Joe Swash (2)

A nomination is for this oxygen thief that hasn’t been nominated on here for 8 years …. 8 years, FFS! We’ve surely been missing a massive opportunity here!

He’s probably about to win that poncy “Dancing on Ice” farce on ITV, only because of his fan base from “EastBenders”, etc, etc, rather than his skating prowess. How the fuck do TV producers continue to pay this irritating, talentless, ginger twat to appear on prime time TV, really beats me.

Used to quite like the bint he shacked up with too, even though she too was from the County of Essex, from where lots of folk now seem to think they have a right to celebrity status for doing fuck all!

Nominated by knobrot

63 thoughts on “Joe Swash (2)

  1. Quite a few of us have heard of this cunt. I find this disturbing. As an alternative to even a passing glance at the television’s World of Dumb, may I suggest the far more fulfilling pastimes of trainspotting and needlepoint? Or for that matter stamp collecting?

    • You know what Komodo your exactly right the TV is full of shite and i get more pleasure in taking the dogs out and just admiring nature , if it rains it rains and it doesn’t bother me none .
      I take the dogs back home and dry them in the shed and take them into the house , the missus is watching shit on the TV and i just think i’d rather be back out in the rain.

      • Dogs are possibly the only reason any humans are still sane. Haven’t worked out why yet, but I can’t think of any other explanation. Don’t have one now, thanks to no-pets tenancy (cunts) but my imaginary dog accompanies me on walks, and doesn’t need drying. Power to your elbow!

  2. ”Look at them socialising on the sofa. Bingo, look! Exciting times.” Fuck off Rylan you twat.

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