren’t even stupid enough to put that clown, Reagan, in the White House?’

    Well, they did… And there’s every chance that they are stupid enough to put that clown, Trump i n the White House too…

    • Yes trump is a clown but who is better I ask? I guess ron paul or ben carson maybe but trump is the only one who is defending usa from immigrants and muzzies. He just might be the best candidate unfortunately there is no one better, anythings better then hilary clinton. Ronald Reagen was surely more stupid and pathetic though spitting image’s interpretation of him was bang on. The left hate trump and liberals too

      • And a prize cunt, who hates immigrants but has an immigrant wife……pot and kettle, me thinks……oh hang on, she’s white, doh, that’s allowed isn’t it Trumpcuntville……..what a fucking cunt.

  7. Mind you, if you want stupidity: The British left want Trump banned but have no problem with hundreds of ‘British’ ISIS fighters returning to the UK…. Fucking braindead cunts…

    • Fucking bang on mate!

      Donald Cunt is a stereotypical bleached hair bleached teeth nip n tuck fucked popular soundbite chasing rich cunt trying to shoehorn his way into the shitehouse by any means necessary (just like the majority of the other yank cunt presidents) ….however all that aside and the cunts political motives in mind as dumb as fuck as he is his advisors are certainly on to something even if it is a baiting vote motive with an outright ban on muslim death squad travel…IE any muslim travelling anywhere!!!!

  8. This is a lean talking , rabble rousing site of apparent sense. I like – an echo chamber of right thinking types – I shall raise some friends or followers and encourage MORE fucking swearing ..I think .

    • You want to try to say summat anti-Trump on youtube…the TRump-pets are out in force at the slightest criticism of their beloved savior. I just say ‘Fuck off back to your trailer and fuck your sister, Cletus!’

  9. This cunt shows classic signs of small penis insecurity syndrome. An inherently confident individual would shave the last few remnants of fur off his cunt scalp and display to the world . . . . . I am bald and I have a functioning man cock. I reckon his hair isn’t the only thing that’s limp (unless he is torturing and harassing the very women he both covets and fears). Here is a heads up Trump (You ugly fat limp bald greedy lying insecure cunt). Learn to give a real woman a real orgasm. That ….. cunt, is real power.

    In saying that, part of me hopes he wins so that America can finally shed itself of any remaining shred of legitimacy, that the few remaining ignorami of the world can finally see what a true pack of utter cunts that cuntry has become.

    I love this fucking website. You are a bunch of good cunts.

    • Totally agree with you, esoecially the last line! We cunts need a place like this so we can expose the EVIL cunts.

    • I’m glad I’m a good cunt. Nothing worse than a bad cunt, the unfortunates around me frain upon the word cunt. But I like it, it’s a good short word that sums up exactly how one feels about something.
      They should teach in schools as part of the curriculum,along with Fuck(another fav of mine)
      Love you all, fellow cunts.

  10. The US’s influence has declined over the last decade or two. China now owns most of the USA, Putin does what he wants with impunity and Obama is a limp dicked, lame and toothless excuse for a president. Trump will continue their downward spiral as a President as he has no intellect. He simply has no policy except shouting and waving his hands around in an aggressive manner. Hilary’s an off the scale liar but at least she’s an international schemer and could hold her own in a debate. Give it another ten years and they’ll be an abortion outlawing, evolution denying fundamentalist society. Land of the free my arse. More like ‘land of the misguided and too stupid to know it’.

    • Great point and well made. The US is no longer the superpower it was. It only wants to go into war with poorly-armed raghead cunts and will never tackle anyone with real power. Putin knows this and that is why he can stick the twos up to the West and do what the fuck he likes. Sanctions? Yeah, real tough. Those USA cunts won’t say boo to anyone with nukes, even a shitpot nation like North Korea can threaten them on a daily basis just because it might one day ne able to deliver a nuke to the Yanks. Fuckkn bullies, and exposed as so!

  11. Donald Trump is a cunt. With a name like trump, which is another word for Fart, it to be expected. He’ gonna build a wall to keep those pesky Mexicans out…gives us Irish a break, I suppose. Anyhooo, I’d shit in his burrito if I was from Mexican descent serving him……a nice chilli refrained bean shit!

  12. Why do all Trump’s wives (or ex-wives) have silly names, like Ivana, Nirvana, Iwanka, Melodrama etc?….

  13. I can’t see this Cunt lasting to long in office- he will get shot in the head very shortly with his Cunt attitude towards american people, Donald Trump is just one BIG BAD MOTHER FUCKING CUNT…

  14. Donny, baby! I was so so wrong and must put the record straight. You are a person of minimal cuntitude to be widely admired by all. In the sincere hope that the international community recognises you for the force for good you are in the world along with President Bashir al-Assad, President Dutente, David Miscavige and all the other non-cunts still at large in this current Eden.

  15. What a Cunt he is. But FFS America what whooping load mouth Cunts put him there. Your clearly not politically savvy. Fucking Reagan, both Bush’s, Clinton. What a load of Cunts.

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