Derek Hatton

Derek Hatton is definitely a fucking cunt. What is more a rich fucking cunt who like all fucking Trotskyists reap rich reward off the backs of hard working yet naive people who fail to realise what a rotten cheating fucking grabbing rotten self serving fucking bastarding cunt he is. Now he has rejoined Labour as he is inspired by the leadership of that beardy fucking weird and dangerous fucking cunt Corbyn! Fucking cunts and the Tories are equally fucking cunts for getting the politics of this country in such a fucking dismal state and allowing a fucking Trotskyist bunch of cunts get to where they are, a fucking bastard cunty threat. Doh!

Nominated by Stevie Nutsack


Derek “Degsy” Hatton is in need of a cunting. Thirty years ago, then Labour Leader, Neil Kinnock, made one of the few good decisions he’s ever made. He kicked Derek Hatton out of the Labour party. Derek was a founding member of Momentum’s grandpappy, Militant Tendency, which was a blight on Labour, and caused some trouble in Liverpool when Hatton introduced an illegal budget for the city. I remember this cock worm from the eighties, he was an arrogant, cocky bastard who made no secret of the fact that he was actually a commie. A nasty cunt.

On Monday, it was announced that Hatton had been given ‘provisional’ membership of the party. Naturally, he quite about that. I doubt he’ll be quite so happy today though (Wednesday 20th February), because he’s been suspended. Apparently, this is because of a 2012 tweet that was brought to their attention, in which old Degsy urged British Jews to condemn the ‘murderous’ state of Israel. Now fair enough, it was written seven years ago, but at a time when the Labour party is trying to fool people that it ISN’T infested with rabid anti-semites, you would have thought that someone would have bothered to take a look at his past comments, especially on Twatter, BEFORE they allowed him into the New Communist party. Corbyn and Crew must devastated that yet more proof that they have a longstanding hatred of Israel and Jews. I guess all the clever Labourites have left the party now, (and I’m not talking about the seven shitbags who recently quit to form The Independent Group).

You would think that in a time when The New Commies are facing, and resisting, mounting pressure to remove the clearly anti-Semitic element from their ranks, they would actually do something to make themselves seem like a genuine potential party for Government. Alas, Corbyn himself is not only an anti-Semite, he’s also a very ardent supporter of Israel’s enemies. Allowing Hatton back in, was a message to voters that Labour has no intention of ever changing while Corbyn is in charge. It’s also a message that Labour, as it is now, is not even slightly fit to form a government.

Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw

49 thoughts on “Derek Hatton

  1. Unsurprisingly, I had entirely forgotten about this gobshite fucktard for several decades. Thought perhaps he’d died quietly of septicaemia.
    What has the twat been up to over all these years – keeping bees in Dorset? He’s certainly been off my radar. Is that LH image a recent one? He looks upsettingly healthy if it is.
    Goes without saying, but anway:


    • So Labour have a separate wimminz conference? I didn’t know that. What happened to “inclusivity “ then? Oh well, I suppose it’s in line with Sharia law so power to the people insh’allah.
      I don’t see why they have kicked old Degsy out. He’s a champagne socialist so the Blairites should welcome him with open arms. Considering the leader of the party is a known terrorist sympathiser Degsy’s 7 year old tweet seems pretty innocuous to me. Oh, and let’s not forget the well documented racist statements of a certain hippopotamus – shaped prominent member. I don’t see anyone kicking her fat wobbling arse down the road.
      This is pure discrimination against Degsy because he’s a thieving Scouse pikey.
      Justice for Degsy I say!!

  2. Hatton is fucking dodgy even for a Scouser. I would file him with Galloway, McCluskey and McDonnel. Fucking hypocrites all.

  3. A massive capitalist, Derek Hatton surely is.

    And a massive Jew hating cunt.

    Labour really is now totally finished.

    The left hates the only country founded on Socialist principles that is flourshing:Israel.

    Fuck Hamas, fuck Hezbollah. They deny women basic human rights and throw poofs off rooftops. How does this fit in with Labour values?

    Israel has it’s faults. It is perfectly acceptable to raise this, but wishing that an unborn child dies, as in the case of Lucian Berger is fucking disgusting.

    Labour is a vile, disgusting breeding ground of intolerance.

    • Unlike most countries founded on Socialism, Israel later recognised its impracticality and subsequently adopted more realistic common sense economic policies instead.

      It’s also the only democracy in the Middle East.

      • ‘Democracy….’ In which there are 18 Arab MK’s out of a total of 120. drawn from an estimated 6.5 million Arabs/ Palestinians living there. Nearly half the population, in fact. Figures here:

        Some bloody cheek haranguing us about our intolerance.

        Derek Hatton, I agree with the cunting. But recall that his 18/11/2012 remarks were prompted by the launch of Operation Pillar of Cloud (14/11/12}, in which the IDF killed rather a lot of uninvolved civilians. Particularly from the 18th onwsrd. For very far from the first time (see also ‘Cast Lead’)

        Just saying.

      • I believe Hatton was characterised as a ‘Jew hating cunt’ – which he may or may not be, on other evidence yet to be presented here. The issue on which he has been resuspended from Labour (rightly, since he is also an ignorant, blustering, antidemocratic cunt, but that isn’t the reason) is the 2012 comment to which my post refers, and which is a criticism of Israel – not Jews in general – as being murderous. For which he has some basis. And indeed, if you include the Palestinian terrorists within Israel proper, has even more basis: they are Israelis too, even if they have to move out when people of the right religion want their land.

        I am glad you concede that criticism of Israel is not antisemitism. This is the point at issue regarding Labour’s adoption of the IHRA definition of antisemitism. It has every right to reject the clauses which imply the reverse of what you concede.

        I repeat, Labour may be justified in resuspending Hatton, but not for this.

      • A part of the reason for that disparity is a majority of Arabs/Palestinians failing to vote. A kind of Fifth Amendmendment approach to the ballot-box. They believe, possibly correctly, it wouldn’t make any real difference to their lot.

    • She must have a hard enough life, Ross Noble look alike –

      She does though dont she (Scouse accent)

  4. Did I imagine it, or did I see that the cunt was suspended by Labour two days after rejoining the party?
    Shower o’ shite, the lot of ’em.

    • The state of British politics is like some Westminster hokey cokey, it wouldn’t look out of place in some central African banana republic. In fact, reimburse us some of our own foreign aid since we will be hunting squirrels at the end of next month and burning the Graunaid to keep warm.

    • Some cunt probably twigged that Degsy’s re-admittance might not go down too well with traditional Labour voters… let alone the wider electorate.

      He’s only been suspended though, so likely to be reinstated once the dust has settled. Thing is he won’t be able to keep his trap shut, so a gift to the Tories.

  5. I remember this cunt from the early 80’s. Watched him deliver a speech to the ‘ workers ‘ who were massed outside Liverpool town hall.
    Clever Cunt, pushed all the right buttons, used all the right buzz words, right behind the struggling, oppressed working class, etc. etc.
    All the while building up a nice property and land portfolio on the QT,
    snidey little weasel, slippier than a barrel of eels. A typical Gucci Marxist, snappy dresser with a taste for the finer things in life. House in the country and Private School for the offspring.
    Surprised the Cunt hasn’t had a serious working over,he’s certainly made a lot of enemies over the years.
    One day he received a call in his office,
    ‘ Hey Degsy, look out of your window ‘
    The Cunt looks out of the window and there’s some rapscallion working his Jag over with a pick shaft or similar, that made my day.
    He was on the local news the other night, didn’t look too sparkling. Dead Pool ?
    A fucking good cunting, for a Fucking Cunt .
    Good evening.

  6. My my, there’s so much anti-semitism about.
    I see that the old Yîds have really taken a beating recently but I’m not that bothered. Losing 2:1 to Burnley keeps them away from the top spot.


  7. Lady Nugee has been in the Sourberries constituency today, no doubt scavenging for leftovers.
    “I would rather die than leave the Labour Party” she declares.
    So would we, so hurry up and do it you snobby bitch.

  8. Derek Hatton , the sophisticated Red Robbo of the Pool. Makes a fucking joke out of poor peoples fucking misery, especially when he caused it. Fucking twat with knobs on.

  9. I don’t get anti semenism. Jews seem ok to me, I have no opinion either way really, not even sure if I’ve ever met one. If it’s anti muzzos then sign me up, I hate the cunts.

    Of course, those smegs at the smelly end of Seven Sisters Road, now anti them I totally get.

    • If you drive down (or up) the A10 during the day those boys are always in a hurry. not sure why.

  10. Back in the Militant days this little worm had the reg number DEG5Y on his Jaguar XJS which now ties in nicely to the recent cunting of personalised plates.
    Has been in the evil capitalist USA (where else) until recently amassing a large property portfolio.
    Typical of his kind. The crooked hypocritical cunt…

  11. Cunts like Hatton stop the Labour Party from being a serious opposition. Labour were once for the working man so I’m told but ik the 30 odd years I’ve been politically I don’t remember it being that way.

    Just now if Labour got its shit together and had policies that would actually help people I would vote for them because the conservatives are total cunts but I know voting labour would take things to another level of shite.

    Fuck me, when will we wake up and march on parliament, all creeds and colours?

    Derek Hatton needs to fuck off.

  12. The Labour Party died the day Kinnock cut off his comb over and got measured up for an Armani suit. The marketing men had arrived!!
    It became style over substance, lots of slick fucking wankers with their demographics and their Madison Avenue persuasive techniques. Right in the middle of it was the young Lord Handlebum. Turncoat Kinnock never quite made it but his Lordship had his protege, the Blaircunt waiting in the wings. The rest, as they say, is history.

      • You may take any opportunity that appears fitting, Freddie, and, fairly obviously it was not meant to be “patronising”. To be additionally unpatronising: “calm the fuck down”.
        I was clearly agreeing with you (my silly/unfunny language notwithstanding); kicking off like that is surprising, self-defeating and frankly dumbass.
        Oops, or is that “patronising” too?
        Cool yer jets, and enough.
        Dear Lord in his Heaven, get with the programme, FFS.
        Not having it, Freddy

    • Caughtdpedding you’re an absolute fucking bore. You reveal yourself when you say that you maybe used ‘silly, unfunny language’. Well, if it’s silly and unfuuny why post it? Sir Limply brought you to book to my mind hysterically. But no, everything is grist to the mill in your world. I will carry on regardless. Maybe there’s a psychological reason…but for me I am sick and tired of you.


      • Morning MP!
        Didn’t realise there was a competition, and I’m sorry my comments are “an absolute fucking bore”. Don’t read them! You’re not wrong, I have been overdoing it a bit, sometimes spending upwards of two hours on here per day, so point taken there.
        You are also right that “everything is grist to my mill”, however, and that would be an excellent synopsis of ISAC more generally.
        Don’t know why you apologised at the end, we’re all entitled to opinions.
        Go well

      • No need, MP, but thank-you. It was a well-earned kick in the stones tbh. I’m reluctantly having a break from my girlfriend just now, to explain my obsessive bollocks on here.
        It’s far too nice to be much involved today, I’m off on my bike. Hopefully I won’t piss off any motorists/farmers/motorcyclists etc.
        To Freddie the Frog apologies too, I was a bit pissed up (and more!) last night. You got the wrong end of the stick – I really was in total agreement about Kinnocchio etc. We’re all trite and glib, that’s what ISAC is, but hopefully amusing with it….
        I don’t do condescension Freddie, though my poncey language may suggest otherwise. (If only you knew….)
        All good, enjoy the balmy weather, everyone!

      • No probs, & tnx MP. I just sent a more detailed response, but it’s stuck in the tubes. Probably show up later.
        Enjoy the weather!

  13. Clearly you think people like me don’t understand the meaning of the words “glib” and “trite”.
    So, having patronised me once you then patronise me again by giving my comment 44 “likes “.

    Are you a fucking child or what?
    I’ve said what I have to say and so have you. It’s all there in black and white and can’t be denied.
    May I suggest you stay off my case? Thanks.

  14. This cunt is like a bad smell. I am not sure what motive has brought him back to the fore of politics after all these many years, but the greedy, oleaginous cunt is about as welcome as a dose of herpes in a hot tub.

    I recall, back in the 80’s, the vertically challenged little turd posing, sitting on the bonnet of his Jaguar, legs astride his ‘DEG 5Y’ personal plate. A man for the common man and worker? Fuck off.

    He has been described as a Marxist Property Developer. To my mind that is similar to describing someone as a rare-steak loving vegan.

    An unpleasant little worm and a very valid cunting.

  15. I don’t know why anyone doesn’t address the elephant in the room. Well, I do actually. The Labour Party is intrinsically anti-semetic, because it’s got so many MUSLIMS in it. One of which, there’s a video of him doing a public harangue that Britain WILL one day get a muslim PM and then they will take over with their rule. Islam is the single most dangerous force in the world today.

  16. To the nearest lamp post with a rope for this slimy toad New Labour new danger me thinks Deputy Leader of Liverpool City Council (who was the leader) Degsey a proper cunt.

  17. What the fuck goes on inside the dormant organ that is Corbyn’s brain, I wouldn’t trust the cunt to carry out the most basic colouring in task in an Infants book. I’m glad that Hatton has been allowed back into the Labour shambles,the whole country knows that the bin dipper is a scrawny little no mark an it will only be a matter of time before he is up to his old Commie tricks, I for one hope that he gets run over by a Romanian lorry full of Imigrants!!

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