


‘Let’s start at the very beginning, it’s a very good place to start’. There was a Beginning. There was a Start. There was a ‘Creation Event’. There was The Big Bang. Now this last was formulated by the priest- scientist Father (later Monsignor) Georges Lemaitre.
Now before Lemaitre and Einstein the prevailing scientific view was a ‘steady state’ universe. In other words that it had always existed and would always exist. Lemaitre PROVED by his observations and calculations that there was a BEGINNING. In fact, there is more evidence with ‘red shift’ and radio waves for The Big Bang than for Relativity.
Now Lemaitre didn’t get up one morning and think to himself-‘I am going to prove the truth of Genesis’. No, it is first and foremost a scientific explanation (but as I will try to show with religious implications) of how the universe came into existence.
You know the Pope at the time was cockahoop and wanted to use it as a way of spreading the Faith. But Lemaitre rebuked him insisting that discussion was kept in the scientific realm.
When Einstein first heard the theory expounded by Lemaitre he said-‘This is the most beautiful and satisfactory explanation of creation to which I have ever listened’.
‘Nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could’. Nothing comes from nothing. Ex nihilo nihil fit. (with thanks to Freddie the Frog). Nothing comes from nothing. Now nothing is not an The Abyss or The Void because those two words predispose the existence of space. No nothing means ABSOLUTELY nothing. There was no space-no extension. There was no time-no duration. I know it is difficult to get your head around but please bear with me.
So there was NOTHING. NO THING. Then there was SOMETHING. Now nothing comes from nothing remember. In other words NOTHING CANNOT CREATE.. Only a Creator can create. Therefore there must be a CREATOR. It is intellectually dishonest to hold to a different view.
Now you might try and slip out of this by slipping into another universe. The Multiverse idea. Which, I’m afraid, I cannot be arsed to go into. But if you read Father Robert Spitzer (another religious simpleton) at the Magis Center he explains it all. To do with The Penrose Number, the Law of Entropy (that all matter tends to dissipate), other stuff.
Anyway, I’m done.


Nominated by Miles Plastic

121 thoughts on “Atheists

  1. Religion. A bucket of shit, whichever way you bend it. I’m not religious but then again I don’t go around slaughtering people in the name of religion. So does that make me better or worse than a religious person that does? Atheist? Agnostic? Who even gives it brain room? Not me.
    I’d slaughter James Corden though. I don’t think he’d run very fast.

  2. The Big Bang is a load of nonsense and so is space-time. Both rest on the notion of time actually being anything other than a word or abstraction. Arguing over a creator or starting point is irrelevant when you realize there is no time. Time was devised for our own convenience, it has no reality or connection to gravity.

    Athiesm to me is the logical mans illogical choice and is born out of incomplete thinking. God to me is self evident, but God is nothing conceivable through human imagination – you can’t know God, but you can become God; I resonate with the concept of non-dualism found in the Hindu school of Adveita Vendanta.

  3. There is only one creative force I believe in. It can’t be explained, it’s all around us, it creates and destroys everything and it begins with G. That’s right gravity is the sane man’s God.

  4. You have actually stated why us atheists exist. There was NOTHING. My mind (and I would guess ANYBODY elses) just does NOT have enough power to go on from that point. So to say suddenly there was something and it MUST have been a creator is purely the way YOU try to explain existence. I, probably a lot more stupid than you, really can’t be bothered, so just accept I am here. But a Creator/God/Supreme being, NO! That doesn’t make us cunts. Just our opinion which is every bit as valid as yours.

    • To paraphrase (once again) the PG Tips chimpanzee, mickeyc:
      “It’s the maths”.

    • That would have been exactly the right title ‘Professional Atheists’. Too late now.

  5. I have no problem with people believing in some kind of God. Except the motherfuckers who try to convert others to their way of thinking, especially the ones who threaten death if said others don’t convert. I was raised Catholic, but having been to charming places like Iraq and Afghanistan, there is no way anyone is going to convince to convince me that there is some kind of divine being overseeing the universe. And if there is, they’re a lazy git. They’ve never done a damn thing to stop us killing and maiming each other. Except of course, for the flood that allegedly wiped out most of humanity, because alleged God was offended by all the shagging and drinking and gambling that was going on. Fast forward several thousand years, and the human has become much worse. Apparently though, alleged God is either ok with that, has thought, ‘fuck it, I can’t be bothered wiping those cunts out and starting over. Most of them wouldn’t even know what an ark is these days’.

    Like I said, I have no problem with people believing in God. Just don’t expect me to believe it, you’ll only end up detonating yourself in a crowded market place. (That was a joke by the way. Because I’m a troglodyte, and I don’t know how to add emojis to this site).

    • Don’t mean to sound like a clever clogs but they say this life is a test and you have free will. God can’t force people to be good.

  6. I used to be an atheist, but I realised I was more of an anti theist. Had to explain that to some door knocking cunt who was wasting his Sunday, and mine, with his hallelujah crap. I used to be ok with other people believing in this nonsense, as if it helped them in some way, fair enough, as long as I don’t have to accommodate it. But, as I got older, it became obvious that it was always going to impact on those that choose to avoid it. So fuck all of them.
    I, like most people on earth, have no comprehension of how the universe began, but I’m sure that some bloke didn’t knock up the earth in seven days, five thousand years ago. Those sort of explanations are like a thick parent trying to placate a curious child, with the answer ‘god made/did it’ No wonder faith schools seem to perform well, as that is probably the answer to most questions.

  7. Since I got home I’ve banged my head, slipped over and given my hip a proper fucking not and dropped a spoon on my bare foot led toes.

    Is this the creator, universes or whatever way of reminding me I’m just another cunt?

    Or maybe I’m just a cunt and I should be more careful?

    Any priest, Iman, rabbi or poindexter feel free to put your answers on a postcard.

    At least I’m not David Lammy……the cunt!

    • One thing we can be certain of Sixdog, is the fact that there’s always some cunt worse off than oneself, and Lammy is living proof of that.

  8. ‘Not only is the universe stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think’ (Weiner Heisenberg).
    We’ll probably never get to the bottom of this one.
    Evening all.

  9. Before you were born, you knew fuck all about existing. What the fuck makes you think that when you pop your clogs, you’re headed for an even brighter future ?
    Dying doesn’t scare the shit out of me. What scares me is being aware of being dead. Just unplug me and I’ll never know.

    Believers ? Fuck Off you happy clapping silly cunts

  10. To all agnostics and atheists, start playing with spells. You will soon learn that you are interacting with entities that don’t play by the rules. Ergo, if there are dark forces then there are good ones. Praise be to God.

  11. While we are on the whole religion thing, my Mum made the mistake of opening the door to a couple of Jehovah’s witnesses the other week. Her stock response to them is ‘Sorry, but we are devout Catholics’.

    In actual fact, my Irish Dad is the only Catholic in ‘da house’ and ‘lapsed’ is the word, not devout, but I digress….

    The JW replied, and I shit you not, ‘THAT’S OK, SO AM I’.

    I think my 77 year old Mum’s words post door closure were ‘What the fuck???’

    Go figure.

    • Fuck sake! This was meant to be a response to somebody else’s comment, not the main nomination post.

      • Ah well, TITS, it was as flat as an East Coast fart first time round, so no worries.

  12. To those who don’t believe in the Most High…I say do you believe in love? What is love can you explain it? Can you package it? Can you explain its beginning? We will never fully understand the beginnings of what we think of as the Universe as its beyond our comprehension and man’s quest to understand and to be able to explain everything continues (an admirable trait of mankind). I don’t have any problem with people believing what they want as that’s a right we all have. Neither side can prove shit and this debate can go on forever.
    I believe in Creation and thank the Creator for my existence… Does that make me weak or stupid? Don’t know, don’t care. It works for me and I truly believe. If you don’t thats fine also.
    Going back to love, I love you all, you cunts (even the racist ones) and may the Creator bless continue to bless you all.
    Piss off.

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