An emergency cunting is needed for Deanne Carson AKA “A Consent Culture Practitioner”. Who the fuck is that, I hear you say. The level of cuntitude with this one, has reached new levels. She fits the bill of a classic unicorn saddling stereotype in the premium selection. She wants all parents “to ask their baby’s consent, before their nappy is changed”. What in the blue fuck? The lunacy with this one is pixiefuck mental in the high end section.
I quote: “Deanne Carson said in an ABC News segment that families could set up “a culture of consent” in the home by asking newborns: “I’m going to change your nappy now, is that OK?”
The CEO of youth relationship service Body Safety Australia added: “Of course, a baby’s not going to respond, ‘Yes, Mom, that’s awesome, I’d love to have my nappy changed,’ but if you leave a space and wait for body language and wait to make eye contact, then you’re letting that child know that their response matters.”
The segment was highlighted on Sky News Australia’s “Outsiders” show, with Rowan Dean introducing the clip with a dig at the rival channel. “This is just superb and it was on YOUR ABC earlier this evening, which you paid for this leftie lunacy, have a look,” he said.
“There we go, Ross, consent for changing nappies,” he told co-host Ross Cameron. “I’m sure that that would, I think that might get a bit, er, anyway we won’t go there.”
To sum up, we have another SJW rainbow-haired weirdo, who has carved out a successful spacehopper career for herself, and no doubt attracted a devoted band of hipster progressive moondusters, who would drop off the edge of a cliff like lemmings if she told them to. Jesus and Mary…what the fuck?
Nominated by TwatVarnish
And if the wee one ‘gives consent’, by er…crying or something, is it proper, gender appropriate consent?
Can I, as a man, changed a baby girl’s nappy? Or just boys?
And then what if the baby boy identifies as a lesbian Proboscis monkey or something?
Consent could ‘be given’ and then withdrawn 16 years hence, leaving any one of us facing a charge of “sexual molestation by way of providing sanitarty care to an infant”.
Let’s hope this bitch contracts tuberculosis somehow.
What are the bounds of snowflakery, we ask ourselves.
Very good spot, TV. Just to be clear, she calls herself a ‘practitioner’. Does that mean she’s actually found a way to make money from this horseshit she comes out with?
The words ‘Arse’ and ‘up ones own’ come to mind. Spot on T V
Good day
I wonder if she asks for consent from herself to wipe her own arse? Why would I not be surprised if she did?
….and then declined…..
Thanks for drawing attention to this apparent ephemera, Twat Varnish.
Two things are undeniably true here. If you persist with that fucking infuriating incessant, inappropriate rising interrogative inflection at the end of each sentence, clause, and sub-clause, not only will your offspring blossom into vapid wankers of Brobdignagian stature like yourself, but also you will eventually sustain significant facial disfigurement and/or lacerations.
Short-sighted cunt.
Enough of that already, thank you.
The lacerations, or the disfigurement? Seems pretty tame after the last few days’ excesses with Begum, divers “Snackbars”, cadavers, not to mention the whole flight of UK politicians.
Does this person really exist I wonder, or is she a figment of her own imagination?
Sorry to offend the delicate sensibilities of those casual readers.
Please feel free to inform how this construes a specific infraction, by email if you prefer. I am curious.
Please go to ‘Important Stuff’ and read para 3 under ‘Trolling’.
So not the lacerations, and disfigurement then, but minor tiffs with Miles, Freddie and arguably Kimono, as I recall?
I’d suggest I am rather more trolled against than trolling, and we all seemed to “kiss and make up” fairly quick, no?
Or am I being (quite unintentionally, I assure) obtuse/thick? If trolling is my offence, juxtaposing your warning after that comment would therefore seem rather odd and misleading?
Sorry guys, I’ll happily piss off if you wish, but I’m not quite clear who’s the troll here. I thought this was all just a bit of a laff… and nothing more.
Or do you think I’m trolling Twat Varnish? The “you” in “If you persist… ” etc obviously referred to the subject of the nom, Ms Carson, just to be clear.
Oops, and there’s me thinking that whatever else it may be, my language usage is at least less “ambiguous” than some.
Seems not
Who’s this “Kimono” cunt?
It’s your Japanese neighbour, RTCP. He’ll give you a good tongue-lashing too, if you’re not careful.
My Jap neighbour is a she CS, and she hasn’t got the balls to even look at me, let alone give me a good tongue-lashing!
She saves that particular treatment for her long suffering husband, a nicer man you’re unlikely to meet.
She’s one of the most passive aggressive nutjob creatures it’s ever been my misfortune to know… and I’ve known a fair few.
He sounds like a poor soul. Let us pray he doesn’t go down the same path as John Perry, originally from Hawarden, not far from you, whom I have had the dubious pleasure of meeting professionally.
Ha ha – sadly she’s more likely to murder him… though if he asked me I’d be more than happy to lend a hand… after all, I helped him build his patio…
I’ve been a bit of a cunt in not checking in here for a few days and totally missed all this. No problem at all CS or anyone else. I’m not offended by anything…apart from cunt cyclists.
Ah ok cs, I see what’s happened. You name TV at the end of your first sentence, then go on with a form of words ‘if you persist…your…’.
Although I read your post three times, I thought you were directing your comments to TV, although I see they have more meaning when attached to Carson.
Hope you’ll agree it was a bit confusing, and in return accept my apology for misinterpreting what you wrote.
How about a bit of that ‘kiss and make up’ you mentioned?
… Back from the factory…
Goes with saying, but xox! I completely fail to understand the motivations behind trolling, when everyone’s a stranger, but am glad
youone operates a zero-tolerance policy here, cf CuntsCorner [sic. ].Apologies are all mine for wasting the time and resources of the Courts and the Emergency Services. I shall strive to avoid any re-occurrence, your Lordships.
I should be immensely surprised, however, if Twat Varnish had himself/herself taken it that way; it was his/her nom, after all. He/she would therefore at minimum be aware of the daffy bitch’s egregious Aussie dialect, with its concomitantly cuntish inflections, <inter alia, and would in any case likely gloss over it.
Apologies in to him/her in good store if not so, and equally needless to say (and in future) I shall up my game.
Be prepared henceforth for the most excruciating and tortuous accuracy of syntax, grammar, semantics and nuance (unless intoxicated: marked ¶¦§§ð).
Aha Ruff Tuff, I perhaps have it more clearly in my understanding now. John Perry was quite charming, almost shy; he was also fascinated by Diophantine equations, as I recall, and seemed to my trained eye wholly innocuous, which by then (2012), he almost certainly was.
You’re quite sure there was no “hidden agenda” with that patio?
None CS… he wouldn’t hurt a fly.
Had she been my wife she’d have been under the patio for 10 years plus by now.
Only a question of time before the royal coat of arms contains two unicorns and no lion, I guess.
I think she’s absolutely right and we do need a culture of respect and consent in all matters.
Just last night I was very respectful. “Excuse me, dear U bend. If that’s OK with you I’m about to do a monster dump that might well result in a major extinction event. Hope you can handle it”
Shoot her… Shoot her now… Cunt…
Her idiocy is of a magnitude that would daunt even Cecil B. DeMille.
This is the inevitable fall out from the 24 hour news cycle.
There is only so much propaganda they can fill our bored empty heads with. So let’s find some attention seeking nutter who will get everybody seething with anger and screaming at the telly.
Unfortunately, exposure to these bat shit crazy people inspires other attention seeking saddos to embrace their ideas and think up even crazier ones themselves. Through the miracle of modern media they flash around the world in seconds and some arsehole’s fantasy becomes reality. We are fucked.
The word CUNT does not do this pile of shite justice. In the end these cunts will all fall out with each other because their right and need to be offended is so great that they will just fragment. At least I fucking hope so.
The LGBTCUNTS are making a start
The text that’s quoted from s/he McKinnon about ‘trans women with a penis’ is bonkers. Navratilova is bang on the money with what she said, and it’s ruffled the delicate sensibilities of a few self-absorbed tossers. If somebody wants to call himself female or vice versa that’s their business and good luck with it. They just need to get it into their dizzy heads that they can’t go on lecturing the rest of us about how we should relate to them. I don’t think for a second that Navratilova is ‘transphobic’ because she won’t pander to what is basically, somebody’s gender identity dysphoria.
We always thought the end of the world would come from a nuclear weapon or natural disaster. But no, it will surely come from vacuous cunts like this, given airtime and column space to orate their shite like it was law. Spewing forth their holier than though bile at anybody questioning their musings and diverting mankind’s attention away from slightly more serious world events. That this utter fuckwit makes a living from this horseshit just underlines what’s fucked up world we live in. To make matters worse give it an hour or so and you’ll have another bellend turn up with another sack of excrement theory that the mouthy leftie cunts will latch on and append to their guy wrenchingly vile manifesto of putrid bullshit.
My bogan relatives dont know the meaning of ‘consent’, although they do wear nappies.
I wish cunts like this would just fuck off!
The true definition of an oxygen thief!
Next on Fuckwit TV: ‘How to reason with your embryo.’
What to do when your foetus has an erection in utero (it HAS happened)…
Gives a new slant on the oedipus complex.
I mean she could have redeemed herself slightly by saying she was the fuckwit lovechild of Frank.
Why am I not surprised the ABC ran this story? Taxpayers money shitted away on lefty, sjw nonsense. And some have the gall to claim they are non partisan, non biased!
I’m glad sky news dared challenge such bullshit.